18. Smithy IDL#

Smithy models are defined using either the Smithy interface definition language (IDL) or the JSON abstract syntax tree (AST). This document defines the ABNF grammar and syntax for defining models with the Smithy IDL.

18.1. Smithy IDL overview#

The Smithy IDL is made up of 3, ordered sections, each of which is optional:

  1. Control section; defines parser directives like which version of the IDL to use.
  2. Metadata section; applies metadata to the entire model.
  3. Shape section; where shapes and traits are defined. A namespace MUST be defined before any shapes or traits can be defined. smithy:UseStatements can be defined after a namespace and before shapes or traits to refer to shapes in other namespaces using a shorter name.

The following example defines a model file with each section:

// (1) Control section
$version: "2"

// (2) Metadata section
metadata foo = "bar"

// (3) Shape section
namespace smithy.example

use smithy.other.namespace#MyString

structure MyStructure {
    foo: MyString
    "smithy": "2",
    "metadata": {
        "foo": "bar"
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.other.namespace#MyString",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": {}

18.2. Lexical notes#

  • Smithy models MUST be encoded using UTF-8 and SHOULD use Unix style line endings (\n).
  • The Smithy ABNF is whitespace sensitive.
  • Except for within strings, commas in the Smithy IDL are considered whitespace. Commas can be used anywhere where they make the model easier to read (for example, in complex traits defined on a single line).

18.3. Smithy IDL ABNF#

The Smithy IDL is defined by the following ABNF which uses case-sensitive string support defined in RFC 7405.

idl =
    [WS] ControlSection MetadataSection ShapeSection


WS =
    1*(SP / NL / Comment / Comma) ; whitespace

Comma =

SP =
    1*(%x20 / %x09) ; one or more spaces or tabs

NL =
    %x0A / %x0D.0A ; Newline: \n and \r\n

NotNL =
    %x09 / %x20-10FFFF ; Any character except newline

BR =
    [SP] 1*(Comment / NL) [WS]; line break followed by whitespace


Comment =
    DocumentationComment / LineComment

DocumentationComment =
    "///" *NotNL NL

LineComment =
    "//" [(%x09 / %x20-2E / %x30-10FFF) *NotNL] NL
    ; First character after "//" can't be "/"


ControlSection =

ControlStatement =
    "$" NodeObjectKey [SP] ":" [SP] NodeValue BR


MetadataSection =

MetadataStatement =
    %s"metadata" SP NodeObjectKey [SP] "=" [SP] NodeValue BR

Node values

NodeValue =
  / NodeObject
  / Number
  / NodeKeyword
  / NodeStringValue

NodeArray =
    "[" [WS] *(NodeValue [WS]) "]"

NodeObject =
    "{" [WS] [NodeObjectKvp *(WS NodeObjectKvp)] [WS] "}"

NodeObjectKvp =
    NodeObjectKey [WS] ":" [WS] NodeValue

NodeObjectKey =
    QuotedText / Identifier

Number =
    [Minus] Int [Frac] [Exp]

DecimalPoint =
    %x2E ; .

DigitOneToNine =
    %x31-39 ; 1-9

E =
    %x65 / %x45 ; e E

Exp =
    E [Minus / Plus] 1*DIGIT

Frac =
    DecimalPoint 1*DIGIT

Int =
    Zero / (DigitOneToNine *DIGIT)

Minus =
    %x2D ; -

Plus =
    %x2B ; +

Zero =
    %x30 ; 0

NodeKeyword =
    %s"true" / %s"false" / %s"null"

NodeStringValue =
    ShapeId / TextBlock / QuotedText

QuotedText =
    DQUOTE *QuotedChar DQUOTE

QuotedChar =
    %x09        ; tab
  / %x20-21     ; space - "!"
  / %x23-5B     ; "#" - "["
  / %x5D-10FFFF ; "]"+
  / EscapedChar
  / NL

EscapedChar =
    Escape (Escape / DQUOTE / %s"b" / %s"f"
             / %s"n" / %s"r" / %s"t" / "/"
             / UnicodeEscape)

UnicodeEscape =
    %s"u" Hex Hex Hex Hex

Hex =
    DIGIT / %x41-46 / %x61-66

Escape =
    %x5C ; backslash

TextBlock =
    ThreeDquotes [SP] NL *TextBlockContent ThreeDquotes

TextBlockContent =
    QuotedChar / (1*2DQUOTE 1*QuotedChar)

ThreeDquotes =


ShapeSection =
    [NamespaceStatement UseSection [ShapeStatements]]

NamespaceStatement =
    %s"namespace" SP Namespace BR

UseSection =

UseStatement =
    %s"use" SP AbsoluteRootShapeId BR

ShapeStatements =
    ShapeOrApplyStatement *(BR ShapeOrApplyStatement)

ShapeOrApplyStatement =
    ShapeStatement / ApplyStatement

ShapeStatement =
    TraitStatements Shape

Shape =
  / EnumShape
  / AggregateShape
  / EntityShape
  / OperationShape

SimpleShape =
    SimpleTypeName SP Identifier [Mixins]

SimpleTypeName =
    %s"blob" / %s"boolean" / %s"document" / %s"string"
  / %s"byte" / %s"short" / %s"integer" / %s"long"
  / %s"float" / %s"double" / %s"bigInteger"
  / %s"bigDecimal" / %s"timestamp"

Mixins =
    [SP] %s"with" [WS] "[" [WS] 1*(ShapeId [WS]) "]"

EnumShape =
    EnumTypeName SP Identifier [Mixins] [WS] EnumShapeMembers

EnumTypeName =
    %s"enum" / %s"intEnum"

EnumShapeMembers =
    "{" [WS] 1*(EnumShapeMember [WS]) "}"

EnumShapeMember =
    TraitStatements Identifier [ValueAssignment]

ValueAssignment =
    [SP] "=" [SP] NodeValue [SP] [Comma] BR

AggregateShape =
    AggregateTypeName SP Identifier [ForResource] [Mixins]
     [WS] ShapeMembers

AggregateTypeName =
    %s"list" / %s"map" / %s"union" / %s"structure"

ForResource =
    SP %s"for" SP ShapeId

ShapeMembers =
    "{" [WS] *(ShapeMember [WS]) "}"

ShapeMember =
    TraitStatements (ExplicitShapeMember / ElidedShapeMember)

ExplicitShapeMember =
    Identifier [SP] ":" [SP] ShapeId

ElidedShapeMember =
    "$" Identifier

EntityShape =
    EntityTypeName SP Identifier [Mixins] [WS] NodeObject

EntityTypeName =
    %s"service" / %s"resource"

OperationShape =
    %s"operation" SP Identifier [Mixins] [WS] OperationBody

OperationBody =
    "{" [WS] *(OperationProperty [WS]) "}"

OperationProperty =
    OperationInput / OperationOutput / OperationErrors

OperationInput =
    %s"input" [WS] (InlineAggregateShape / (":" [WS] ShapeId))

OperationOutput =
    %s"output" [WS] (InlineAggregateShape / (":" [WS] ShapeId))

OperationErrors =
    %s"errors" [WS] ":" [WS] "[" [WS] *(ShapeId [WS]) "]"

InlineAggregateShape =
    ":=" [WS] TraitStatements [ForResource] [Mixins]
     [WS] ShapeMembers


TraitStatements =
    *(Trait [WS])

Trait =
    "@" ShapeId [TraitBody]

TraitBody =
    "(" [WS] [TraitStructure / TraitNode] ")"

TraitStructure =
    1*(NodeObjectKvp [WS])

TraitNode =
    NodeValue [WS]

ApplyStatement =
    ApplyStatementSingular / ApplyStatementBlock

ApplyStatementSingular =
    %s"apply" SP ShapeId WS Trait

ApplyStatementBlock =
    %s"apply" SP ShapeId WS "{" [WS] TraitStatements "}"

Shape ID

See also

Refer to Shape ID for the ABNF grammar of shape IDs.


A comment can appear at any place between tokens where whitespace (smithy:WS) can appear. Comments in Smithy are defined using two forward slashes followed by any character. A newline terminates a comment.

$version: "2"

// This is a comment
namespace com.foo // This is also a comment

// Another comment
string MyString


Three forward slashes can be used to define the documentation of a shape using a special documentation comment.

18.5. Control section#

The control section of a model contains control statements that apply parser directives to a specific IDL file. Because control statements influence parsing, they MUST appear at the beginning of a file before any other statements and have no effect on the semantic model.

The following control statements are currently supported:

Name Type Description
version string Defines the version of the Smithy IDL used in the model file.
operationInputSuffix string Defines the suffix used when generating names for inline operation input.
operationOutputSuffix string Defines the suffix used when generating names for inline operation output.

Implementations MUST ignore unknown control statements.

18.5.1. Version statement#

The Smithy specification is versioned using a major . minor versioning scheme. A version requirement is specified for a model file using the $version control statement. When no version number is specified in the IDL, an implementation SHOULD assume that the model can be loaded. Because this can lead to unexpected parsing errors, models SHOULD always include a version.

The value provided in a version control statement is a string that MUST adhere to the following ABNF:

version_string =
    1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]

The following example sets the version to 2, meaning that tooling MUST support a version greater than or equal to 2.0 and less than 3.0:

$version: "2"
    "smithy": "2"

A minor version SHOULD be provided when a model depends on a feature released in a minor update of the specification. The following example sets the version requirement of a file to 2.1, meaning that tooling MUST support a version greater than or equal to 2.1 and less than 3.0:

$version: "2.1"
    "smithy": "2.1"

Version compatibility

A single version statement can appear in a model file, but different versions MAY be encountered when merging multiple model files together. Multiple versions are supported if and only if all of the version statements are supported by the tool loading the models.

18.6. Metadata section#

The metadata section is used to apply untyped metadata to the entire model. A smithy:MetadataStatement consists of the metadata key to set, followed by =, followed by the node value to assign to the key.

The following example defines metadata in the model:

$version: "2"
metadata greeting = "hello"
metadata "stringList" = ["a", "b", "c"]
    "smithy": "2",
    "metadata": {
        "greeting": "hello",
        "stringList": ["a", "b", "c"]

Metadata is not defined within a namespace. Unquoted object property values are considered syntactic shape IDs and resolve to the prelude namespace, smithy.api.

The following Smithy IDL model:

$version: "2"
metadata exampleSyntacticShapeId = required

Is equivalent to the following JSON AST model:

    "smithy": "2",
    "metadata": {
        "exampleSyntacticShapeId": "smithy.api#required"

18.7. Shape section#

The shape section of the IDL is used to define shapes and apply traits to shapes.

18.7.1. Namespaces#

Shapes can only be defined after a namespace is declared. A namespace is declared using a namespace statement. Only one namespace can appear per file.

The following example defines a string shape named MyString in the smithy.example namespace:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

string MyString
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string"

18.7.2. Referring to shapes#

The use section of the IDL is used to import shapes into the current namespace so that they can be referred to using a relative shape ID. The UseStatements that make up this section have no effect on the semantic model.

The following example uses smithy.example#Foo and smithy.example#Baz so that they can be referred to using only Foo and Baz.

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.hello

use smithy.example#Foo
use smithy.example#Baz

map MyMap {
    // Resolves to smithy.example#Foo
    key: Foo
    // Resolves to smithy.example#Baz
    value: Baz

A use statement can refer to traits too. The following example uses the smithy.example#test and smithy.example#anotherTrait traits so that they can be applied using relative shape IDs:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.hello

use smithy.example#test
use smithy.example#anotherTrait

@test // <-- Resolves to smithy.example#test
string MyString

Use statement validation

  1. A shape cannot be defined in a file with the same name as one of the shapes imported with a use statement.
  2. Shapes IDs with members names cannot be imported with a use statement. Relative shape ID resolution#

Relative shape IDs are resolved using the following process:

  1. If a smithy:UseStatement has imported a shape with the same name, the shape ID resolves to the imported shape ID.
  2. If a shape is defined in the same namespace as the shape with the same name, the namespace of the shape resolves to the current namespace.
  3. If a shape is defined in the prelude with the same name, the namespace resolves to smithy.api.
  4. If a relative shape ID does not satisfy one of the above cases, the shape ID is invalid, and the namespace is inherited from the current namespace.

The following example Smithy model contains comments above each member of the shape named MyStructure that describes the shape the member resolves to.

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

use foo.baz#Bar

string MyString

structure MyStructure {
    // Resolves to smithy.example#MyString
    // There is a shape named MyString defined in the same namespace.
    a: MyString

    // Resolves to smithy.example#MyString
    // Absolute shape IDs do not perform namespace resolution.
    b: smithy.example#MyString

    // Resolves to foo.baz#Bar
    // The "use foo.baz#Bar" statement imported the Bar symbol,
    // allowing the shape to be referenced using a relative shape ID.
    c: Bar

    // Resolves to smithy.api#String
    // No shape named String was imported through a use statement
    // the smithy.example namespace does not contain a shape named
    // String, and the prelude model contains a shape named String.
    d: String

    // Resolves to smithy.example#MyBoolean.
    // There is a shape named MyBoolean defined in the same namespace.
    // Forward references are supported both within the same file and
    // across multiple files.
    e: MyBoolean

    // Resolves to smithy.example#InvalidShape. A shape by this name has
    // not been imported through a use statement, a shape by this name
    // does not exist in the current namespace, and a shape by this name
    // does not exist in the prelude model.
    f: InvalidShape

boolean MyBoolean Syntactic shape IDs#

Unquoted string values that are not object keys in the Smithy IDL are considered lexical shape IDs and are resolved to absolute shape IDs using the process defined in Relative shape ID resolution.

The following model defines a list that references a string shape defined in another namespace.

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

use smithy.other#MyString

list MyList {
    member: MyString

The above model is equivalent to the following JSON AST model:

    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "type": "list",
            "members": {
                "target": "smithy.other#MyString"

Use quotes for literal strings

Values that are not meant to be shape IDs MUST be quoted. The following model is syntactically valid but semantically incorrect because it resolves the value of the error trait to the shape ID "smithy.example#client" rather than using the string literal value of "client":

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@error(client) // <-- This MUST be "client"
structure Error

string client

The above example is equivalent to the following incorrect JSON AST:

    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Error": {
            "type": "structure",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#error": "smithy.example#client"
        "smithy.example#client": {
            "type": "string"

Object keys

Object keys are not treated as shape IDs. The following example defines a metadata object, and when loaded into the semantic model, the object key String remains the same literal string value of String while the value is treated as a shape ID and resolves to the string literal "smithy.api#String".

metadata foo = {
    String: String,

The above example is equivalent to the following JSON AST:

    "smithy": "2",
    "metadata": {
        "String": "smithy.api#String"

Semantic model

Syntactic shape IDs are syntactic sugar for defining fully-qualified shape IDs inside of strings, and this difference is inconsequential in the semantic model. A syntactic shape ID SHOULD be resolved to a string that contains a fully-qualified shape ID when parsing the model.


When a syntactic shape ID is found that does not target an actual shape in the fully loaded semantic model, an implementation SHOULD emit a DANGER validation event with an ID of SyntacticShapeIdTarget. This validation brings attention to the broken reference and helps to ensure that modelers do not unintentionally use a syntactic shape ID when they should have used a string. A DANGER severity is used so that the validation can be suppressed in the rare cases that the broken reference can be ignored.

18.7.3. Defining shapes#

Shapes are defined using a smithy:ShapeStatement. Simple shapes#

Simple shapes are defined using a smithy:SimpleShape.

The following example defines a string shape:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

string MyString
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#String": {
            "type": "string"

The following example defines an integer shape with a range trait:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@range(min: 0, max: 1000)
integer MaxResults
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MaxResults": {
            "type": "integer",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#range": {
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 100
} Enum shapes#

The enum shape is defined using an smithy:EnumShape.

The following example defines an enum shape:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

enum Suit {

Syntactic sugar can be used to assign an enumValue trait to an enum member. The following example defines an enum shape with custom values and traits:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

enum Suit {
    DIAMOND = "diamond"

    CLUB = "club"
    HEART = "heart"
    SPADE = "spade"

The above enum is exactly equivalent to the following enum:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

enum Suit {



} IntEnum shapes#

The intEnum shape is defined using an smithy:EnumShape.


The enumValue trait is required on all intEnum members.

Syntactic sugar can be used to assign an enumValue trait to an intEnum member. The following example defines an intEnum shape:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

intEnum Suit {
    DIAMOND = 1
    CLUB = 2
    HEART = 3
    SPADE = 4

The above intEnum is exactly equivalent to the following intEnum:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

intEnum Suit {



} List shapes#

A list shape is defined using a smithy:AggregateShape.

The following example defines a list with a string member from the prelude:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

list MyList {
    member: String
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"

Traits can be applied to the list shape and its member:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@length(min: 3, max: 10)
list MyList {
    @length(min: 1, max: 100)
    member: String
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#length": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 100
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 3,
                    "max": 10
} Map shapes#

A map shape is defined using a smithy:AggregateShape.

The following example defines a map of strings to integers:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

map IntegerMap {
    key: String,
    value: Integer
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "type": "map",
        "smithy.example#IntegerMap": {
            "key": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "value": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"

Traits can be applied to the map shape and its members:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@length(min: 0, max: 100)
map IntegerMap {
    @length(min: 1, max: 10)
    key: String,

    @range(min: 1, max: 1000)
    value: Integer
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#IntegerMap": {
            "type": "map",
            "key": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#length": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 10
            "value": {
                "target": "smithy.api#Integer",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#range": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 1000
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 100
} Structure shapes#

A structure shape is defined using a smithy:AggregateShape.

The following example defines a structure with two members:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

structure MyStructure {
    foo: String
    baz: Integer
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "baz": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer"

Traits can be applied to structure members:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

/// This is MyStructure.
structure MyStructure {
    /// This is documentation for `foo`.
    foo: String

    /// This is documentation for `baz`.
    baz: Integer
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#documentation": "This is documentation for `foo`.",
                        "smithy.api#required": {}
                "baz": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#documentation": "This is documentation for `baz`.",
                        "smithy.api#deprecated": {}
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "This is MyStructure."

Syntactic sugar can be used to apply the default trait to a structure member. The following example:

structure Example {
    normative: Boolean = true

Is exactly equivalent to:

structure Example {
    normative: Boolean
} Union shapes#

A union shape is defined using a smithy:AggregateShape.

The following example defines a union shape with several members:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

union MyUnion {
    i32: Integer

    @length(min: 1, max: 100)
    string: String

    time: Timestamp
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyUnion": {
            "type": "union",
            "members": {
                "i32": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer"
                "string": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "smithy.api#length": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 100
                "time": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Timestamp"
} Service shape#

A service shape is defined using a smithy:EntityShape and the provided smithy:NodeObject supports the same properties defined in the service specification.

The following example defines a service named ModelRepository that binds a resource named Model and an operation named PingService:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

service ModelRepository {
    version: "2020-07-13",
    resources: [Model],
    operations: [PingService]
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#ModelRepository": {
            "type": "service",
            "resources": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#Model"
            "operations": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#PingService"
} Operation shape#

An operation shape is defined using an smithy:OperationShape and the same properties defined in the operation specification.

The following example defines an operation shape that accepts an input structure named Input, returns an output structure named Output, and can potentially return the Unavailable or BadRequest error structures.

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

operation PingService {
    input: PingServiceInput,
    output: PingServiceOutput,
    errors: [UnavailableError, BadRequestError]
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#PingService": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#PingServiceInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#PingServiceOutput"
            "errors": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#UnavailableError"
                    "target": "smithy.example#BadRequestError"
} Inline input / output shapes#

The input and output properties of operations can be defined using a more succinct, inline syntax.

A structure defined using inline syntax is automatically marked with the input trait for inputs and the output trait for outputs.

A structure defined using inline syntax is given a generated shape name. For inputs, the generated name is the name of the operation shape with the suffix Input added. For outputs, the generated name is the name of the operation shape with the Output suffix added.

For example, the following model:

operation GetUser {
    // The generated shape name is GetUserInput
    input := {
        userId: String

    // The generated shape name is GetUserOutput
    output := {
        username: String
        userId: String

Is equivalent to:

operation GetUser {
    input: GetUserInput
    output: GetUserOutput

structure GetUserInput {
    userId: String

structure GetUserOutput {
    username: String
    userId: String

Traits and mixins can be applied to the inline structure:

structure BaseUser {
    userId: String

operation GetUser {
    input := @references([{resource: User}]) {
        userId: String

    output := with [BaseUser] {
        username: String

operation PutUser {
    input :=
        @references([{resource: User}])
        with [BaseUser] {}

The suffixes for the generated names can be customized using the operationInputSuffix and operationOutputSuffix control statements.

$version: "2"
$operationInputSuffix: "Request"
$operationOutputSuffix: "Response"

namespace smithy.example

operation GetUser {
    // The generated shape name is GetUserRequest
    input := {
        userId: String

    // The generated shape name is GetUserResponse
    output := {
        username: String
        userId: String
} Resource shape#

A resource shape is defined using a smithy:EntityShape and the provided smithy:NodeObject supports the same properties defined in the resource specification.

The following example defines a resource shape that has a single identifier, and defines a read operation:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

resource SprocketResource {
    identifiers: {
        sprocketId: String,
    read: GetSprocket,
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Sprocket": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "sprocketId": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "read": {
                "target": "smithy.example#SprocketResource"

See also

The target elision syntax for an easy way to define structures that reference resource identifiers without having to repeat the target definition. Mixins#

Mixins can be added to a shape using the optional smithy:Mixins clause of a shape definition.

For example:

structure BaseUser {
    userId: String

structure UserDetails with [BaseUser] {
    username: String

string SensitiveString

string SensitiveText with [SensitiveString] Target Elision#

Having to completely redefine a resource identifier to use it in a structure or redefine a member from a mixin to add additional traits can be cumbersome and potentially error-prone. Target elision syntax can be used to cut down on that repetition by prefixing the member name with a $. If a member is prefixed this way, its target will automatically be set to the target of a mixin member with the same name. The following example shows how to elide the target for a member inherited from a mixin:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

structure IdBearer {
    id: String

structure IdRequired with [IdBearer] {

Additionally, structure shapes can reference a resource shape to define members that represent the resource's identifiers without having to redefine the target shape. In addition to prefixing a member with $, the structure must also add for followed by the resource referenced in the shape's definition before any mixins are specified.

To resolve elided types, first check if any bound resource defines an identifier that case-sensitively matches the elided member name. If a match is found, the type targeted by that identifier is used for the elided type. If no identifier matches the elided member name, mixin members are case-sensitively checked, and if a match is found, the type targeted by the mixin member is used as the elided type. It is an error if neither the resource or mixin members matches an elided member name.

The following example shows a structure reusing an identifier definition from a resource:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

resource User {
    identifiers: {
        name: String
        uuid: String

structure UserSummary for User {
    age: Short

Note that the UserSummary structure does not attempt to define the uuid identifier. When referencing a resource in this way, only the identifiers that are explicitly referenced are added to the structure. This allows structures to define subsets of identifiers, which can be useful for operations like create operations where some of those identifiers may be generated by the service.

Structures may only reference one resource shape in this way.

When using both mixins and a resource reference, the referenced resource will be checked first. The following example is invalid:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

resource User {
    identifiers: {
        uuid: String

structure UserIdentifiers {
    uuid: Blob

// This is invalid because the `uuid` member's target is set to
// String, which then conflicts with the UserIdentifiers mixin.
structure UserSummary for User with [UserIdentifiers] {

18.7.4. Documentation comment#

Documentation comments are a special kind of smithy:Comment that provide documentation for shapes. A documentation comment is formed when three forward slashes ("///") appear as the first non-whitespace characters on a line.

Documentation comments are defined using CommonMark. The text after the forward slashes is considered the contents of the line. If the text starts with a space (" "), the leading space is removed from the content. Successive documentation comments are combined together using a newline ("\n") to form the documentation of a shape.

The following Smithy IDL example,

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

/// This is documentation about a shape.
/// - This is a list
/// - More of the list.
string MyString

/// This is documentation about a trait shape.
///   More docs here.
structure myTrait {}

is equivalent to the following JSON AST model:

    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "This is documentation about a shape.\n\n- This is a list\n- More of the list."
        "smithy.example#myTrait": {
            "type": "structure",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#trait": {},
                "smithy.api#documentation": "This is documentation about a trait shape.\n  More docs here."


Documentation comments are only treated as shape documentation when the comment appears immediately before a shape, and documentation comments MUST appear before any traits applied to the shape in order for the documentation to be applied to a shape.

The following example applies a documentation trait to the shape because the documentation comment comes before the traits applied to a shape:

/// A deprecated string.
string MyString

Documentation comments can also be applied to members of a shape.

/// Documentation about the structure.
structure Example {
    /// Documentation about the member.
    foo: String,

Semantic model

Documentation comments are syntactic sugar equivalent to applying the documentation trait, and this difference is inconsequential in the semantic model.

18.7.5. Applying traits#

Trait values immediately preceding a shape definition are applied to the shape. The shape ID of a trait is resolved against smithy:UseStatements and the current namespace in exactly the same way as other shape IDs.

The following example applies the length trait and documentation trait to MyString:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@length(min: 1, max: 100)
@documentation("Contains a string")
string MyString
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Contains a string",
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 100
} Trait values#

The value that can be provided for a trait depends on its type. A value for a trait is defined by enclosing the value in parenthesis, provided as a node value. Trait values MUST adhere to the JSON type mappings defined in Trait node values. Trait values can only appear immediately before a shape.

The following example applies various traits to a structure shape and its members.

@documentation("An animal in the animal kingdom")
structure Animal {
    name: smithy.api#String,

    @length(min: 0)
    @tags(["private-beta", "metered"])
    age: smithy.api#Integer,
} Structure, map, and union trait value syntax#

A special syntax is provided for structure, map, and union traits that allows placing key-value pairs directly inside of the trait parenthesis.

@structuredTrait(bar: "baz", qux: "true")

Is equivalent to:

@structuredTrait({bar: "baz", qux: "true"}) Omitted trait values#

An applied trait with no value, with or without empty parenthesis, assumes a default value based on the shape of the trait.

If a value is omitted for a structure or map, the value defaults to an empty object ({}).

The following applications of the foo trait are equivalent:

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

// Define an example structure trait.
structure foo {}

string MyString1

string MyString2

string MyString3
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#foo": {
            "type": "structure",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#trait": {}
        "smithy.example#MyString1": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": {}
        "smithy.example#MyString2": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": {}
        "smithy.example#MyString3": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": {}

If a value is omitted for a list, the value defaults to an empty list ([]).

The following applications of the tags trait are equivalent:

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

string MyString1

string MyString2

string MyString3
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString1": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#tags": []
        "smithy.example#MyString2": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#tags": []
        "smithy.example#MyString3": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#tags": []

All other shapes default to null, which may or may not be valid for the shape of the trait. Apply statement#

Traits can be applied to shapes outside of a shape's definition using an smithy:ApplyStatement.

The following example applies the documentation trait to the smithy.example#MyString shape:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

apply MyString @documentation("This is my string!")
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "This is my string!"

Multiple traits can be applied to the same shape using a block apply statement. The following example applies the documentation trait and length trait to the smithy.example#MyString shape:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

apply MyString {
    @documentation("This is my string!")
    @length(min: 1, max: 10)
    "smithy": "2",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "This is my string!",
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 10

Traits can be applied to members too:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

apply MyStructure$foo @documentation("Structure member documentation")
apply MyUnion$foo @documentation("Union member documentation")
apply MyList$member @documentation("List member documentation")
apply MySet$member @documentation("Set member documentation")
apply MyMap$key @documentation("Map key documentation")
apply MyMap$value @documentation("Map key documentation")

See also

Refer to trait conflict resolution for information on how trait conflicts are resolved.


In the semantic model, applying traits outside of a shape definition is treated exactly the same as applying the trait inside of a shape definition.

18.8. Node values#

Node values are analogous to JSON values. Node values are used to define metadata and trait values. Smithy's node values have many advantages over JSON: comments, unquoted keys, unquoted strings, text blocks, and trailing commas.

The following example defines a complex object metadata entry using a node value:

metadata foo = {
    hello: 123,
    "foo": "456",
    testing: """
    an_array: [10.5],
    nested-object: {
        hello-there$: true
    }, // <-- Trailing comma

Array node

An array node is defined like a JSON array. A smithy:NodeArray contains zero or more heterogeneous smithy:NodeValues. A trailing comma is allowed in a NodeArray.

The following examples define arrays with zero, one, and two values:

  • []
  • [true]
  • [1, "hello",]

Object node

An object node is defined like a JSON object. A smithy:NodeObject contains zero or more key value pairs of strings (a smithy:NodeObjectKey) that map to heterogeneous smithy:NodeValues. A trailing comma is allowed in a NodeObject.

The following examples define objects with zero, one, and two key value pairs:

  • {}
  • {foo: true}
  • {foo: "hello", "bar": [1, 2, {}]}

Number node

A node smithy:Number contains numeric data. It is defined like a JSON number. The following examples define several Number values:

  • 0
  • 0.0
  • 1234
  • -1234.1234
  • 1e+2
  • 1.0e-10

Node keywords

Several keywords are used when parsing smithy:NodeValue.

  • true: The value is treated as a boolean true
  • false: The value is treated as a boolean false
  • null: The value is treated like a JSON null

18.8.1. String values#

A NodeValue can contain smithy:NodeStringValue productions that all define strings.

New lines

New lines in strings are normalized from CR (u000D) and CRLF (u000Du000A) to LF (u000A). This ensures that strings defined in a Smithy model are equivalent across platforms. If a literal \r is desired, it can be added a string value using the Unicode escape \u000d.

String equivalence

The NodeStringValue production defines several productions used to define strings, and in order for these productions to work in concert with the JSON AST format, each of these production MUST be treated like equivalent string values when loaded into the semantic model.

18.8.2. String escape characters#

The Smithy IDL supports escape sequences only within quoted strings. The following escape sequences are allowed:

Unicode code point Escape Meaning
U+0022 \" double quote
U+005C \\ backslash
U+002F \/ forward slash
U+0008 \b backspace BS
U+000C \f form feed FF
U+000A \n line feed LF
U+000D \r carriage return CR
U+0009 \t horizontal tab HT
U+HHHH \uHHHH 4-digit hexadecimal Unicode code point
nothing \\r\n, \\r, \\n escaped new line expands to nothing

Any other sequence following a backslash is an error.

18.8.3. Text blocks#

A text block is a string literal that can span multiple lines and automatically removes any incidental whitespace. Smithy text blocks are heavily inspired by text blocks defined in JEP 355.

A text block is opened with three double quotes ("""), followed by a newline, zero or more content characters, and closed with three double quotes. Text blocks differentiate incidental whitespace from significant whitespace. Smithy will re-indent the content of a text block by removing all incidental whitespace.


The four leading spaces in the above text block are considered insignificant because they are common across all lines. Because the closing delimiter appears on its own line, a trailing new line is added to the result. The content of the text block is re-indented to remove the insignificant whitespace, making it equivalent to the following:

@documentation("<div>\n    <p>Hello!</p>\n</div>\n")

The closing delimiter can be placed on the same line as content if no new line is desired at the end of the result. The above example could be rewritten to not including a trailing new line:


This example is equivalent to the following:

@documentation("<div>\n    <p>Hello!</p>\n</div>")

The following text blocks are ill-formed:

"""foo"""  // missing new line following open delimiter
""" """    // missing new line following open delimiter
"          // missing closing delimiter Incidental white space removal#

Smithy will re-indent the content of a text block by removing all incidental whitespace using the following algorithm:

  1. Split the content of the text block at every LF, producing a list of lines. The opening LF of the text block is not considered.

    Given the following example ("." is used to represent spaces),


    the following lines are produced:

    ["    Foo", "        Baz", "", "  ", "    Bar", "    "]
  2. Compute the common whitespace prefix by iterating over each line, counting the number of leading spaces (" ") and taking the minimum count. Except for the last line of content, lines that are empty or consist wholly of whitespace are not considered. If the last line of content (that is, the line that contains the closing delimiter) appears on its own line, then that line's leading whitespace is considered when determining the common whitespace prefix, allowing the closing delimiter to determine the amount of indentation to remove.

    Using the previous example, the common whitespace prefix is four spaces. The empty third line and the blank fourth lines are not considered when computing the common whitespace. The following uses "." to represent the common whitespace prefix:

    ....    Baz
  3. Remove the common white space prefix from each line.

    This step produces the following values from the previous example:

    ["Foo", "    Baz", "", "", "Bar", ""]
  4. Remove any trailing spaces from each line.

  5. Concatenate each line together, separated by LF.

    This step produces the following result ("|" is used to represent the left margin):

    |    Baz
    | Significant trailing line#

The last line of text block content is used when determining the common whitespace prefix.

Consider the following example:


Because the closing delimiter is at the margin and left of the rest of the content, the common whitespace prefix is 0 characters, resulting in the following equivalent string:

@documentation("    Foo\n        Baz\n    Bar\n")

If the closing delimiter is moved to the right of the content, then it has no bearing on the common whitespace prefix. The common whitespace prefix in the following example is visualized using "." to represent spaces:

....    Baz

Because lines are trimmed when they are added to the result, the above example is equivalent to the following:

@documentation("Foo\n    Baz\nBar\n") Escapes in text blocks#

Text blocks support all of the string escape characters of other strings. The use of three double quotes allows unescaped double quotes (") to appear in text blocks. The following text block is interpreted as "hello!":


Three quotes can appear in a text block without being treated as the closing delimiter as long as one of the quotes are escaped. The following text block is interpreted as foo """\nbaz:

foo \"""

String escapes are interpreted after incidental whitespace is removed from a text block. The following example uses "." to denote spaces:


Because string escapes are expanded after incidental whitespace is removed, it is interpreted as:


New lines in the text block can be escaped. This allows for long, single-line strings to be broken into multiple lines in the IDL. The following example is interpreted as Foo Baz Bam:

Foo \
Baz \

Escaped new lines can be intermixed with unescaped newlines. The following example is interpreted as Foo\nBaz Bam:

Baz \