
Waiters are a client-side abstraction used to poll a resource until a desired state is reached, or until it is determined that the resource will never enter into the desired state. This is a common task when working with services that are eventually consistent like Amazon S3 or services that asynchronously create resources like Amazon EC2. Writing logic to continuously poll the status of a resource can be cumbersome and error-prone. The goal of waiters is to move this responsibility out of customer code and onto service teams who know their service best.

For example, waiters can be used in code to turn the workflow of waiting for an Amazon EC2 instance to be terminated into something like the following client pseudocode:

InstanceTerminatedWaiter waiter = InstanceTerminatedWaiter.builder()
        .totalAllowedWaitTime(10, Duration.MINUTES)

smithy.waiters#waitable trait#

Indicates that an operation has various named "waiters" that can be used to poll a resource until it enters a desired state.
Trait selector

operation :not(-[input, output]-> structure > member > union[trait|streaming])

(Operations that do not use event streams in their input or output)

Value type
A map of waiter names to Waiter structures.

The following example defines a waiter that waits until an Amazon S3 bucket exists:

$version: "2"
namespace com.amazonaws.s3

use smithy.waiters#waitable

    BucketExists: {
        documentation: "Wait until a bucket exists"
        acceptors: [
                state: "success"
                matcher: {
                    success: true
                state: "retry"
                matcher: {
                    errorType: "NotFound"
operation HeadBucket {
    input: HeadBucketInput
    output: HeadBucketOutput
    errors: [NotFound]

Applying the steps defined in Waiter workflow to the above example, a client performs the following steps:

  1. A HeadBucket operation is created, given the necessary input parameters, and sent to the service.
  2. If the operation completes successfully, the waiter transitions to the success state and terminates. This is defined in the first acceptor of the waiter that uses the success matcher.
  3. If the operation encounters an error named NotFound, the waiter transitions to the retry state.
  4. If the operation fails with any other error, the waiter transitions to the failure state and terminates.
  5. The waiter is in the retry state and continues at step 1 after delaying with exponential backoff until the total allowed time to wait is exceeded.

Waiter names#

Waiter names MUST be defined using UpperCamelCase and only contain alphanumeric characters. That is, waiters MUST adhere to the following ABNF:

waiter-name: upper-alpha *(ALPHA / DIGIT)
upper-alpha: %x41-5A ; A-Z

See also

Waiter best-practices for additional best practices to follow when naming waiters.

Each waiter in the closure of a service MUST have a case-insensitively unique waiter name. This limitation helps make it easier to both understand a service and to generate code for a service without needing to consider duplicate waiter names across operations.

Waiter workflow#

Implementations MUST require callers to provide the total amount of time they are willing to wait for a waiter to complete. Requiring the caller to set a deadline removes any surprises as to how long a waiter can potentially take to complete.

While the total execution time of a waiter is less than the allowed time, waiter implementations perform the following steps:

  1. Call the operation the smithy.waiters#waitable trait is attached to using user-provided input for the operation. Any errors that can be encountered by the operation must be caught so that they can be inspected.
  2. If the total time of the waiter exceeds the allowed time, the waiter SHOULD attempt to cancel any in-progress requests and MUST transition to a to a terminal failure state.
  3. For every acceptor in the waiter:
    1. If the acceptor matcher is a match, transition to the state of the acceptor.
    2. If the acceptor transitions the waiter to the retry state, then continue to step 5.
    3. Stop waiting if the acceptor transitions the waiter to the success or failure state.
  4. If none of the acceptors are matched and an error was encountered while calling the operation, then transition to the failure state and stop waiting.
  5. Transition the waiter to the retry state, follow the process described in Waiter retries, and continue to step 1.

Waiter retries#

Waiter implementations MUST delay for a period of time before attempting a retry. The amount of time a waiter delays between retries is computed using exponential backoff with jitter through the following algorithm:

  • Let attempt be the number of retry attempts.
  • Let attemptCeiling be the computed number of attempts necessary before delay with exponential backoff exceeds maxDelay. This is necessary to prevent integer overflows for larger numbers of retries.
  • Let minDelay be the minimum amount of time to delay between retries in seconds, specified by the minDelay property of a waiter with a default of 2.
  • Let maxDelay be the maximum amount of time to delay between retries in seconds, specified by the maxDelay property of a waiter with a default of 120.
  • Let random be a function that returns a random value between two inclusive integers.
  • Let log be a function that returns the natural logarithm for an integer.
  • Let maxWaitTime be a user-provided amount of time in seconds a user is willing to wait for a waiter to complete.
  • Let remainingTime be the computed amount of seconds remaining before the waiter has exceeded maxWaitTime.
attemptCeiling = (log(maxDelay / minDelay) / log(2)) + 1

if attempt > attemptCeiling:
    delay = maxDelay
    delay = minDelay * 2 ** (attempt - 1)

delay = random(minDelay, delay)

if remainingTime - delay <= minDelay:
    delay = remainingTime

If the computed delay subtracted from remainingTime is less than or equal to minDelay, then set delay to remainingTime and perform one last retry. This prevents a waiter from waiting needlessly only to exceed maxWaitTime before issuing a final request.

Using the default minDelay of 2, the default maxDelay of 120, a caller provided maxWaitTime of 300 (5 minutes), and assuming that requests complete in 0 seconds (for example purposes only), delays might be computed as follows:

Retry attempt delay Cumulative time remainingTime
1 2 2 298
2 3 5 295
3 6 11 289
4 6 17 283
5 22 39 261
6 62 101 199
7 43 144 156
8 24 168 132
9 71 239 61
10 42 281 19
11 9 290 10
12 6 296 4
13 (last attempt) 4 300 N/A


Because waiters use jitter, waiters might use different delays than the example table above.

Why exponential backoff with jitter?#

Exponential backoff with full jitter is used as opposed to other retry strategies like linear backoff because it should work for most use cases, balancing the cost to the caller spent waiting on a resource to stabilize, the cost of the service in responding to polling requests, and the overhead associated with potentially violating a service level agreement and getting throttled. Waiters that poll for resources that quickly stabilize will complete within the first few calls, whereas waiters that could take hours to complete will send fewer requests as the number of retries increases.

By generally increasing the amount of delay between retries as the number of retry attempts increases, waiters will not overload services with unnecessary polling calls, and it protects customers from violating service level agreements that could counter-intuitively cause waiters to take longer to complete or even fail due to request throttling. By using introducing randomness with jitter, waiters will retry slightly more aggressively to improve the time to completion while still maintaining the general increase in delay between retries.

Note that linear backoff is still possible to configure with waiters. By setting minDelay and maxDelay to the same value, a waiter will retry using linear backoff.

Waiter structure#

A waiter defines a set of acceptors that are used to check if a resource has entered into a desired state.

Property Type Description
documentation string Documentation about the waiter defined using CommonMark.
acceptors [ Acceptor structure ] Required. An ordered array of acceptors to check after executing an operation. The list of acceptors MUST contain at least one acceptor with a success state transition.
minDelay integer The minimum amount of time in seconds to delay between each retry. This value defaults to 2 if not specified. If specified, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to maxDelay.
maxDelay integer The maximum amount of time in seconds to delay between each retry. This value defaults to 120 if not specified (2 minutes). If specified, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1.
deprecated boolean Indicates if the waiter is considered deprecated. A waiter SHOULD be marked as deprecated if it has been replaced by another waiter or if it is no longer needed (for example, if a resource changes from eventually consistent to strongly consistent).
tags [string] A list of tags associated with the waiter that allow waiters to be categorized and grouped.

Acceptor structure#

Property Type Description
state string Required. The state the acceptor transitions to when matched. The string value MUST be a valid AcceptorState enum.
matcher Matcher structure Required. The matcher used to test if the resource is in a state that matches the requirements needed for a state transition.

AcceptorState enum#

Acceptors cause a waiter to transition into one of the following states:

Name Description
success The waiter successfully finished waiting. This is a terminal state that causes the waiter to stop.
failure The waiter failed to enter into the desired state. This is a terminal state that causes the waiter to stop.
retry The waiter will retry the operation. This state transition is implicit if no accepter causes a state transition.

Matcher union#

A matcher defines how an acceptor determines if it matches the current state of a resource. A matcher is a union where exactly one of the following members MUST be set:

Property Type Description
output PathMatcher structure Matches on the successful output of an operation using a JMESPath expression. This matcher MUST NOT be used on operations with no output. This matcher is checked only if an operation completes successfully.
inputOutput PathMatcher structure Matches on both the input and output of an operation using a JMESPath expression. Input parameters are available through the top-level input field, and output data is available through the top-level output field. This matcher is checked only if an operation completes successfully.
success boolean When set to true, matches when an operation returns a successful response. When set to false, matches when an operation fails with any error. This matcher is checked regardless of if an operation succeeds or fails with an error.
errorType string

Matches if an operation returns an error of an expected type. If an absolute shape ID is provided, the error is matched only based on the name part of the shape ID. A relative shape name MAY be provided to match errors that are not defined in the model.

The errorType matcher SHOULD refer to errors that are associated with an operation through its errors property, though some operations might need to refer to framework errors or lower-level errors that are not defined in the model.

PathMatcher structure#

The output and inputOutput matchers test the result of a JMESPath expression against an expected value. These matchers are structures that support the following members:

Property Type Description
path string Required. A JMESPath expression applied to the input or output of an operation.
expected string Required. The expected return value of the expression.
comparator string Required. The comparator used to compare the result of the expression with the expected value. The string value MUST be a valid PathComparator enum.

JMESPath data model#

The data model exposed to JMESPath for input and output structures is converted from Smithy types to JMESPath types using the following conversion table:

Smithy type JMESPath type
blob string (base64 encoded)
boolean boolean
byte number
short number
integer number
long number [1]
float number
double number
bigDecimal number [1]
bigInteger number [1]
string string
timestamp number [2]
document any type
list and set array
map object
structure object [3]
union object [4]


[1](1, 2, 3) long, bigInteger, bigDecimal are exposed as numbers to JMESPath. If a value for one of these types truly exceeds the value of a double (the native numeric type of JMESPath), then querying these types in a waiter is a bad idea.
[2]timestamp values are represented in JMESPath expressions as epoch seconds with optional decimal precision. This allows for timestamp values to be used with relative comparators like < and >.
[3]Structure members are referred to by member name and not the data sent over the wire. For example, the jsonName trait is not respected in JMESPath expressions that select structure members.
[4]union values are represented exactly like structures except only a single member is set to a non-null value.

JMESPath static analysis#

Smithy implementations that can statically analyze JMESPath expressions MAY emit a validation event with an event ID of WaitableTraitJmespathProblem and a severity of DANGER if one of the following problems are detected in an expression:

  1. A JMESPath expression does not return a value that matches the expected return type of a PathComparator enum
  2. A JMESPath expression attempts to extract or operate on invalid model data.

If such a problem is detected but is intentional, a suppression can be used to ignore the error.

PathComparator enum#

Each PathMatcher structure contains a comparator that is used to check the result of a JMESPath expression against an expected value. A comparator can be set to any of the following values:

Name Description Required JMESPath return type
stringEquals Matches if the return value of a JMESPath expression is a string that is equal to an expected string. string
booleanEquals Matches if the return value of a JMESPath expression is a boolean that is equal to an expected boolean. The expected value of a PathMatcher MUST be set to "true" or "false" to match the corresponding boolean value. boolean
allStringEquals Matches if the return value of a JMESPath expression is an array that contains at least one value, and every value in the array is a string that equals an expected string. array of string
anyStringEquals Matches if the return value of a JMESPath expression is an array and any value in the array is a string that equals an expected string. array of string

Waiter examples#

This section provides examples for various features of waiters.

The following example defines a ThingExists waiter that waits until the status member in the output of the GetThing operation returns "success". This example makes use of a "fail-fast"; in this example, if a "Thing" has a failed status, then it can never enter the desired success state. To address this and prevent needlessly waiting on a success state that can never happen, a failure state transition is triggered if the status property equals failed.

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

use smithy.waiters#waitable

    ThingExists: {
        description: "Waits until a thing has been created"
        acceptors: [
            // Fail-fast if the thing transitions to a "failed" state.
                state: "failure"
                matcher: {
                    output: {
                        path: "status"
                        comparator: "stringEquals"
                        expected: "failed"
            // Succeed when the thing enters into a "success" state.
                state: "success"
                matcher: {
                    output: {
                        path: "status"
                        comparator: "stringEquals"
                        expected: "success"
operation GetThing {
    input: GetThingInput
    output: GetThingOutput

structure GetThingInput {
    name: String

structure GetThingOutput {
    status: String

Both input and output data can be queried using the inputOutput matcher. The following example waiter completes successfully when the number of provided groups on input matches the number of provided groups on output:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

use smithy.waiters#waitable

    GroupExists: {
        acceptors: [
                inputOutput: {
                    path: "length(input.groups) == length(output.groups)"
                    expected: "true"
                    comparator: "booleanEquals"
operation ListGroups {
    input: ListGroupsInput
    output: ListGroupsOutput

Waiter best-practices#

The following non-normative section outlines best practices for defining and implementing waiters.

Keep JMESPath expressions simple#

Overly complex JMESPath expressions can easily lead to bugs. While static analysis of JMESPath expressions can give some level of confidence in expressions, it does not guarantee that the logic encoded in the expression is correct. If it's overly difficult to describe a waiter for a particular use-case, consider if the API itself is overly complex and needs to be simplified.

Name waiters after the resource and state#

Waiters SHOULD be named after the resource name and desired state, for example <Resource><StateName>. "StateName" SHOULD match the expected state name of the resource where possible. For example, if a "Snapshot" resource can enter a "deleted" state, then the waiter name should be SnapshotDeleted and not SnapshotRemoved.

  • ObjectExists
  • ConversionTaskDeleted

The following examples are bad because they are named after the completion of an operation rather than the state of the resource:

  • RunInstanceComplete
  • TerminateInstanceComplete

More appropriate names would be:

  • InstanceRunning
  • InstanceTerminated


A common and acceptable exception to this rule are <Resource>Exists and <Resource>NotExists waiters.

Do not model implicit acceptors#

Implicit acceptors are unnecessary and can quickly become incomplete as new resource states and errors are added. Waiters have 2 implicit acceptors:

  • (Step 4) - If none of the acceptors are matched and an error was encountered while calling the operation, then transition to the failure state and stop waiting.
  • (Step 5) - Transition the waiter to the retry state, follow the process described in Waiter retries, and continue to step 1.

This means it is unnecessary to model an acceptor with an "errorType" matcher that transitions to a state of "failure". This is already the default behavior. For example, the following acceptor is unnecessary:

    acceptors: [
            state: "failure"
            matcher: {
                errorType: "ValidationError"
        // other acceptors...

Because a successful request that does not match any acceptor by default transitions to the retry state, there is no need to model matchers with a state of retry unless the matcher is for specific errors. For example, the following matcher is unnecessary:

    acceptors: [
            state: "retry"
            matcher: {
                success: true
        // other acceptors...

Only model terminal failure states#

Waiters SHOULD only model terminal failure states. A terminal failure state is a resource state in which the resource cannot transition to the desired success state without a user taking some explicit action. Only modeling terminal failure states keeps waiter configurations as minimal as possible, and it allows for more flexibility in the future. By avoiding the use of intermediate resource states for waiter failure state transitions, a service can add other intermediate states in the future without affecting existing waiter logic.

For example, suppose a resource has the following state transitions, and if a resource is in the "Stopped" state, it can only transition to "Running" if the user invokes the "StartResource" API operation:

Figure Waiters-1.1: Example resource state transitions#
          User calls
┌──────────┐        ┌──────────┐        ┌──────────┐
│ Creating │───────▶│ Stopping │───────▶│ Stopped  │
└──────────┘        └──────────┘        └──────────┘
      │                                       │
      │                                       │    User calls
      │                                       │   StartResource
      │                                       ▼
      │                                 ┌──────────┐
      └────────────────────────────────▶│ Starting │
                                        │  Running │

A "ResourceRunning" waiter for the above resource SHOULD NOT include the intermediate state transition "Stopping" to fail-fast. Instead, a failure transition should be defined that matches on the terminal "Stopped" state because the only way to transition from "Stopped" to running is by invoking the StartResource API operation.

    ResourceRunning: {
        description: "Waits for the resource to be running"
        acceptors: [
                state: "failure"
                matcher: {
                    output: {
                        path: "State"
                        expected: "Stopped"
                        comparator: "stringEquals"
                state: "success"
                matcher: {
                    output: {
                        path: "State"
                        expected: "Running"
                        comparator: "stringEquals"
            // other acceptors...
operation GetResource {
    input: GetResourceInput
    output: GetResourceOutput