Client Plugins#

Smithy Java provides a number of client plugins that add functionality to generated clients.


The MockPlugin intercepts client requests and returns pre-defined mock responses, shapes, or exceptions. The plugin facilitates testing client request/responses without the need to set up a mock server.


Add the mock-client-plugin package as a dependency:

dependencies {

Use the plugin to return canned responses from the http client:

// (1) Create a response queue and add a set of canned responses that will be returned
//     from client in the order in which they were added to the queue.
var mockQueue = new MockQueue();

// (2) Create a MockPlugin instance using the request queue created above.
var mockPlugin = MockPlugin.builder().addQueue(mockQueue).build();

// (3) Create a client instance that uses the MockPlugin.
var client = SprocketClient.builder()

// (4) Call client to get the first canned response from the queue.
var response = client.createSprocket(CreateSprocketRequest.builder().id(2).build());

// (5) Inspect the HTTP requests that were sent to the client.
var requests = mock.getRequests();


The UserAgentPlugin adds a default User-Agent header to an HTTP request if none is set.


This plugin is applied by default by all built-in HTTP transports.

The added agent header has the form:

smithy-java/<smithy> ua/<ua> os/<os-family>#<os-version> lang/java#<java-version> m/<features>
Property Example Description
smithy 0.0.1 Smithy Java version in use by client in SemVer format.
ua 2.1 Version of the User-Agent metadata
os-family macos Operating system client is running on
os-version 14.6.1 version of OS client is running on.
java-version 17.2.0 version of Java client is running on.
features a,b Comma-separated list of feature Ids

Feature IDs#

Feature ID’s are set via the CallContext#FEATURE_IDS context key. To add a new feature ID, update the FEATURE_IDS context key within an interceptor or in the client builder

// (1) Get the existing feature ids
Set<FeatureId> features = context.get(CallContext.FEATURE_IDS);

// (2) Update with a new feature
features.add(new FeatureId() {
    public String getShortName() {
        return "short-name";

A pair of app/{id} is added if CallContext#APPLICATION_ID is set, or a value is set in the aws.userAgentAppId system property, or the value set in the AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID environment variable. See the App ID guide for more information.