AWS IAM traits#

IAM Policy Traits are used to describe the permission structure of a service in relation to AWS IAM. Services integrated with AWS IAM define resource types, actions, and condition keys that IAM users can use to construct IAM policies.

Actions and resource types are automatically inferred from a service model via operations and resources, respectively. Actions can also be annotated with other actions that they depend on to be invoked.

Condition keys are available for IAM users to define restrictions in IAM policies for resources in a service. Condition keys for services defined in Smithy are automatically inferred. These can be disabled or augmented. For more information, see Deriving condition keys.

Principal traits#

aws.iam#supportedPrincipalTypes trait#

The IAM principal types that can use the service or operation.
Trait selector
:test(service, operation)
Value type
list<string> where each string is an IAM principal type: Root, IAMUser, IAMRole, or FederatedUser.

Operations that are not annotated with the supportedPrincipalTypes trait inherit the supportedPrincipalTypes of the service they are bound to.

The following example defines two operations:

  • OperationA defines an explicit list of the IAM principal types it supports using the supportedPrincipalTypes trait.
  • OperationB is not annotated with the supportedPrincipalTypes trait, so the IAM principal types supported by this operation are the principal types applied to the service.
$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.iam#supportedPrincipalTypes

@supportedPrincipalTypes(["Root", "IAMUser", "IAMRole", "FederatedUser"])
service MyService {
    version: "2020-07-02"
    operations: [OperationA, OperationB]

operation OperationA {}

operation OperationB {}

Action traits#

aws.iam#iamAction trait#

Indicates properties of a Smithy operation in AWS IAM.
Trait selector
Value type

The aws.iam#iamAction trait is a structure that supports the following members:

Property Type Description
name string The name of the resource in AWS IAM.
documentation string A brief description of what granting the user permission to invoke an operation would entail.
relativeDocumentation string A relative URL path that defines more information about the operation within a set of IAM-related documentation.
requiredActions list<string> where each string value is the name of another action. The list of actions that the invoker must be authorized to perform when executing the targeted operation.
resources ActionResources object The resources an IAM action can be authorized against.
createsResources list<string> where each string value is the name of a resource. The list of resources that performing this IAM action will create. If this member is present, all inferred created resources are ignored.

The following example defines a simple operation with a name in AWS IAM that deviates from the shape name of the shape ID of the operation.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.iam#iamAction

@iamAction(name: "PutEvent")
operation OperationA {}

ActionResources object#

The ActionResources object is a container for information on the resources that an IAM action may be authorized against. The ActionResources object contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
required map of resource name to ActionResource object Resources that will always be authorized against for functionality of the IAM action. If this member is present, all inferred required resources are ignored.
optional map of resource name to ActionResource object

Resources that will be authorized against based on optional behavior of the IAM action. If this member is present, all inferred optional resources are ignored.

For example, an action may create an instance that can optionally be configured based on a snapshot that would be authorized against. Most actions do not need this property.

ActionResource object#

The ActionResource object is a container for information about a resource that an IAM action can be authorized against. The ActionResource object contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
conditionKeys list<string> The condition keys used for authorizing against this resource.

Deprecated action traits#

aws.iam#actionName trait#


This trait is deprecated. The name property of the aws.iam#iamAction trait should be used instead.

Provides a custom IAM action name.
Trait selector
Value type

Operations not annotated with the actionName trait, default to the shape name of the shape ID of the targeted operation.

The following example defines two operations:

  • OperationA is not annotated with the actionName trait, and resolves the action name of OperationA.
  • OperationB has the actionName trait, so has the action name OverridingActionName.
$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.iam#actionName

service MyService {
    version: "2020-07-02"
    operations: [OperationA, OperationB]

operation OperationA {}

operation OperationB {}

aws.iam#actionPermissionDescription trait#


This trait is deprecated. The documentation property of the aws.iam#iamAction trait should be used instead.

A brief description of what granting the user permission to invoke an operation would entail.
Trait selector
Value type
$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.iam#actionPermissionDescription

@actionPermissionDescription("This will allow the user to Foo.")
operation FooOperation {}

aws.iam#requiredActions trait#


This trait is deprecated. The requiredActions property of the aws.iam#iamAction trait should be used instead.

Other actions that the invoker must be authorized to perform when executing the targeted operation.
Trait selector
Value type
list<string> where each string value references other actions required for the service to authorize.

Defines the actions, in addition to the targeted operation, that a user must be authorized to execute in order invoke an operation. The following example indicates that, in order to invoke the MyOperation operation, the invoker must also be authorized to execute the otherservice:OtherOperation operation for it to complete successfully.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#requiredActions

@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11"
    resources: [MyResource]

resource MyResource {
    identifiers: {foo: String}
    operations: [MyOperation]

operation MyOperation {}

Resource Traits#

aws.iam#iamResource trait#

Indicates properties of a Smithy resource in AWS IAM.
Trait selector
Value type

The aws.iam#iamResource trait is a structure that supports the following members:

Property Type Description
name string The name of the resource in AWS IAM.
relativeDocumentation string A relative URL path that defines more information about the resource within a set of IAM-related documentation.
disableConditionKeyInheritance boolean When set to true, decouples this IAM resource's condition keys from those of its parent resource(s). This can be used in combination with the aws.iam#conditionKeys trait trait to isolate a resource's condition keys from those of its parent(s).

The following example defines a simple resource with a name in AWS IAM that deviates from the shape name of the shape ID of the resource.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.iam#iamResource

@iamResource(name: "super")
resource SuperResource {
    identifiers: {
        superId: String,

Condition key traits#

aws.iam#defineConditionKeys trait#

Defines the set of condition keys that appear within a service in addition to inferred and global condition keys.
Trait selector
Value type
map of IAM identifiers to condition key structure

The aws.iam#defineConditionKeys trait defines additional condition keys that appear within a service. Keys in the map must be valid IAM identifiers, meaning they must adhere to the following regular expression: "^([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-\\.]{0,62}:[^:]+)$". Each condition key structure supports the following members:

Property Type Description
type string Required. The type of contents of the condition key. The type must be one of: ARN, Binary, Bool, Date, IPAddress, Numeric, String, ArrayOfARN, ArrayOfBinary, ArrayOfBool, ArrayOfDate, ArrayOfIPAddress, ArrayOfNumeric, ArrayOfString. See Condition Key Types for more information.
documentation string Defines documentation about the condition key.
externalDocumentation string A valid URL that defines more information about the condition key.
relativeDocumentation string A relative URL path that defines more information about the condition key within a set of IAM-related documentation.
required boolean Defines whether a service resolved condition key is required. Not applicable to request resolved condition keys, as the native required trait trait MUST be used on the member directly.
$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#defineConditionKeys

@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
    "myservice:Bar": {
        type: "String"
        documentation: "The Bar string"
        externalDocumentation: ""
    "myservice:Baz": {
        type: "String"
        documentation: "The Baz string"
        externalDocumentation: ""
        required: true
service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11"
    resources: [MyResource]


Condition keys that refer to global "aws:*" keys are allowed to not be defined on the service.

aws.iam#conditionKeys trait#

Applies condition keys, by name, to a resource or operation.
Trait selector
:test(resource, operation)
Value type

Condition keys derived automatically can be applied to a resource or operation explicitly. Condition keys applied this way MUST be either inferred or explicitly defined via the aws.iam#defineConditionKeys trait trait.

The following example's MyResource resource has the myservice:MyResourceFoo and myservice:Bar condition keys. The MyOperation operation has the aws:region condition key.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#definedContextKeys
use aws.iam#conditionKeys

@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
@defineConditionKeys("myservice:Bar": { type: "String" })
service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11"
    resources: [MyResource]

resource MyResource {
    identifiers: {foo: String}
    operations: [MyOperation]

operation MyOperation {}


Condition keys that refer to global "aws:*" keys can be referenced without being defined on the service.

aws.iam#serviceResolvedConditionKeys trait#

Specifies the list of IAM condition keys which must be resolved by the service, as opposed to the value being pulled from the request.
Trait selector
Value type

All condition keys defined with the serviceResolvedConditionKeys trait MUST also be defined via the aws.iam#defineConditionKeys trait trait. Inferred resource condition keys MUST NOT be included with the serviceResolvedConditionKeys trait.

The following example defines two service-specific condition keys:

  • myservice:ActionContextKey1 is expected to be resolved by the service.
  • myservice:ActionContextKey2 is expected to be pulled from the request.
$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#defineConditionKeys
use aws.iam#serviceResolvedConditionKeys

    "myservice:ActionContextKey1": { type: "String" },
    "myservice:ActionContextKey2": { type: "String" }
@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
service MyService {
    version: "2018-05-10"

aws.iam#conditionKeyValue trait#

Uses the associated member’s value for the specified condition key.
Trait selector
Value type

Members not annotated with the conditionKeyValue trait, default to the shape name of the shape ID of the targeted member. All condition keys defined with the conditionKeyValue trait MUST also be defined via the aws.iam#defineConditionKeys trait trait.

In the input shape for OperationA, the trait conditionKeyValue explicitly binds ActionContextKey1 to the field key.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#conditionKeys
use aws.iam#defineConditionKeys
use aws.iam#conditionKeyValue

    "myservice:ActionContextKey1": { type: "String" }
@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
service MyService {
    version: "2020-07-02"
    operations: [OperationA]

operation OperationA {
    input := {
        key: String
    output := {
        out: String

aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference trait#

Declares that the condition keys of a resource should not be inferred.
Trait selector
:test(service, resource)
Value type
Annotation trait

When a service is marked with the aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference trait, all the resources bound to the service will not have condition keys automatically inferred from its identifiers and the identifiers of its ancestors.

The following example shows resources MyResource1 and MyResource2 have had condition key inference disabled because they are bound to a service marked with aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference trait.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference

@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11"
    resources: [MyResource1, MyResource2]

resource MyResource1 {
    identifiers: {
        foo: String

resource MyResource2 {
    identifiers: {
        foo: String

A resource marked with the aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference trait will not have its condition keys automatically inferred from its identifiers and the identifiers of its ancestors. if present.

The following example shows a resource, MyResource, that has condition key inference disabled.

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference

@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11"
    resources: [MyResource]

resource MyResource {
    identifiers: {
        foo: String
        bar: String

Condition Key Types#

The following table describes the available types a condition key can have. Condition keys in IAM policies can be evaluated with condition operators.

Type Description
ARN A String type that contains an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Binary A String type that contains base-64 encoded binary data.
Bool A general boolean type.
Date A String type that conforms to the datetime profile of ISO 8601.
IPAddress A String type that conforms to RFC 4632.
Numeric A general type for integers and floats.
String A general string type.
ArrayOfARN An unordered list of ARN types.
ArrayOfBinary An unordered list of Binary types.
ArrayOfBool An unordered list of Bool types.
ArrayOfDate An unordered list of Date types.
ArrayOfIPAddress An unordered list of IPAddress types.
ArrayOfNumeric An unordered list of Numeric types.
ArrayOfString An unordered list of String types.

Deriving condition keys#

Smithy will automatically derive condition key information for a service, as well as its resources and operations.

A resource's condition keys include those that are inferred from their identifiers, including the resource's ancestors, and those applied via the aws.iam#conditionKeys trait trait. Condition keys for resource identifiers are automatically inferred unless explicitly configured not to via the aws.iam#disableConditionKeyInference trait trait.

An action's condition keys, including for actions for operations bound to resources, are only derived from those applied via the aws.iam#conditionKeys trait trait.

Given the following model,

$version: "2"

namespace smithy.example

use aws.api#service
use aws.iam#defineConditionKeys
use aws.iam#conditionKeys
use aws.iam#iamResource

@service(sdkId: "My Value", arnNamespace: "myservice")
@defineConditionKeys("myservice:Bar": { type: "String" })
service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11"
    resources: [MyResource]

resource MyResource {
    identifiers: {foo: String}
    operations: [MyOperation]
    resources: [MyInnerResource, MyDetachedResource, MyCustomResource]

@iamResource(name: "InnerResource")
resource MyInnerResource {
    identifiers: {yum: String}

@iamResource(disableConditionKeyInheritance: true)
resource MyDetachedResource {
    identifiers: {yum: String}

@iamResource(disableConditionKeyInheritance: true)
resource MyCustomResource {
    identifiers: {yum: String}

operation MyOperation {}

The computed condition keys for the service are:

Name Condition Keys
  • myservice:MyResourceFoo
  • myservice:Bar
  • myservice:MyResourceFoo
  • myservice:Bar
  • myservice:InnerResourceYum
MyDetachedResource None
  • aws:region
  • aws:region