15. Endpoint traits#

15.1. endpoint trait#

Configures a custom operation endpoint.
Trait selector
Value type

The endpoint trait is a structure that contains the following members:

Property Type Description
hostPrefix string

Required The hostPrefix property defines a template that expands to a valid host as defined in RFC 3986#section-3.2.2. hostPrefix MAY contain label placeholders that reference top-level input members of the operation marked with the hostLabel trait. The hostPrefix MUST NOT contain a scheme, userinfo, or port.


A host prefix that contains labels SHOULD end in a period (.) as otherwise there is a risk of clients inadvertently sending data to a domain that you do not control.

The following example defines an operation that uses a custom endpoint:

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String

15.1.1. Labels#

hostPrefix patterns MAY contain label placeholders. Labels consist of label name characters surrounded by open and closed braces (for example, "{label_name}" is a label and label_name is the label name). Every label MUST correspond to a top-level operation input member, the input member MUST be marked as required, the input member MUST have the hostLabel trait, and the input member MUST reference a string.

Given the following operation,

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String

and the following value provided for GetStatusInput,

"foo" = "abc"

the expanded hostPrefix evaluates to abc.data..

Any number of labels can be included within a pattern, provided that they are not immediately adjacent and do not have identical label names.

Given the following operation,

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}-{bar}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String

    bar: String

and the following values provided for GetStatusInput,

"foo" = "abc"
"bar" = "def"

the expanded hostPrefix evaluates to abc-def.data..

Labels MUST NOT be adjacent in a hostPrefix. The following operation is invalid because the {foo} and {bar} labels are adjacent:

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}{bar}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput
    output: GetStatusOutput

15.1.2. Client Behavior#

If an API operation is decorated with an endpoint trait, a client MUST expand the hostPrefix template and prepend the expanded value to the client's endpoint host prior to its use. Clients MUST fail when expanding a hostPrefix template if the value of any labeled member is empty or null.

After the hostPrefix template is expanded, a client MUST prepend the expanded value to the client's derived endpoint host. The client MUST NOT add any additional characters between the hostPrefix and client derived endpoint host. The resolved host value MUST result in a valid RFC 3986#section-3.2.2 host.

Clients SHOULD provide a way for users to disable the hostPrefix injection behavior. If a user sets this flag, the client MUST NOT perform any hostPrefix expansion and MUST NOT prepend the prefix to the client derived host. The client MUST serialize members to any modeled target location regardless of this flag.

The hostLabel trait MUST NOT affect the protocol-specific serialization logic of a member.

Given the following operation,

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
@http(method: "GET", uri: "/status")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String

and the following value provided for GetStatusInput,

"foo" = "abc"

the expanded hostPrefix evaluates to abc.data. AND the X-Foo HTTP header will contain the value abc.

15.2. hostLabel trait#

Binds a top-level operation input structure member to a label in the hostPrefix of an endpoint trait.
Trait selector

structure > member[trait|required] :test(> string)

Any required member of a structure that targets a string

Value type
Annotation trait

Operations marked with the endpoint trait MAY contain labels in the hostPrefix property. These labels reference top-level operation input structure members that MUST be annotated with the hostLabel trait. The contents of the label match the member's name. For example, a host prefix value of {spam}.eggs. MUST apply to an operation whose input contains a member named spam that is annotated with the hostLabel trait. Any hostLabel trait applied to a member that is not a top-level input member to an operation marked with the endpoint trait will be ignored.

$version: "2"
namespace smithy.example

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String