Decoupling Codegen with Symbols#
Symbols are used in Smithy code generators to refer to qualified types in the target programming language. Symbols provide a layer of abstraction between the code being generated and the logic used to determine:
- how shapes are named
- where types are declared and defined
- the runtime dependencies needed for a type
- the imports needed to define and reference a type
Quick Symbol example#
The following example uses the built-in "T
" formatter of
to write symbols to the generated code and automatically add imports to
the file:
// Create MyWriter, an imaginary subclass of SymbolWriter.
// Set the namespace of the writer to "", which internally
// calls SymbolWriter#relativizeSymbols, passing in "".
var writer = new MyWriter("");
// Create an example Symbol that refers to a type in the same namespace
// as the writer's current namespace. Setting the the namespace also
// requires the namespace separator.
var exampleSymbol = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("", ".")
// "$T" in the following call to 'write' is replaced with just
// the name of the Symbol ("Example") because the Symbol's
// namespace matches the relative namespace of the writer.
// If exampleSymbol was in a different namespace, the writer
// would either write the fully-qualified name or would add
// an import to the file for the symbol.
if ($T.isEmpty()) {
Benefits of Symbols#
- Refactoring. Symbols make it easy to refactor how shapes are generated and the file location of where shapes are generated.
- Managing imports. Symbols can contain the list of other symbols
needed in order to refer to the type. For example, if a list has
generic type parameters (e.g.,
), then the symbol that refers to the list would also contain symbols referring to the generic type parameters. All the symbols needed in a generated code file can then be used to automatically create import statements as symbols are referenced by a CodeWriter. - Managing dependencies. Symbols can define the dependencies needed by
the generated code in order to reference the symbol. For example, if
BigDecimal implementations are provided by a third-party library,
then a dependency is needed by the generated code in order to
reference BigDecimal in code. Symbols carry this information because
they are implementations of a
. After writing code to a CodeWriter, all the dependencies of each referenced symbol can be used to generate a dependency graph (e.g., Maven poms, Python files, etc.). - Readability. Referencing symbols using
makes the string templates passed to CodeWriter more succinct.
Referencing Symbols using SymbolReference#
A SymbolReference is used to refer to another Symbol. For example, a
SymbolReference is used when a Symbol uses generic type parameters. The
following example is a Symbol created for a list of
values in a Java-like language,
// Create the "Example" Symbol used in the "List<Example>".
var exampleSymbol = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("", ".")
// Create a "List<Example>" that can be properly relativized
// against the current namespace of the SymbolWriter.
var listSymbol = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("collections", ".")
// Automatically creates a SymbolReference from a Symbol.
Aliasing Symbols#
An alias can be given to SymbolReference to deconflict the symbol with other symbols already in the target namespace. For example, let's say you need to reference a type that uses a fairly common name, so you decide to alias the common name to something that is far less likely to have conflicts.
The following example creates a Symbol for List<__Example>
is an alias to
var exampleSymbol = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("", ".")
// Alias "Example" to "__Example".
SymbolReference exampleReference = exampleSymbol.toReference("__Example");
// Create a "List<__Example>" that can be properly relativized
// against the current namespace of the SymbolWriter.
var listSymbol = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("collections", ".")
When a SymbolReference is added to a Symbol, SymbolWriter
will know
that the references of the Symbol need to be accounted for when writing
the symbol by importing any necessary dependencies with appropriate
// Hypothetical example of managing imports and using references.
var writer = new MyWriter("example.other.namespace");
var list = new $T();
package example.other.namespace;
import collections.List;
import as __Example;
var list = new List<__Example>();
Symbol dependencies#
Symbols can be used to automatically generate dependency closures and
configuration files based on the symbols written to a SymbolWriter
This allows generated code to depend on only the closure of dependencies
they actually need. Codegen plugins can conditionally require runtime
dependencies in generated code (something needed by AWS SDKs to add
dependencies on AWS signature version 4 implementations, credential providers,
and other AWS-specific features).
The symbols used during codegen can be tracked using a WriterDelegator
and from these tracked symbols, the graph of referenced SymbolDependency
can be written to whatever dependency manifest format is needed for the
target environment.
Dependencies are registered with a Symbol by creating a
and adding them to the Symbol via Symbol#addDependency
The following example creates a TypeScript Symbol for big decimal that
refers to a type defined in a package named big
// This dependency is needed in JavaScript.
var bigRuntimeDependency = SymbolDependency.builder()
// This dependency is needed by the TypeScript compiler.
var bigTsDependency = SymbolDependency.builder()
// Create a symbol used for big decimals in Smithy.
var big = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("big", "/")
As you can see in the above example, symbol dependencies can have a
dependency type that is used to classify when the dependency is needed
(see SymbolDependency#dependencyType
). It is common in TypeScript
libraries to need different dependencies for JavaScript code vs
TypeScript type definitions, so two dependencies were added to the
created big
symbol: one that is a normal "dependencies" and one that
is a "devDependencies
best practices#
Creating a SymbolDependency
in each place the dependency is needed
spreads them out all over a project, making it difficult to change
dependencies. Rather than create a SymbolDependency
each time they
are needed in the code generator, a better practice is to create a
dedicated Java enum
that contains each Symbol used in the project.
This enum can be referenced throughout a project, making it possible to
update version numbers in a single place.
For example:
* An enum of all of the built-in dependencies managed by this package.
public enum TypeScriptDependency implements SymbolDependencyContainer {
// Conditionally added if a big decimal shape is found in a model.
BIG_JS("dependencies", "big.js", "^5.2.2"),
TYPES_BIG_JS("devDependencies", "@types/big.js", "^4.0.5");
public static final String NORMAL_DEPENDENCY = "dependencies";
public static final String DEV_DEPENDENCY = "devDependencies";
public static final String PEER_DEPENDENCY = "peerDependencies";
public static final String BUNDLED_DEPENDENCY = "bundledDependencies";
public static final String OPTIONAL_DEPENDENCY = "optionalDependencies";
public final SymbolDependency dependency;
TypeScriptDependency(String type, String name, String version) {
this.dependency = SymbolDependency.builder()
public List<SymbolDependency> getDependencies() {
return Collections.singletonList(dependency);
- The
implements SymbolDependencyContainer, an abstraction for composing dependencies. - This example is taken from smithy-typescript, which shows other possibilities like how to define unconditional dependencies that are needed by every client.
Tracking externally controlled dependencies#
A DependencyTracker can be used to track available dependencies using a JSON file that can be then used to provide version numbers to an enum. This can be useful if version numbers are maintained outside a code generator or need to be translated from other formats or lock files. For example:
* An enum of all of the built-in dependencies managed by this package.
public enum TypeScriptDependency implements SymbolDependencyContainer {
// Conditionally added if a big decimal shape is found in a model.
public final SymbolDependency dependency;
TypeScriptDependency(String name) {
this.dependency = VersionFile.VERSIONS.getByName(name);
public List<SymbolDependency> getDependencies() {
return Collections.singletonList(dependency);
private static final class VersionFile {
private static final DependencyTracker VERSIONS = new DependencyTracker();
static {
String path = "sdkVersions.json";
Converting shapes to Symbols with SymbolProviders
A SymbolProvider
is used to convert Smithy shapes to Symbols. A
is the brains of a Smithy code generator; it tells
the code generator the types used to represent shapes in the model, the
dependencies needed by generated code, the filenames used to declare and
define types, and automatically ensures reserved words in the target
language are accounted for during codegen.
A selection of existing SymbolProviders
can be found at:
- TypeScript:
- Python:
- Go:
The simplest way to implement a SymbolProvider
is to also implement
. The basic setup will look something like this:
import java.util.logging.Logger;
final class SymbolVisitor implements SymbolProvider, ShapeVisitor<Symbol> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SymbolVisitor.class.getName());
private final Model model;
private final MySettings settings;
private final ServiceShape service;
SymbolVisitor(Model model, MySettings settings) {
this.model = model;
this.settings = settings;
this.service = model.expectShape(settings.getService(), ServiceShape.class);
public Symbol toSymbol(Shape shape) {
Symbol symbol = shape.accept(this);
LOGGER.fine(() -> format("Creating symbol from %s: %s", shape, symbol));
// TODO: Escape reserved words.
return symbol;
public Symbol structureShape(StructureShape shape) {
String name = getDefaultShapeName(shape);
// Generate errors differently than normal structures.
if (shape.hasTrait(ErrorTrait.class)) {
return createErrorStructure(shape);
} else {
return createNormalStructure(shape);
private Symbol createErrorStructure(StructureShape shape) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Error type codegen not yet implemented");
private Symbol createNormalStructure(StructureShape shape) {
return Symbol.builder()
// Change this to however the settings object configures the
// target namespace and the namespace separator for the
// language.
.namespace(settings.getNamespace(), ".")
// Change this to however filenames should work each generated
// type. If this changes, then the files used to generate
// code should automatically change too.
.definitionFile("models/" + name + ".xyz")
private String getDefaultShapeName(Shape shape) {
// Use the service-aliased name and ensure it's capitalized.
return StringUtils.capitalize(shape.getId().getName(service));
// TODO implement other ShapeVisitor methods.
Automatically handling reserved words#
Smithy code generators are expected to generate valid code for the
target environment. Service teams defining Smithy models should not
need to know the intricacies of how Smithy models are converted to every
programming language. Instead, Smithy code generators should ensure that
reserved words in a target environment are not used by the SymbolProvider
The smithy-codegen-core
library provides several abstractions for handling
reserved words. These abstractions should be used in your SymbolProvider
The primary abstraction is the ReservedWords interface. The
ReservedWordsBuilder class provides a convenient way to build an instance
of ReservedWords
. These ReservedWords
instances should be
integrated into your SymbolProvider
by passing the created names,
namespaces, and member names through the appropriate escaper. For
final class SymbolVisitor implements SymbolProvider, ShapeVisitor<Symbol> {
// ... other properties
private final ReservedWords escaper;
SymbolVisitor(Model model, MySettings settings) {
// ... other setup
this.escaper = new ReservedWordsBuilder()
.put("function", service.getId().getName() + "Function")
.put("throw", service.getId().getName() + "Throw")
// other methods...
private String getDefaultShapeName(Shape shape) {
String name = StringUtils.capitalize(shape.getId().getName(service));
return escaper.escape(name);
While you can manually define the mapping for each reserved word, a
simpler method is to create an algorithm for automatically handling
reserved words. This can be done by creating a newline delimited file
that contains each reserved word and a Function<String, String>
takes a reserved word and returns an escaped word. For example, given
the following file named reservedwords.txt:
can be configured to escape words using the
file and your escaping function.
Function<String, String> escaper = word -> {
// Returns something like "MyServiceFunction".
return service.getId().getName() + StringUtils.capitalize(word);
URL wordsFile = getClass().getResource("reservedwords.txt");
ReservedWords escaper = new ReservedWordsBuilder()
.loadWords(wordsFile, escaper)
Reserved words handling should be as granular as possible. If a symbol
is only reserved in certain contexts, then that word should only be
treated as reserved in that context. This might require the use of
multiple instances of ReservedWords
var memberNameEscaper = new ReservedWordsBuilder()
.loadWords(memberNameWordsFile, escaper)
var classNameEscaper = new ReservedWordsBuilder()
.loadWords(classNameWordsFile, escaper)
Reserved words handling is case-sensitive by default. You can use
reserved words file case insensitively using
var escaper = new ReservedWordsBuilder()
.loadCaseInsensitiveWords(wordsFile, escaper)
Composing SymbolProviders
has a very simple interface, making it easy to
compose functionality using decorators. Decorators can be used to do
things like add caching or add more contextual data to Symbols.
The following example decorates a SymbolProvider
by adding caching
of resolved Symbols:
var cachedProvider = SymbolProvider.caching(mySymbolProvider);
The following example creates a decorator that adds a "shape" property to every Symbol:
final class MyCodegenPlugin {
static SymbolProvider wrapSymbolProvider(SymbolProvider delegate) {
return shape -> {
return delegate.toSymbol(shape).toBuilder()
.putProperty("shape", shape)
var wrapped = MyCodegenPlugin.wrapSymbolProvider(mySymbolProvider);
Integrating Symbols into your SymbolWriter
provides some building blocks to help integrate Symbols
into a particular programming language, but the actual gluing together
of abstractions, generating import statements, generating dependencies,
accounting for aliasing, etc. is an exercise left to each language
implementation of Smithy.
Create an ImportContainer
for your language#
An ImportContainer is used to track the imports associated with a
specific file being generated. Each time a Symbol
is written to a
SymbolWriter, and each call to methods like SymbolWriter#addImport
s are sent to the ImportContainer
owned by the
. The ImportContainer
should be aware of the current
namespace in use by the SymbolWriter
The following example implements a simple ImportContainer
for a made
up language. If a provided Symbol
is in the same namespace that the
container is tracking, the import is discarded. Otherwise, each import
is added to a map of namespaces to a map of alias → target name.
final class MyLangImports implements ImportContainer {
private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> imports = new TreeMap<>();
private final MyLangSettings settings;
private final String namespace;
MyLangImports(MyLangSettings settings, String namespace) {
this.settings = settings;
this.namespace = namespace;
public void importSymbol(Symbol symbol, String alias) {
var symbolNamespace = symbol.getNamespace();
// Only import symbols in other namespaces.
if (!symbolNamespace.equals(namespace)) {
var namespaceImports = imports.computeIfAbsent(symbolNamespace, ns -> new TreeMap<>());
namespaceImports.put(alias, symbol.getName());
public String toString() {
if (imports.isEmpty()) {
return "";
// Build up each line of import statements.
var builder = new StringBuilder();
for (var entry : imports.entrySet()) {
var ns = entry.getKey();
var alias = entry.getValue().getKey();
var target = entry.getValue().getValue();
builder.append("import ").append(target);
// Use a made up aliasing syntax if the alias differs from the target.
if (!alias.equals(target)) {
builder.append(" as ").append(alias)
// Import from a target namespace.
builder.append(" from ").append(ns);
return builder.toString();
implements toString
so that SymbolWriter
write out imports before writing out the rest of the code.
Create a SymbolWriter
Each language should create a subclass of SymbolWriter that automatically manages imports, symbols, and writes documentation strings.
The following example shows how a subclass of SymbolWriter
can be
public final class MyWriter extends SymbolWriter<MyWriter, MyImportContainer> {
public MyWriter(String namespace) {
super(new MyImportContainer(namespace));
// Write Symbols relative to the current namespace.
public String toString() {
// You can override how code is converted to a string. For example,
// this allows you to add a prelude to generated code or to write the
// necessary imports that were used in the writer.
return getImportContainer().toString() + "\n\n" + super.toString();
public MyWriter someCustomMethod() {
// You can implement custom methods that are specific to whatever
// language you're implementing a generator for.
return this;
Use WriterDelegator
to create writers#
In order to track the dependencies used while generating code, and to
add code interceptors to each created SymbolWriter
, code generators
should use a WriterDelegator to create SymbolWriters
A WriterDelegator
is used to create and track all the
used during code generation. A codegen project will
generally use a single WriterDelegator
during codegen. You need to
ensure your WriterDelegator
knows about the code interceptors returned
from SmithyIntegration
s so that it can apply transformations as code
is written.
Let's say you need to generate code for a structure shape. You ask the
to give you the appropriate SymbolWriter
delegator.useShapeWriter(shape, writer -> {
writer.write("Structure $L", shape.getId());
will create the appropriate SymbolWriter
writes to the correct file location based on the Symbol
created for
the given shape. If multiple shapes use the same filename, then
will provide the same SymbolWriter
to each call
to useShapeWriter
, and it will automatically inject \n
prior to
vending a previously used writer (this can be customized).
Use useFileWriter
to write to a file that isn't specific to a shape:
delegator.useFileWriter("", writer -> {
# This is my README!
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When codegen has completed, the generator needs to call flushWriters
on the delegator to write each created SymbolWriter
to the
the generator is using:
All the symbol dependencies detected when using each SymbolWriter
can be retrieved from the delegator using getDependencies
List<SymbolDependency> dependencies = delegator.getDependencies();
These dependencies can then be used to generate things like dependency manifests for the created code.
How do I add more information to Symbols
, SymbolReferences
, and SymbolDependencies
Use typed property bags to store additional information. For example:
Symbol foo = Symbol.builder()
.namespace("", ".")
.putProperty("customData", "hello")
String customData = foo.getProperty("customData", String.class);
You can add properties to an existing Symbol
, SymbolReference
or SymbolDependency
by calling toBuilder
foo = foo.toBuilder()
.putProperty("anotherProperty", true)
Does SymbolWriter
require one namespace per file?#
No, but that's the easiest way to use SymbolWriter
. Your language's
subclass can be setup in a way that it uses multiple ImportContainer
instances per/namespace in a single file. For example, an ImportContainer
could be given the current namespace of a SymbolWriter
each time it's
invoked, allowing the ImportContainer
to perform more targeted
relativization. Then the ImportContainer
would need special methods
used to convert each nested namespace's imports to a string. It's an
abstract exercise left up to the implementation.