Using the Semantic Model#
The Java reference implementation of Smithy provides various abstractions to interact with the in-memory semantic model. This document provides a kind of "cookbook" for achieving various tasks with the Smithy model.
Traversing the model#
Each of the following examples assume a variable named model
defined that is a
Iterate over all shapes#
is a cheap operation that just provides a Set
view over a model.
for (Shape shape : model.toSet()) {
// ...
Iterate over all shapes of a specific type#
Each type of shape in Smithy has a dedicated Model#getXShapes
method. These methods are cheap to invoke. They just provide a
filtered Set
view over a model.
for (ServiceShape shape : model.getServiceShapes()) {
// ...
for (StructureShape shape : model.getStructureShapes()) {
// ...
for (MemberShape shape : model.getMemberShapes()) {
// ...
// etc...
Iterate over all shapes with a specific trait#
returns shapes that have a specific trait.
This is a cheap method to call and uses caches internally. The provided
trait class can be retrieved from each returned shape. The following
example uses DeprecatedTrait
but any trait class can be used.
for (Shape shape : model.getShapesWithTrait(DeprecatedTrait.class)) {
DeprecatedTrait trait = shape.expectTrait(DeprecatedTrait.class);
Iterate over shapes of a specific type with a specific trait#
returns shapes of type X
that have a
specific trait. Each type of shape has a dedicated Model#getXShapesWithTrait
method. This is a cheap method to call and uses caches internally.
The provided trait class can be retrieved from each returned shape. The
following example uses SensitiveTrait
but any trait class can be used.
for (StructureShape shape : model.getStructureShapesWithTrait(SensitiveTrait.class)) {
SensitiveTrait trait = shape.expectTrait(SensitiveTrait.class);
for (StringShape shape : model.getStringShapesWithTrait(SensitiveTrait.class)) {
SensitiveTrait trait = shape.expectTrait(SensitiveTrait.class);
// etc..
Stream over all shapes#
Stream<StringShape> strings = model.shapes(StringShape.class)
.filter(shape -> shape.getId().getNamespace().equals(""));
In general, prefer the named methods that convert Model
to a set.
However, it's sometimes useful to break down complicated pipeline
style transformations into streams.
Traversing the members of a shape#
StructureShape struct;
for (MemberShape member : struct.members()) {
// Get the shape targeted by the member.
Shape target = model.expectShape(member.getTarget());
System.out.println(member.getMemberName() + " targets " + target);
// Get that container of the member.
Shape container = model.expectShape(member.getContainer());
- Members are ordered based on the order given in the Smithy model
- You can order the members differently if needed (for example sorting
them using a
). - The above code works the same way for any shape, whether it's a structure, union, list, or map.
- By the time a code generator is running, the model has been
thoroughly validated. You should use the various methods that start
to more easily interact with shapes.
Visiting shapes#
Smithy often relies on visitors to dispatch to different typed methods for handling different kinds of shapes.
// Silly example that returns the numbers of members a shape has.
ShapeVisitor<Integer> visitor = new ShapeVisitor.Default<Integer>() {
protected Integer getDefault(Shape shape) {
return 0;
public Integer listShape(ListShape shape) {
return 1;
public Integer mapShape(MapShape shape) {
return 2;
public Integer structureShape(StructureShape shape) {
return shape.members().size();
public Integer unionShape(UnionShape shape) {
return shape.members().size();
StringShape string = exampleThatGetsString();
int count = string.accept(visitor);
assert(count == 0);
- The
method of a shape is used to apply a visitor to the shape. - You should typically use the
implementation to implement a visitor. - A simpler way to get the answer of the above example is to just call
Knowledge Indexes#
Smithy provides various knowledge index implementations that are used to
break down more complex tasks into easily queried, pre-computed data
stores. These knowledge indexes are also cached on a Model
making them cheaper to use than recomputing information multiple times
across things like validators.
Get every operation in a service or resource#
Service shapes can contain resources which can contain operations.
will walk the service/resource to find all contained
TopDownIndex index = TopDownIndex.of(model);
Get every resource in a service or resource#
Service shapes can contain resources which can themselves contain
resources. TopDownIndex
will walk the service/resource to find
all contained operations.
TopDownIndex index = TopDownIndex.of(model);
Determine if a member is nullable#
Taking the version of the Smithy IDL into account when computing
the nullability of a member can be complex. NullableIndex
hides all of this complexity by providing a simple boolean result
for a given member shape.
NullableIndex index = NullableIndex.of(model);
if (index.isMemberNullable(someMemberShape)) {
// nullable
Get pagination information about an operation#
Resolving information about paginated operations in Smithy requires
some bookkeeping. PaginatedIndex
tries to consolidate all the
information you might need when interacting with paginated traits.
PaginatedIndex index = PaginatedIndex.of(model);
index.getPaginationInfo(service, operation).ifPresenet(info -> {
// method invoked if the operation is paginated.
System.out.println("Service shape: " + info.getService());
System.out.println("Operation shape: " + info.getOperation());
System.out.println("Input shape: " + info.getInput());
System.out.println("Output shape: " + info.getOutput());
System.out.println("Paginated trait: " + info.getPaginatedTrait());
System.out.println("Input token member: " + info.getInputTokenMember());
System.out.println("Output token membber: " + info.getOutputTokenMemberPath());
// etc...
Get the HTTP binding response status code of an operation#
The HttpBindingIndex
can provide all kinds of information about
the HTTP bindings of an operation, including the response status
HttpBindingIndex index = HttpBindingIndex.of(model);
int code = index.getResponseCode(operationShape);
Get the request content-type of an operation#
can attempt to resolve the Content-Type header
of a request. The content-type might not be statically known by
the model and might rely on protocol-specific information.
HttpBindingIndex index = HttpBindingIndex.of(model);
String defaultPayloadType = "application/json";
String eventStreamType = "application/");
String contentType = index
.determineRequestContentType(operation, defaultPayloadType, eventStreamType)
Get the response content-type of an operation#
can attempt to resolve the Content-Type header
of a response. The content-type might not be statically known by
the model and might rely on protocol-specific information.
HttpBindingIndex index = HttpBindingIndex.of(model);
String defaultPayloadType = "application/json";
String eventStreamType = "application/");
String contentType = index
.determineResponseContentType(operation, defaultPayloadType, eventStreamType)
Get HTTP binding information of an operation#
HttpBindingIndex index = HttpBindingIndex.of(model);
var requestBindings = index.getRequestBindings(operationShape);
var responseBindings = index.getResponseBindings(operationShape);
// This loop works the same way for request or response bindings.
for (var entry : requestBindings.entrySet()) {
String memberName = entry.getKey();
HttpBinding binding = entry.getValue();
System.out.println("Member: " + memberName);
System.out.println("Member shape: " + binding.getMember());
System.out.println("Location: " + binding.getLocation());
System.out.println("Location name: " + binding.getLocationName());
binding.getBindingTrait().ifPresent(trait -> {
System.out.println("Binding trait: " + trait);
Get the timestamp format used for a specific HTTP binding#
// Determine the format used for members bound to HTTP labels.
HttpBindingIndex index = HttpBindingIndex.of(model);
var formatUsedInPayloads = TimestampFormatTrait.Format.EPOCH_SECONDS;
var format = index.determineTimestampFormat(
member, HttpBinding.Location.LABEL, formatUsedInPayloads);
Get members that have specific HTTP bindings#
// Find every member in the input of the operation bound to an HTTP label.
HttpBindingIndex index = HttpBindingIndex.of(model);
var locationTypeToFind = HttpBinding.Location.LABEL;
var result = index.getRequestBindings(operation, locationTypeToFind);
Transforming the model#
It's often necessary to transform a Smithy model prior to code
generation. For example, you might need to remove operations that use
unsupported features, remove shapes that aren't in the closure of a
service, or add traits to shapes that are specific to your code
generator. Smithy provides a model transformation abstraction in
. ModelTransformer
provides various methods for
transforming a model, some of which are documented below.
Remove deprecated operations#
will remove any broken relationships when a
shape is removed. If you remove an operation from the model, it's
removed from any service or resource.
model = ModelTransformer.create().removeShapesIf(shape -> {
return shape.isOperationShape() && shape.hasTrait(DeprecatedTrait.class);
Add a trait to every shape#
model = ModelTransformer.create().mapShapes(shape -> {
return Shape.shapeToBuilder(shape).addTrait(new MyCustomTrait()).build();
You can convert any shape to a builder using the static method
Flattening mixins#
Mixins are used to share shape definitions across a model. They're essentially build-time copy and paste, and they have no meaningful impact on generated code. For example, the following model uses mixins:
structure HasUsername {
username: String
structure UserData with [HasUserName] {
isAdmin: Boolean
Code generators should flatten mixins out of a model before generating code, allowing them to more easily generate code without needing to implement special handling for mixins. This can be done using a Smithy model transformation:
ModelTransformer transformer = ModelTransformer.create();
Model transformedModel = transformer.flattenAndRemoveMixins(model);
After flattening mixins, the above model is equivalent to:
structure UserData with [HasUserName] {
username: String
isAdmin: Boolean
Copying service errors to operation errors#
Service shapes can define a set of errors that can be returned from any operation. While this is great for modeling a service, it makes code generation harder.
For example:
service MyService {
operations: GetSomething
errors: [ValidationError]
operation GetSomething {
input := {}
output := {}
Code generators can flatten these errors using a model transformer:
ModelTransformer transformer = ModelTransformer.create();
Model transformed = transformer.copyServiceErrorsToOperations(model, service);
After flattening the error hierarchy, the above model is equivalent to:
service MyService {
operations: GetSomething
operation GetSomething {
input := {}
output := {}
errors: [ValidationError]
Remove shapes not in the closure of a service#
Smithy models can contain multiple services and shapes that aren't connected to any service. Code generation is often easier if you remove shapes from the model that are not connected to the service being generated.
Walker walker = new Walker(someModel);
Set<Shape> closure = walker.walkShapes(someService);
model = ModelTransformer.create().removeShapesIf(shape -> !closure.contains(shape));
Selectors are used to find shapes in the model that match a query. While you should typically not need selectors when writing Java code, they can sometimes make getting the desired set of shapes far simpler than writing complex loops and conditionals. Selectors have similar caveats as regular expressions: selectors are slower than handwritten code, and sometimes handwritten code is easier to understand than the DSL. Whether a selector is appropriate for a given use case will mostly depend on the complexity of the query and if there's already a built-in abstraction for what you're trying to do.
Creating Selectors#
Let's say you want to find something complex, like every operation that has a streaming trait member in its input. This can be achieved through the following selector:
Selector selector = Selector.parse("operation :test(-[input]-> structure > member > [trait|streaming])");
Finding shapes that match a selector#
finds every matching shape and put them in a Set
Set<Shape> matches =;
Iterate over shapes that match a selector#
If the result set does not need to be loaded into memory, then using
is cheaper than using select()
selector.shapes().forEach(shape -> {
// do something with each shape
Reuse parsed Selector
Be sure to use a previously parsed selector if a selector will be used repeatedly. For example don't do this:
// ❌ DON'T DO THIS ❌
for (var shape : model.getServiceShapes()) {
// This is bad! Reuse Selector instances!
// This has to parse the selector in each iteration of the loop.
Selector selector = Selector.parse(String.format(
"[id=%s] -> structure > member[trait|required]",
selector.shapes(model).forEach(match -> {
// do something with each found shape
Instead, do this:
// ✅ DO THIS
Selector selector = Selector.parse(String.format(
"[id=%s] -> structure > member[trait|required]",
for (var shape : model.getServiceShapes()) {
selector.shapes(model).forEach(match -> {
// do something with each found shape