Class AnnotationTrait

All Implemented Interfaces:
FromSourceLocation, ToNode, ToShapeId, Trait
Direct Known Subclasses:
AddedDefaultTrait, AwsQueryCompatibleTrait, AwsQueryTrait, BoxTrait, CfnAdditionalIdentifierTrait, CfnDefaultValueTrait, CfnExcludePropertyTrait, ClientEndpointDiscoveryIdTrait, ClientOptionalTrait, ControlPlaneTrait, DataPlaneTrait, DisableConditionKeyInferenceTrait, DualStackOnlyEndpointsTrait, Ec2QueryTrait, EndpointModifierTrait, EventHeaderTrait, EventPayloadTrait, HostLabelTrait, HttpBasicAuthTrait, HttpBearerAuthTrait, HttpChecksumRequiredTrait, HttpDigestAuthTrait, HttpLabelTrait, HttpPayloadTrait, HttpQueryParamsTrait, HttpResponseCodeTrait, IdempotencyTokenTrait, IdempotentTrait, InputTrait, InternalTrait, MqttJsonTrait, NestedPropertiesTrait, NoAuthTrait, NoReplaceTrait, NotPropertyTrait, OptionalAuthTrait, OutputTrait, PrivateTrait, ReadonlyTrait, RequiredTrait, RequiresLengthTrait, RuleBasedEndpointsTrait, S3UnwrappedXmlOutputTrait, SensitiveTrait, SparseTrait, StreamingTrait, TopicLabelTrait, UniqueItemsTrait, UnitTypeTrait, UnsignedPayloadTrait, UnstableTrait, XmlAttributeTrait, XmlFlattenedTrait

public abstract class AnnotationTrait extends Object implements Trait
Trait implementation for traits that are an empty object.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • toShapeId

      public final ShapeId toShapeId()
      Description copied from interface: Trait
      Gets the shape ID of the trait.
      Specified by:
      toShapeId in interface ToShapeId
      Specified by:
      toShapeId in interface Trait
      Returns the fully-qualified shape ID of the trait.
    • toNode

      public final Node toNode()
      Description copied from interface: ToNode
      Converts a value to a Node.
      Specified by:
      toNode in interface ToNode
      Returns the creates Node.
    • getSourceLocation

      public final SourceLocation getSourceLocation()
      Description copied from interface: FromSourceLocation
      Gets the source location of a value.
      Specified by:
      getSourceLocation in interface FromSourceLocation
      Returns the source location of the value.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object other)
      equals in class Object