Class Substring

    • Method Detail

      • ofExpressions

        public static Substring ofExpressions​(ToExpression expression,
                                              ToExpression startIndex,
                                              ToExpression stopIndex,
                                              ToExpression reverse)
        Creates a Substring function from the given expressions.
        expression - the string to extract from.
        startIndex - the starting index.
        stopIndex - the ending index.
        reverse - the reverse order argument.
        The resulting Substring function.
      • ofExpressions

        public static Substring ofExpressions​(ToExpression expression,
                                              int startIndex,
                                              int stopIndex,
                                              boolean reverse)
        Creates a Substring function from the given expressions.
        expression - the string to extract from.
        startIndex - the starting index.
        stopIndex - the ending index.
        reverse - the reverse order argument.
        The resulting Substring function.
      • accept

        public <T> T accept​(ExpressionVisitor<T> visitor)
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Invoke the ExpressionVisitor functions for this expression.
        Specified by:
        accept in class Expression
        Type Parameters:
        T - the visitor return type.
        visitor - the visitor to be invoked.
        the return value of the visitor.