Class SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • metadataFilter

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder metadataFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> metadataFilter)
        Predicate that determines if a metadata is serialized.
        metadataFilter - Predicate that accepts a metadata key.
        Returns the builder.
      • shapeFilter

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder shapeFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<Shape> shapeFilter)
        Predicate that determines if a shape and its traits are serialized.
        shapeFilter - Predicate that accepts a shape.
        Returns the builder.
      • traitFilter

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder traitFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<Trait> traitFilter)
        Sets a predicate that can be used to filter trait values from appearing in the serialized model.

        Note that this does not filter out trait definitions. It only filters out instances of traits from being serialized on shapes.

        traitFilter - Predicate that filters out trait definitions.
        Returns the builder.
      • shapePlacer

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder shapePlacer​(java.util.function.Function<Shape,​java.nio.file.Path> shapePlacer)
        Function that determines what output file a shape should go in.

        The returned paths may be absolute or relative.

        NOTE: the Smithy IDL only supports one namespace per file.

        shapePlacer - Function that accepts a shape and returns file path.
        Returns the builder.
      • basePath

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder basePath​(java.nio.file.Path basePath)
        A base path to use for any created models.
        basePath - The base directory to assign models to.
        Returns the builder.
      • serializePrelude

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder serializePrelude()
        Enables serializing shapes in the Smithy prelude. Defaults to false.
        Returns the builder.
      • inlineInputSuffix

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder inlineInputSuffix​(java.lang.String inlineInputSuffix)
        Defines what suffixes are checked on operation input shapes to determine whether inline syntax should be used.

        This will also set the "operationInputSuffix" control statement.

        inlineInputSuffix - The suffix to use for inline operation input.
        Returns the builder.
      • inlineOutputSuffix

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder inlineOutputSuffix​(java.lang.String inlineOutputSuffix)
        Defines what suffixes are checked on operation output shapes to determine whether inline syntax should be used.

        This will also set the "operationOutputSuffix" control statement.

        inlineOutputSuffix - The suffix to use for inline operation output.
        Returns the builder.
      • inferInlineIoSuffixes

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder inferInlineIoSuffixes​(boolean shouldInferInlineIoSuffixes)
        Determines whether the inline IO suffixes should be automatically determined.

        If true, this will determine any shared IO suffixes for each file. Only the shapes present within each file will impact what that file's suffixes will be.

        The suffixes set by inlineInputSuffix(String) and inlineOutputSuffix(String) will be the default values.

        shouldInferInlineIoSuffixes - Whether inline IO suffixes should be inferred for each file.
        Returns the builder.
      • coerceInlineIo

        public SmithyIdlModelSerializer.Builder coerceInlineIo​(boolean shouldCoerceInlineIo)
        Determines whether inline IO should be coerced for shapes operation input and output that does not have the @input or @output trait, respectively.

        If true, this will determine any shared IO suffixes for each file. Only the shapes present within each file will impact what that file's suffixes will be.

        The suffixes set by inlineInputSuffix(String) and inlineOutputSuffix(String) will be the default values.

        shouldCoerceInlineIo - Whether inline IO should be coerced for each file.
        Returns the builder.