Class AbstractShapeBuilder<B extends AbstractShapeBuilder<B,​S>,​S extends Shape>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      B addMember​(MemberShape member)
      Adds a member to the shape IFF the shape supports members.
      B addMixin​(Shape shape)
      Adds a mixin to the shape.
      B addTrait​(Trait trait)
      Adds a trait to the shape builder, replacing any conflicting traits.
      B addTraits​(java.util.Collection<? extends Trait> traitsToAdd)
      Adds traits from an iterator to the shape builder, replacing any conflicting traits.
      B clearMembers()
      Removes all members from the builder.
      B clearMixins()
      Removes all mixins.
      B clearTraits()
      Removes all traits.
      B flattenMixins()
      Removes mixins from a shape and flattens them into the shape.
      java.util.Map<ShapeId,​Trait> getAllTraits()
      Get an immutable view of the traits applied to the builder.
      ShapeId getId()
      Gets the shape ID of the builder.
      java.util.Optional<MemberShape> getMember​(java.lang.String memberName)
      Gets the optional member with the given name.
      abstract ShapeType getShapeType()
      Gets the type of shape being built.
      SourceLocation getSourceLocation()
      Gets the source location of a value.
      B id​(java.lang.String shapeId)
      Sets the shape ID of the shape.
      B id​(ShapeId shapeId)
      Sets the shape ID of the shape.
      B mixins​(java.util.Collection<? extends Shape> mixins)
      Replaces the mixins of the shape.
      B removeMixin​(ToShapeId shape)
      Removes a mixin from the shape by shape or ID.
      B removeTrait​(java.lang.String traitId)
      Removes a trait from the shape builder.
      B removeTrait​(ShapeId traitId)
      Removes a trait from the shape builder.
      B source​(java.lang.String filename, int line, int column)
      Sets the source location of the shape.
      B source​(SourceLocation sourceLocation)
      Sets the source location of the shape.
      B traits​(java.util.Collection<Trait> traitsToSet)
      Replace all traits in the builder.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getShapeType

        public abstract ShapeType getShapeType()
        Gets the type of shape being built.
        Returns the shape type.
      • getId

        public ShapeId getId()
        Gets the shape ID of the builder.
        Returns null if no shape ID is set.
      • id

        public B id​(ShapeId shapeId)
        Sets the shape ID of the shape.
        shapeId - Shape ID to set.
        Returns the builder.
      • id

        public B id​(java.lang.String shapeId)
        Sets the shape ID of the shape.
        shapeId - Absolute shape ID string to set.
        Returns the builder.
        ShapeIdSyntaxException - if the shape ID is invalid.
      • source

        public B source​(SourceLocation sourceLocation)
        Sets the source location of the shape.
        sourceLocation - Source location to set.
        Returns the builder.
      • source

        public B source​(java.lang.String filename,
                        int line,
                        int column)
        Sets the source location of the shape.
        filename - Name of the file in which the shape was defined.
        line - Line number in the file where the shape was defined.
        column - Column number of the line where the shape was defined.
        Returns the builder.
      • traits

        public B traits​(java.util.Collection<Trait> traitsToSet)
        Replace all traits in the builder.
        traitsToSet - Sequence of traits to set on the builder.
        Returns the builder.
      • getAllTraits

        public java.util.Map<ShapeId,​Trait> getAllTraits()
        Get an immutable view of the traits applied to the builder.
        Returns the applied traits.
      • addTraits

        public B addTraits​(java.util.Collection<? extends Trait> traitsToAdd)
        Adds traits from an iterator to the shape builder, replacing any conflicting traits.
        traitsToAdd - Sequence of traits to add to the builder.
        Returns the builder.
      • addTrait

        public B addTrait​(Trait trait)
        Adds a trait to the shape builder, replacing any conflicting traits.
        trait - Trait instance to add.
        Returns the builder.
      • removeTrait

        public B removeTrait​(java.lang.String traitId)
        Removes a trait from the shape builder.

        A relative trait name will attempt to remove a prelude trait with the given name.

        traitId - Absolute or relative ID of the trait to remove.
        Returns the builder.
      • removeTrait

        public B removeTrait​(ShapeId traitId)
        Removes a trait from the shape builder.
        traitId - ID of the trait to remove.
        Returns the builder.
      • clearTraits

        public B clearTraits()
        Removes all traits.
        Returns the builder.
      • getMember

        public java.util.Optional<MemberShape> getMember​(java.lang.String memberName)
        Gets the optional member with the given name.
        Returns the optional member with the given name.
      • addMember

        public B addMember​(MemberShape member)
        Adds a member to the shape IFF the shape supports members.
        member - Member to add to the shape.
        Returns the builder.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the shape does not support members.
      • clearMembers

        public B clearMembers()
        Removes all members from the builder.
        Returns the builder.
      • addMixin

        public B addMixin​(Shape shape)
        Adds a mixin to the shape.
        shape - Mixin to add.
        Returns the builder.
      • mixins

        public B mixins​(java.util.Collection<? extends Shape> mixins)
        Replaces the mixins of the shape.
        mixins - Mixins to add.
        Returns the builder.
      • removeMixin

        public B removeMixin​(ToShapeId shape)
        Removes a mixin from the shape by shape or ID.
        shape - Shape or shape ID to remove.
        Returns the builder.
      • clearMixins

        public B clearMixins()
        Removes all mixins.
        Returns the builder.
      • flattenMixins

        public B flattenMixins()
        Removes mixins from a shape and flattens them into the shape.

        Flattening a mixin into a shape copies the traits and members of a mixin onto the shape, effectively resulting in the same shape but with no trace of the mixin relationship.

        Returns the updated builder.