All Implemented Interfaces:
FromSourceLocation, ToNode, TypeCheck, ToCondition, ToExpression

public final class UriEncode extends LibraryFunction
A rule-set function for URI encoding a string.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefinition

      public static UriEncode.Definition getDefinition()
      Gets the FunctionDefinition implementation.
      the function definition.
    • ofExpressions

      public static UriEncode ofExpressions(ToExpression arg1)
      Creates a UriEncode function from the given expressions.
      arg1 - the value to URI encode.
      The resulting UriEncode function.
    • accept

      public <T> T accept(ExpressionVisitor<T> visitor)
      Description copied from class: Expression
      Invoke the ExpressionVisitor functions for this expression.
      Specified by:
      accept in class Expression
      Type Parameters:
      T - the visitor return type.
      visitor - the visitor to be invoked.
      the return value of the visitor.