All Known Implementing Classes:
AwsPartition, BooleanEquals, BooleanLiteral, Condition, Expression, GetAttr, IntegerLiteral, IsSet, IsValidHostLabel, IsVirtualHostableS3Bucket, LibraryFunction, Literal, Not, Parameter, ParseArn, ParseUrl, RecordLiteral, Reference, StringEquals, StringLiteral, Substring, SyntaxElement, TupleLiteral, UriEncode

public interface ToCondition
Supplies functionality to be coercible into Conditions for use in composing rule-sets in code.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Condition
    Convert this into a condition.
    default Condition
    Converts this function into a condition which stores the output in the named result.
    Convert this into a condition builder for compositional use.
  • Method Details

    • toConditionBuilder

      Condition.Builder toConditionBuilder()
      Convert this into a condition builder for compositional use.
      the condition builder.
    • toCondition

      default Condition toCondition()
      Convert this into a condition.
      the condition.
    • toCondition

      default Condition toCondition(String result)
      Converts this function into a condition which stores the output in the named result.
      result - the name of the result parameter.
      the function as a condition.