Class JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder

  • public final class JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    A builder used to create a DocumentationWriter for Java style documentation comments.

    Documentation comments are automatically sanitized by escaping a closing documentation comment (i.e., star (*) followed by a forward slash (/)). This should also work for JavaScript, PHP, and other languages that use Java-style comments.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder

        public JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • escapeClosingChars

        public static java.lang.String escapeClosingChars​(java.lang.String contents)
        A function used to escape the closing tokens of a documentation comment.
        contents - Contents to sanitize.
        Returns the sanitized contents.
      • escapeAtSignWithEntity

        public static java.lang.String escapeAtSignWithEntity​(java.lang.String contents)
        A function used to escape the @ sign of a documentation comment with an HTML entity of @.
        contents - Contents to sanitize.
        Returns the sanitized contents.
      • build

        public <T extends CodeWriterDocumentationWriter<T> build()
        Creates a DocumentationWriter configured by the builder.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of writer to create.
        Returns the created documentation writer.
      • namedDocumentationSection

        public JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder namedDocumentationSection​(java.lang.String namedDocumentationSection)
        Sets a specific named section to use when writing documentation.
        namedDocumentationSection - The name of the state's section to use.
        Returns the builder.
      • mappingFunction

        public JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder mappingFunction​(java.util.function.Function<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> mappingFunction)
        Sets a custom mapping function to use when filtering documentation.

        Setting a custom mapping function will disable the default mapping function that is used to escape the closing tokens of a block comment. However, other mapping functions will still compose with a custom mapping function if provided (e.g., escaping @ symbols via escapeAtSignWithEntity(boolean) still compose with a custom mapping function).

        mappingFunction - Mapping function to use. Set to null to use the default.
        Returns the builder.
      • escapeAtSignWithEntity

        public JavaStyleDocumentationWriterBuilder escapeAtSignWithEntity​(boolean escapeAtSignWithEntity)
        Sets whether or not the "@" sign is escaped with an HTML entity.

        At signs are not escaped by default.

        escapeAtSignWithEntity - Set to true to escape, false to not.
        Returns the builder.