Class CfnConfig

  • public final class CfnConfig
    extends JsonSchemaConfig
    "cloudformation" smithy-build plugin configuration settings.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SCHEMA_COMPONENTS_POINTER
        The JSON pointer to where CloudFormation schema shared resource properties should be written.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CfnConfig

        public CfnConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • setAlphanumericOnlyRefs

        public void setAlphanumericOnlyRefs​(boolean alphanumericOnlyRefs)
        Description copied from class: JsonSchemaConfig
        Creates shape name pointers that strip out non-alphanumeric characters.

        This is necessary for compatibility with some vendors like Amazon API Gateway that only allow alphanumeric shape names.

        setAlphanumericOnlyRefs in class JsonSchemaConfig
        alphanumericOnlyRefs - Set to true to strip non-alphanumeric characters.
      • getDisableDeprecatedPropertyGeneration

        public boolean getDisableDeprecatedPropertyGeneration()
      • setDisableDeprecatedPropertyGeneration

        public void setDisableDeprecatedPropertyGeneration​(boolean disableDeprecatedPropertyGeneration)
        Set to true to disable generating deprecatedProperties for Resource Schemas.

        By default, deprecated members are automatically added to the deprecatedProperties schema property.

        disableDeprecatedPropertyGeneration - True to disable deprecatedProperties generation, false otherwise.
      • getDisableCapitalizedProperties

        public boolean getDisableCapitalizedProperties()
      • setDisableCapitalizedProperties

        public void setDisableCapitalizedProperties​(boolean disableCapitalizedProperties)
        Set to true to disable automatically capitalizing names of properties of Resource Schemas.

        By default, property names of Resource Schemas are capitalized if no cfnName trait is applied.

        disableCapitalizedProperties - True to disable capitalizing property names, false otherwise.
      • getExternalDocs

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExternalDocs()
      • setExternalDocs

        public void setExternalDocs​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> externalDocs)
        Limits the source of converted "externalDocs" fields to the specified priority ordered list of names in an externalDocumentation trait.

        This list is case insensitive. By default, this is a list of the following values: "Documentation Url", "DocumentationUrl", "API Reference", "User Guide", "Developer Guide", "Reference", and "Guide".

        externalDocs - External docs to look for and convert, in order.
      • getJsonAdd

        public java.util.Map<ShapeId,​java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Node>> getJsonAdd()
      • setJsonAdd

        public void setJsonAdd​(java.util.Map<ShapeId,​java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Node>> jsonAdd)
        Adds or replaces the JSON value in the generated resource schema document at the given JSON pointer locations with a different JSON value.

        The value must be a map where each key is a resource shape ID. The value is a map where each key is a valid JSON pointer string as defined in RFC 6901. Each value in the nested map is the JSON value to add or replace at the given target.

        Values are added using similar semantics of the "add" operation of JSON Patch, as specified in RFC 6902, with the exception that adding properties to an undefined object will create nested objects in the result as needed.

        jsonAdd - Map of JSON path to values to patch in.
      • setUseJsonName

        public void setUseJsonName​(boolean useJsonName)
        Description copied from class: JsonSchemaConfig
        Uses the value of the jsonName trait when creating JSON schema properties for structure and union shapes.

        This property has no effect if a PropertyNamingStrategy is manually configured on a JsonSchemaConverter.

        setUseJsonName in class JsonSchemaConfig
        useJsonName - Set to true to use jsonName traits when creating refs..
      • getOrganizationName

        public java.lang.String getOrganizationName()
      • setOrganizationName

        public void setOrganizationName​(java.lang.String organizationName)
        Sets the "Organization" component for each of the generated resource's type name.

        This value defaults to "AWS" if the aws.api#service trait is present. Otherwise, the value is required configuration.

        organizationName - Name to use for the "Organization" component of resource type names.
        See Also:
        Type Name
      • getServiceName

        public java.lang.String getServiceName()
      • setServiceName

        public void setServiceName​(java.lang.String serviceName)
        Sets the "Service" component for each of the generated resource's type name.

        This value defaults to the value of the aws.api#service/cloudFormationName if the trait is present. Otherwise, the value defaults to the shape name of the specified service shape.

        serviceName - Name to use for the "Service" component of resource type names.
        See Also:
        Type Name
      • getService

        public ShapeId getService()
      • setService

        public void setService​(ShapeId service)
        Sets the service shape ID to convert the resources of.

        For example, smithy.example#Weather.

        service - the Smithy service shape ID to convert the resources of.
      • getSourceDocs

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSourceDocs()
      • setSourceDocs

        public void setSourceDocs​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> sourceDocs)
        Limits the source of converted "sourceDocs" fields to the specified priority ordered list of names in an externalDocumentation trait.

        This list is case insensitive. By default, this is a list of the following values: "Source Url", "SourceUrl", "Source", and "Source Code".

        sourceDocs - Source docs to look for and convert, in order.
      • fromNode

        public static CfnConfig fromNode​(Node settings)
        Creates a CfnConfig from a Node value.

        This method uses the NodeMapper on the converted input object. Note that this class can be deserialized using a NodeMapper too since the NodeMapper will look for a static, public, fromNode method.

        This method also serializes unknown properties into the "extensions" map so that they are accessible to CfnMapper implementations.

        settings - Input to deserialize.
        Returns the deserialized