Class ShapeDirective<T extends Shape,C extends CodegenContext<S,?,?>,S>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of shape being generated.
C - CodegenContext type.
S - Codegen settings type.
Direct Known Subclasses:
GenerateEnumDirective, GenerateErrorDirective, GenerateIntEnumDirective, GenerateListDirective, GenerateMapDirective, GenerateOperationDirective, GenerateResourceDirective, GenerateServiceDirective, GenerateStructureDirective, GenerateUnionDirective

public abstract class ShapeDirective<T extends Shape,C extends CodegenContext<S,?,?>,S> extends ContextualDirective<C,S>
Directive used to generate a specific shape.
  • Method Details

    • shape

      public final T shape()
      Gets the shape being generated.
      Returns the shape to generate.
    • symbol

      public final Symbol symbol()
      Gets the symbol created for the shape.

      This is equivalent to calling symbolProvider().toSymbol(shape()).

      Returns the shape's symbol.