Interface Smithy2OpenApiExtension

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ApiGatewayExtension, CoreExtension

    public interface Smithy2OpenApiExtension
    An extension mechanism used to influence how Smithy models are converted to OpenAPI models.

    Implementations of this interface are discovered through Java SPI.

    • Method Detail

      • getSecuritySchemeConverters

        default java.util.List<SecuritySchemeConverter<? extends Trait>> getSecuritySchemeConverters()
        Registers additional security scheme converters.
        Returns the converters to register.
      • getProtocols

        default java.util.List<OpenApiProtocol<? extends Trait>> getProtocols()
        Registers additional protocols that handle serialization and deserialization.
        Returns the protocols to register.
      • getOpenApiMappers

        default java.util.List<OpenApiMapper> getOpenApiMappers()
        Registers OpenAPI mappers, classes used to modify and extend the process of converting a Smithy model to OpenAPI.
        Returns the mappers to register.
      • getJsonSchemaMappers

        default java.util.List<JsonSchemaMapper> getJsonSchemaMappers()
        Registers JsonSchema mappers that are used to modify JsonSchema definitions created from a Smithy model.
        Returns the mappers to register.