Interface ValidationEventDecorator

  • public interface ValidationEventDecorator
    Validation event decorators take validation events and transform them by adding more contextual information, usually adding a hint to let the user know what can it be done to solve the issue. This might add context specific information that is not relevant for all cases such as links to internal knowledge sites or explicit instructions relevant only to the context where Smithy is being used.
    • Method Detail

      • canDecorate

        boolean canDecorate​(ValidationEvent ev)
        Returns true if this decorator knows how to decorate this event, usually by looking at the event id.
        ev - The event to test against
        true if this decorator knows how to decorate this event
      • decorate

        ValidationEvent decorate​(ValidationEvent ev)
        Takes an event and potentially updates it to decorate it. Returns the same event if this decorators does not know how to handle the event.
        The decorated event or the original one if no decoration took place.
      • compose

        static ValidationEventDecorator compose​(java.util.List<ValidationEventDecorator> decorators)
        Creates a decorator composed of one or more decorators.
        decorators - Decorators to compose.
        Returns the composed decorator.