Class PropertyBindingIndex

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class PropertyBindingIndex
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements KnowledgeIndex
    Index of member shape to associated resource property information.
    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyName

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getPropertyName​(ShapeId memberShapeId)
        Gets the property name for a given member shape. Returns empty optional if the member shape does not correspond to a property.
        memberShapeId - the ShapeId of the member shape to get the property name for.
        the property name for a given member shape if there is one.
      • isMemberShapeProperty

        public boolean isMemberShapeProperty​(MemberShape memberShape)
        Returns true if a member shape positively maps to a property. {@see PropertyBindingIndex#getPropertyName(ShapeId)} will return a non-empty Optional if this method returns true.
        memberShape - the member shape to check
        true if member shape maps to a property on the given resource
      • getOutputPropertiesShape

        public StructureShape getOutputPropertiesShape​(OperationShape operation)
        Resolves and returns the output shape of an operation that contains the top-level resource bound properties. Handles adjustments made with
        operation - operation to retrieve output properties shape for.
        the output shape of an operation that contains top-level resource properties.
      • getInputPropertiesShape

        public StructureShape getInputPropertiesShape​(OperationShape operation)
        Resolves and returns the input shape of an operation that contains the top-level resource bound properties. Handles adjustments made with
        operation - operation to retrieve output properties shape for
        the input shape of an operation that contains top-level resource properties.
      • doesMemberShapeRequireProperty

        public boolean doesMemberShapeRequireProperty​(MemberShape memberShape)
        Returns true if member is required to have an associated property mapping.
        memberShape - the member shape to check
        True if input/output member is required to have a property mapping.