Interface PropertyNamingStrategy

  • Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface PropertyNamingStrategy
    Determines the field/property/member name of a member in an object.
    • Method Detail

      • toPropertyName

        java.lang.String toPropertyName​(Shape containingShape,
                                        MemberShape member,
                                        JsonSchemaConfig config)
        Determine the member name of the member.
        containingShape - Shape that contains the member.
        member - Member shape to compute the member name of.
        config - Config to use.
        Returns the computed member name.
      • createMemberNameStrategy

        static PropertyNamingStrategy createMemberNameStrategy()
        Creates a naming strategy that just uses the member name as-is.
        Returns the created strategy.
      • createDefaultStrategy

        static PropertyNamingStrategy createDefaultStrategy()
        Creates a default strategy that first checks for jsonName then falls back to the member name.
        Returns the created strategy.