Class ChangedShape<S extends Shape>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - The type of shape. Note that this may be just Shape in the event that the shape changed classes.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ChangedShape<S extends Shape>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements FromSourceLocation
    Represents a changed shape.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangedShape

        public ChangedShape​(S oldShape,
                            S newShape)
    • Method Detail

      • getOldShape

        public S getOldShape()
        Gets the old shape value.
        Returns the old shape.
      • getNewShape

        public S getNewShape()
        Gets the new shape value.
        Returns the new shape.
      • getShapeId

        public ShapeId getShapeId()
        Gets the shape ID of the changed shape.
        Return the shape ID.
      • addedTraits

        public<Trait> addedTraits()
        Gets a stream of added traits.
        Returns the traits that were added.
      • removedTraits

        public<Trait> removedTraits()
        Gets a stream of removed traits.
        Returns the traits that were removed.
      • changedTraits

        public<Pair<Trait,​Trait>> changedTraits()
        Gets a stream of changed traits.
        Returns the traits that were changed.
      • isTraitAdded

        public boolean isTraitAdded​(ShapeId trait)
        Checks if the trait was added.
        trait - Trait to check.
        Returns true if the trait was added.
      • isTraitRemoved

        public boolean isTraitRemoved​(ShapeId trait)
        Checks if the trait was removed.
        trait - Trait to check.
        Returns true if the trait was removed.
      • isTraitInBoth

        public boolean isTraitInBoth​(ShapeId trait)
        Checks if the given trait is in the old shape and new shape.
        trait - Trait to check.
        Returns true if the trait is in the old and new shape.
      • getChangedTrait

        public <T extends Trait> java.util.Optional<Pair<T,​T>> getChangedTrait​(java.lang.Class<T> traitType)
        Gets a changed trait of a specific type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of trait to find.
        traitType - Type of trait to find.
        Returns the optionally found old and new typed trait values.
      • getTraitDifferences

        public java.util.Map<ShapeId,​Pair<Trait,​Trait>> getTraitDifferences()
        Gets the trait differences between the old and new shape.

        The returned map is a mapping of a trait name to a pair in which the left side of the pair contains the nullable old trait value, and the right side of the pair contains the nullable new trait value. The left side will be null if the trait was added, the right side will be null if the trait was removed, and both traits will be present if the trait changed.

        Returns a map of each changed trait name to a pair of the old and new trait values.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object