Class Tagging

    • Method Detail

      • getTaggable

        public boolean getTaggable()
        Returns true if the resource is taggable.
        true if the resource is taggable.
      • getTagOnCreate

        public boolean getTagOnCreate()
        Returns true if resource tags can be applied on create.
        true if resource tags can be applied on create.
      • getTagUpdatable

        public boolean getTagUpdatable()
        Returns true if resource tags can be updated after create.
        true if resource tags can be updated after create.
      • getCloudFormationSystemTags

        public boolean getCloudFormationSystemTags()
        Returns true if the resource supports CloudFormation system tags.
        true if the resource supports CloudFormation system tags.
      • getTagProperty

        public java.lang.String getTagProperty()
        Returns the name of the tag property.
        the name of the tag property.