Class OperationShape

    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public <R> R accept​(ShapeVisitor<R> visitor)
        Description copied from class: Shape
        Dispatches the shape to the appropriate ShapeVisitor method.
        Specified by:
        accept in class Shape
        Type Parameters:
        R - Return type of the accept.
        visitor - ShapeVisitor to use.
        Returns the result.
      • getType

        public ShapeType getType()
        Description copied from class: Shape
        Gets the type of the shape.
        Specified by:
        getType in class Shape
        Returns the type;
      • getInput

        public java.util.Optional<ShapeId> getInput()

        Gets the optional shape ID of the input of the operation.

        For backward compatibility, if the input targets smithy.api#Unit, then an empty optional is returned.

        Returns the optional shape ID.
      • getOutput

        public java.util.Optional<ShapeId> getOutput()

        Gets the optional shape ID of the output of the operation.

        For backward compatibility, if the output targets smithy.api#Unit, then an empty optional is returned.

        Returns the optional shape ID.
      • getInputShape

        public ShapeId getInputShape()
        Gets the input of the operation.

        All operations have input, and they default to target smithy.api#Unit.

        Returns the non-nullable input.
      • getOutputShape

        public ShapeId getOutputShape()
        Gets the output of the operation.

        All operations have output, and they default to target smithy.api#Unit.

        Returns the non-nullable output.
      • getIntroducedErrors

        public java.util.List<ShapeId> getIntroducedErrors()
        Gets the errors introduced by the shape and not inherited from mixins.
        Returns the introduced errors.
      • getErrors

        public java.util.List<ShapeId> getErrors​(ServiceShape service)

        Gets a list of the error shape IDs the operation can encounter, including any common errors of a service.

        No validation is performed here to ensure that the operation is actually bound to the given service shape.

        Returns the errors.
        See Also:
        OperationIndex.getErrors(ToShapeId, ToShapeId)
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        equals in class Shape