Class Relationship

  • public final class Relationship
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represent a direct relationship between two shapes.

    A relationship is a connection between two shapes. See RelationshipType for documentation on the possible types of relationships.

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static Relationship create​(Shape shape,
                                          RelationshipType relationshipType,
                                          Shape neighborShape)
        Constructs a valid shape relationship where the neighbor is present.
        shape - The shape the relationship originates from.
        relationshipType - The relationshipType of relationship.
        neighborShape - The shape the relationship targets.
        Returns the created Relationship.
      • createInvalid

        public static Relationship createInvalid​(Shape shape,
                                                 RelationshipType relationshipType,
                                                 ShapeId neighborShapeId)
        Constructs an invalid shape relationship where the neighbor is not present.
        shape - The shape the relationship originates from.
        relationshipType - The relationshipType of relationship.
        neighborShapeId - The shape the relationship targets.
        Returns the created Relationship.
      • getShape

        public Shape getShape()
        Gets the starting shape in the relationship.
        Returns the shape the relationship is from.
      • getRelationshipType

        public RelationshipType getRelationshipType()
        Gets the relationship type.
        Returns the relationship type.
      • getNeighborShapeId

        public ShapeId getNeighborShapeId()
        Gets the shape id of the neighbor shape.
        Returns the shape id of the neighbor shape.
      • getNeighborShape

        public java.util.Optional<Shape> getNeighborShape()
        Gets the optional neighbor shape; the neighbor shape may be empty when the neighbor shape id was not in the model.
        Returns the optional neighbor shape.
      • expectNeighborShape

        public Shape expectNeighborShape()
        Gets the neighbor shape or throws if it doesn't exist.
        Returns the neighbor shape.
        ExpectationNotMetException - if the neighbor is missing.
      • getSelectorLabel

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getSelectorLabel()
        Gets the token that is used in Selector expressions when referring to the relationship or an empty Optional if this relationship is not used in a selector.
        Returns the optionally present selector token for this relationship.
      • getDirection

        public RelationshipDirection getDirection()
        Gets the direction of the relationship.

        A RelationshipDirection.DIRECTED direction is formed from a shape that defines a reference to another shape (for example, when a resource defines operations or resources it contains).

        A RelationshipDirection.INVERTED relationship is a relationship from a shape to a shape that defines a relationship to it. The target of such a relationship doesn't define the relationship, but is the target of the relationship.

        Returns the direction of the relationship.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object