Class TransformContext

    • Method Detail

      • getSettings

        public ObjectNode getSettings()
        Gets the arguments object of the transform.
        Returns the transformer arguments.
      • getModel

        public Model getModel()
        Gets the model to transform.
        Returns the model to transform.
      • getOriginalModel

        public java.util.Optional<Model> getOriginalModel()
        Get the original model before applying the projection.
        The optionally provided original model.
      • getSources

        public java.util.Set<java.nio.file.Path> getSources()
        Gets the source models, or models that are considered the subject of the build.

        This does not return an exhaustive set of model paths! There are typically two kinds of models that are added to a build: source models and discovered models. Discovered models are someone else's models. Source models are the models owned by the package being built.

        Returns the source models.
      • getProjectionName

        public java.lang.String getProjectionName()
        Gets the name of the projection being applied.

        If no projection could be found, "source" is assumed.

        Returns the explicit or assumed projection name.
      • getTransformer

        public ModelTransformer getTransformer()
        Gets the ModelTransformer that has been configured to aid in the transformation.
        Returns the model transformer.
      • getOriginalModelValidationEvents

        public java.util.List<ValidationEvent> getOriginalModelValidationEvents()
        Gets an immutable list of ValidationEvents that were encountered when loading the source model.
        Returns the encountered validation events.