Class SmokeTestCase

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        Get the ID of this test case.

        This ID is unique across all smoke test cases for all operations bound to the same service, and can be used to generate test case names.

        Returns the smoke test case ID.
      • getParams

        public java.util.Optional<ObjectNode> getParams()
        Get the input parameters of this test case.

        These parameters, if present, are passed to the operation the smoke test targets. If not present, the operation does not have any input.

        Returns the optionally present input parameters.
      • getVendorParams

        public java.util.Optional<ObjectNode> getVendorParams()
        Get the vendor-specific parameters of this test case.

        These are custom parameters that can be used to influence the request for this test case.

        These parameters match the shape id returned by getVendorParamsShape(), if present.

        Returns the optionally present vendor-specific parameters.
        See Also:
      • getVendorParamsShape

        public java.util.Optional<ShapeId> getVendorParamsShape()
        Get the shape ID of vendor-specific parameters used by this test case.

        If present, getVendorParams() will match this shape's definition.

        The optionally present shape ID of vendor-specific parameters.
        See Also:
      • getExpectation

        public Expectation getExpectation()
        Get the expected response from the service call for this test case.

        This expectation can be either a successful response, any error response, or a specific error response.

        Returns expectation.
      • getTags

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTags()
        Description copied from interface: Tagged
        Gets the tags applied to an object.
        Specified by:
        getTags in interface Tagged
        Returns the tag values.
      • toNode

        public Node toNode()
        Description copied from interface: ToNode
        Converts a value to a Node.
        Specified by:
        toNode in interface ToNode
        Returns the creates Node.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object