Interface EndpointComponentFactory

  • public interface EndpointComponentFactory
    Provides access to endpoint components loaded through EndpointRuleSetExtensions.
    • Method Detail

      • hasBuiltIn

        boolean hasBuiltIn​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns true if a built-in of the provided name has been registered.
        name - the name of the built-in to check for.
        true if the built-in is present, false otherwise.
      • getKeyString

        java.lang.String getKeyString()
        Gets the built-in names as a joined string.
        a string of the built-in names.
      • createFunctionFactory

        java.util.function.Function<FunctionNode,​java.util.Optional<LibraryFunction>> createFunctionFactory()
        Creates a LibraryFunction factory function using the loaded function definitions.
        the created factory.