Class PaginatedTrait

    • Field Detail

      • ID

        public static final ShapeId ID
    • Method Detail

      • getItems

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getItems()
        The `items` property of the trait.
      • getInputToken

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getInputToken()
        The `inputToken` property of the trait.
      • getOutputToken

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getOutputToken()
        The `outputToken` property of the trait.
      • getPageSize

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getPageSize()
        The optional `pageSize` property.
      • resolveFullPath

        public static java.util.List<MemberShape> resolveFullPath​(java.lang.String path,
                                                                  Model model,
                                                                  StructureShape shape)
        Resolves an output path to a list of MemberShape.

        A path is a series of identifiers separated by dots (`.`) where each identifier represents a member name in a structure.

        path - The path to resolve.
        model - The model to be searched when resolving the path.
        shape - The shape where path resolution should start, e.g. the output shape of an operation.
        The list of member shapes corresponding to each path identifier. An unresolvable path will be returned as an empty list.
      • merge

        public PaginatedTrait merge​(PaginatedTrait other)
        Merges this paginated trait with another trait.

        Values set on this trait take precedence over values of the other trait. This operation is typically performed to merge the paginated trait of an operation with the paginated trait of a service.

        If other is null, the current trait is returned as-is.

        other - Other trait to merge with.
        Returns a newly created trait that maintains the same source location.
      • createNode

        protected Node createNode()
        Description copied from class: AbstractTrait
        The result of toNode is used for hashCodes and equality. Subclasses must implement createNode to turn the trait into a Node. This is then cached for subsequent retrievals.
        Specified by:
        createNode in class AbstractTrait
        Returns the trait as a node.