Class EntityShape.Builder<B extends EntityShape.Builder<B,​S>,​S extends EntityShape>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • operations

        public B operations​(java.util.Collection<ShapeId> ids)
      • addOperation

        public B addOperation​(ToShapeId id)
      • addOperation

        public B addOperation​(java.lang.String id)
      • removeOperation

        public B removeOperation​(ToShapeId id)
      • clearOperations

        public B clearOperations()
      • resources

        public B resources​(java.util.Collection<ShapeId> ids)
      • addResource

        public B addResource​(ToShapeId id)
      • addResource

        public B addResource​(java.lang.String id)
      • removeResource

        public B removeResource​(ToShapeId id)
      • clearResources

        public B clearResources()
      • flattenMixins

        public B flattenMixins()
        Description copied from class: AbstractShapeBuilder
        Removes mixins from a shape and flattens them into the shape.

        Flattening a mixin into a shape copies the traits and members of a mixin onto the shape, effectively resulting in the same shape but with no trace of the mixin relationship.

        flattenMixins in class AbstractShapeBuilder<B extends EntityShape.Builder<B,​S>,​S extends EntityShape>
        Returns the updated builder.