Class TracingSymbolProvider

    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static TracingSymbolProvider.Builder builder()
        Builder to create a TracingSymbolProvider instance.
        Returns a new Builder.
      • toSymbol

        public Symbol toSymbol​(Shape shape)
        Converts a shape into a symbol by calling the toSymbol method of the SymbolProvider used to construct this TracingSymbolProvider. Adds a list of ShapeLinks to the TracingSymbolProvider's TraceFile.Builder.
        Specified by:
        toSymbol in interface SymbolProvider
        shape - Shape to convert to Symbol.
        Symbol created from Shape.
      • toMemberName

        public java.lang.String toMemberName​(MemberShape shape)
        Description copied from interface: SymbolProvider
        Converts a member shape to a member/property name of a containing data structure.

        The default implementation will return the member name of the provided shape ID and should be overridden if necessary.

        Specified by:
        toMemberName in interface SymbolProvider
        shape - Shape to convert.
        Returns the converted member name.