Class ProjectionResult

  • public final class ProjectionResult
    extends java.lang.Object
    The result of applying a projection to a model.
    • Method Detail

      • getProjectionName

        public java.lang.String getProjectionName()
        Gets the name of the projection that was executed.
        Returns the projection name.
      • getModel

        public Model getModel()
        Gets the result of projecting the model.
        Returns the projected model.
      • isBroken

        public boolean isBroken()
        Returns true if the projection contains error or danger events.
        Returns true if the projected model is broken.
      • getEvents

        public java.util.List<ValidationEvent> getEvents()
        Gets the validation events encountered after projecting the model.
        Returns the encountered validation events.
      • getPluginManifests

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​FileManifest> getPluginManifests()
        Gets the results of each plugin.
        Returns a map of plugin names to their file manifests.
      • getPluginManifest

        public java.util.Optional<FileManifest> getPluginManifest​(java.lang.String artifactName)
        Gets the result of a specific plugin by plugin artifact name.

        If no artifact name is configured for a plugin in smithy-build.json (e.g., "plugin::artifact"), the artifact name defaults to the plugin name.

        artifactName - Name of the plugin artifact to retrieve.
        Returns files created by the given plugin or an empty list.