Class ClientEndpointDiscoveryTrait.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • build

        public ClientEndpointDiscoveryTrait build()
        Description copied from interface: SmithyBuilder
        Creates an immutable object that is created from the properties that have been set on the builder.
        an instance of T
      • operation

        public ClientEndpointDiscoveryTrait.Builder operation​(ShapeId operation)
        Set the operation used to discover endpoints for the service.

        The operation MUST be bound to the service.

        operation - The ShapeId of the operation used to discover endpoints.
        Returns the builder.
      • error

        public ClientEndpointDiscoveryTrait.Builder error​(ShapeId error)
        Set the error shape which indicates to a client that an endpoint they are using is no longer valid.

        This error MUST be bound to every operation bound to the service which is marked with an ClientDiscoveredEndpointTrait.

        error - The ShapeId of the invalid endpoint error.
        Returns the builder.