Class PlaneIndex

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class PlaneIndex
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements KnowledgeIndex
    Determines if a service, resource, or operation are considered part of the data plane or control plane.

    The plane is inherited from the top-down and can be overridden per shape. For example, if a service shape has the aws.api#controlPlane shape, then every shape within the closure of the service inherits this property. If a resource shape defines a aws.api#controlPlane or aws.api#dataPlane trait, then all shapes within the closure of the resource inherit it. If an operation is marked with the aws.api#dataPlane trait, it overrides any plane traits of the service or resource its bound within.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlaneIndex

        public PlaneIndex​(Model model)
    • Method Detail

      • isControlPlane

        public boolean isControlPlane​(ToShapeId service)
        Checks if the given service shape is part of the control plane.
        service - Service to check.
        Returns true if the service is part of the control plane.
      • isControlPlane

        public boolean isControlPlane​(ToShapeId service,
                                      ToShapeId operationOrResource)
        Checks if the given shape within a service is part of the control plane.
        service - Service to check.
        operationOrResource - Operation or resource within the service to check.
        Returns true if the shape is part of the control plane.
      • isDataPlane

        public boolean isDataPlane​(ToShapeId service)
        Checks if the given service shape is part of the data plane.
        service - Service to check.
        Returns true if the service is part of the data plane.
      • isDataPlane

        public boolean isDataPlane​(ToShapeId service,
                                   ToShapeId operationOrResource)
        Checks if the given shape within a service is part of the data plane.
        service - Service to check.
        operationOrResource - Operation or resource within the service to check.
        Returns true if the shape is part of the data plane.
      • isPlaneDefined

        public boolean isPlaneDefined​(ToShapeId service)
        Checks if the given service shape has defined its plane.
        service - Service to check.
        Returns true if the service has defined its plane.
      • isPlaneDefined

        public boolean isPlaneDefined​(ToShapeId service,
                                      ToShapeId operationOrResource)
        Checks if the given shape within a service has a resolvable plane.
        service - Service to check.
        operationOrResource - Operation or resource within the service to check.
        Returns true if the shape has a resolvable plane.