Class CfnResourceTrait

    • Field Detail

      • ID

        public static final ShapeId ID
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getName()
        Get the AWS CloudFormation resource name.
        Returns the name.
      • getAdditionalSchemas

        public java.util.List<ShapeId> getAdditionalSchemas()
        Get the Smithy structure shape Ids for additional schema properties.
        Returns the additional schema shape Ids.
      • createNode

        protected Node createNode()
        Description copied from class: AbstractTrait
        The result of toNode is used for hashCodes and equality. Subclasses must implement createNode to turn the trait into a Node. This is then cached for subsequent retrievals.
        Specified by:
        createNode in class AbstractTrait
        Returns the trait as a node.