Class ServiceIndex

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ServiceIndex extends Object implements KnowledgeIndex
An index that resolves service protocols and auth schemes.

This index can be used to get all of the protocol traits applied to a service, to get all of the auth defining traits applied to a service, to get the effective authentication schemes of a service, and to get the effective authentication schemes of an operation bound within the closure of a service.

  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceIndex

      public ServiceIndex(Model model)
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static ServiceIndex of(Model model)
    • getProtocols

      public Map<ShapeId,Trait> getProtocols(ToShapeId service)
      Get all protocol traits attached to a service.

      A protocol trait is a trait that is marked with the smithy.api#protocolDefinition trait.

      An empty map is returned if service cannot be found in the model or is not a service shape.

      service - Service to get the protocols of.
      Returns a map of the protocol trait ID to the trait.
    • getAuthSchemes

      public Map<ShapeId,Trait> getAuthSchemes(ToShapeId service)
      Get all auth defining traits attached to a service or operation.

      An auth defining trait is a trait that is marked with the smithy.api#authDefinition trait.

      The returned map is ordered alphabetically by absolute shape ID.

      An empty map is returned if id cannot be found in the model or is not a service shape.

      service - Service to get the auth schemes of.
      Returns a map of the trait shape ID to the auth trait itself.
    • getEffectiveAuthSchemes

      public Map<ShapeId,Trait> getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId service)
      Gets a list of effective authentication schemes applied to a service.

      An effective authentication scheme is derived from the smithy.api#auth trait and the auth defining traits applied to a service. If the service has the smithy.api#auth trait, then a map is returned that contains the traits applied to the service that matches the values in the auth trait. If no auth trait is applied, then all of the auth defining traits on the service are returned.

      The returned map is provided in the same order as the values in the auth trait if an auth trait is present, otherwise the result returned is ordered alphabetically by absolute shape ID.

      An empty map is returned if service cannot be found in the model or is not a service shape.

      service - Service to get the effective authentication schemes of.
      Returns a map of the trait shape ID to the auth trait itself.
    • getEffectiveAuthSchemes

      public Map<ShapeId,Trait> getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId service, ServiceIndex.AuthSchemeMode authSchemeMode)
      Gets a list of effective authentication schemes applied to a service, based on the AuthSchemeMode.

      If AuthSchemeMode is MODELED, which is the default, the behavior is same as getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId).

      If AuthSchemeMode is NO_AUTH_AWARE, the behavior is same, except that if the service has no effective auth schemes, instead of an empty map, it returns the smithy.api#noAuth auth scheme. It avoids having to special case handling an empty result. The returned map will always contain at least 1 entry.

      service - Service to get the effective authentication schemes of.
      authSchemeMode - AuthSchemeMode to determine which authentication schemes to include.
      Returns a map of the trait shape ID to the auth trait itself.
    • getEffectiveAuthSchemes

      public Map<ShapeId,Trait> getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId service, ToShapeId operation)
      Gets a list of effective authentication schemes applied to an operation bound within a service.

      If the given operation defines that smithy.api#auth trait, then a map is returned that consists of the traits applied to the service that match the values of the smithy.api#auth trait. If the operation does not define an smithy.api#auth trait, then the effective auth schemes of the service is returned (that is, the return value of getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId)).

      The returned map is provided in the same order as the values in the auth trait if an auth trait is present, otherwise the result returned is ordered alphabetically by absolute shape ID.

      An empty map is returned if service shape cannot be found in the model or is not a service shape. An empty map is returned if operation cannot be found in the model or is not an operation shape.

      service - Service the operation is within.
      operation - Operation to get the effective authentication schemes of.
      Returns a map of the trait shape ID to the auth trait itself.
    • getEffectiveAuthSchemes

      public Map<ShapeId,Trait> getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId service, ToShapeId operation, ServiceIndex.AuthSchemeMode authSchemeMode)
      Gets a list of effective authentication schemes applied to an operation bound within a service, based on the AuthSchemeMode.

      If AuthSchemeMode is MODELED, which is the default, the behavior is same as getEffectiveAuthSchemes(ToShapeId, ToShapeId).

      If AuthSchemeMode is NO_AUTH_AWARE, the behavior is same, with the following differences: If the operation has no effective auth schemes, instead of an empty map, it returns the smithy.api#noAuth auth scheme. If the operation has the smithy.api#optionalAuth trait, it adds smithy.api#noAuth to the end.

      Using NO_AUTH_AWARE accounts for smithy.api#optionalAuth and avoids having to special case handling an empty result. The returned map will always contain at least 1 entry.

      The smithy.api#noAuth scheme, if present, is always the last scheme.

      service - Service the operation is within.
      operation - Operation to get the effective authentication schemes of.
      authSchemeMode - AuthSchemeMode to determine which authentication schemes to include.
      Returns a map of the trait shape ID to the auth trait itself.