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Using SmithyBuild

Building a Smithy model requires constructing a configuration file, smithy-build.json. This file is used to describe how a model is created and what projections of the model to create.

Using smithy-build.json

The smithy-build.json file is used to describe how a model is created and what projections of the model to create.

The configuration file accepts the following properties:

Property Type Description
version string Required. Defines the version of SmithyBuild. Set to 1.0.
outputDirectory string Required. The location where projections are written. Each projection will create a subdirectory named after the projection, and the artifacts from the projection, including a model.json file, will be placed in the directory.
imports string[] Provides a list of relative imports to combine into a single model. When a directory is encountered, all files and all files within all subdirectories are imported. Note that build systems MAY choose to rely on other mechanisms for importing models and forming a composite model. These imports are used in every projection. Note: imports are relative to the configuration file.
projections map<string, object> A map of projection names to projection configurations.
plugins map<string, object> Defines the plugins to apply to the model when building every projection. Plugins are a mapping of plugin names to an arbitrary plugin configuration object.

The following is an example smithy-build.json configuration:

    "version": "1.0",
    "outputDirectory": "build/output",
    "imports": ["foo.json", "some/directory"],
    "projections": {
        "my-abstract-projection": {
            "abstract": true
        "projection-name": {
            "imports": ["projection-specific-imports/"],
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "excludeShapesByTag", "args": ["internal", "beta", "..."]},
                {"name": "excludeTraitsByTag", "args": ["internal"]}
            "plugins": {
                "plugin-name": {
                    "plugin-config": "value"
                "...": {}
    "plugins": {
        "plugin-name": {
            "plugin-config": "value"
        "...": {}


A projection of a model is a filtered and modified version of a Smithy model that is intended for specific audiences or customers. Projections are useful to companies that maintain internal and external versions of an API or include parameters and operations that are available to only a subset of their customers.

Projections are defined in the smithy-build.json file in the projections property. Projection names MUST match the following pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9\-_.]+$.

A projection accepts the following configuration:

Property Type Description
abstract boolean Defines the projection as a placeholder that other projections apply. Smithy will not build artifacts for abstract projections. Abstract projections must not define imports or plugins.
imports string[] Provides a list of relative imports to include when building this specific projection. When a directory is encountered, all files and all files within all subdirectories are imported. Note: imports are relative to the configuration file.
transforms list<Transforms> Defines the transformations to apply to the projection. Transformations are used to remove shapes, remove traits, modify trait contents, and any other kind of transformation necessary for the projection. Transforms are applied in the order defined.
plugins map<string, object> Defines the plugins to apply to the model when building this projection. Plugins are a mapping of plugin names to an arbitrary plugin configuration object. SmithyBuild will attempt to resolve plugin names using Java SPI to locate and instance of that returns a matching name when calling getName. SmithyBuild will emit a warning when a plugin cannot be resolved.

Projection artifacts

SmithyBuild will write artifacts for each projection inside of outputDirectory.

  • The model that is projected is placed inside of ${outputDirectory}/${projectionName}/model/model.json.
  • Build information about the projection build result, including the configuration of the projection and the validation events encountered when validating the projected model, are written to ${outputDirectory}/${projectionName}/build-info/smithy-build-info.json.
  • All plugin artifacts are written to ${outputDirectory}/${projectionName}/${pluginName}/${artifactName}, where ${artifactName} is the name of an artifact contributed by an instance of The relative path of each artifact is resolved against ${outputDirectory}/${projectionName}/${pluginName}/. For example, given an artifact path of foo/baz.json, the resolved path would become ${outputDirectory}/${projectionName}/${pluginName}/foo/baz.json.


Transforms are used to filter and modify the model for the projection. Transforms are applied to the model, in order.

A transform accepts the following configuration:

Property Type Description
name string The required name of the transform.
args string[] Provides a list of arguments to pass to the transform.


Applies the transforms defined in the given projection names. Each provided name must be a valid projection name. The transforms of the referenced projections are applied in the order provided. No cycles are allowed in apply.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "my-abstract-projection": {
            "abstract": true,
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "foo"}
        "projection-name": {
            "imports": ["projection-specific-imports/"],
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "baz"},
                {"name": "apply", "args": ["my-abstract-projection"]},
                {"name": "bar"}


Aliases: excludeByTag (deprecated)

Removes shapes if they are tagged with one or more of the given arguments via the tags trait.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "excludeByTag", "args": ["foo", "baz"]}


This transformer does not remove shapes from the prelude.


Aliases: includeByTag (deprecated)

Removes shapes that are not tagged with at least one of the given arguments via the tags trait.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeByTag", "args": ["foo", "baz"]}


This transformer does not remove shapes from the prelude.


Filters out shapes that are not part of one of the given namespaces. Note that this does not filter out traits based on namespaces.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeNamespaces", "args": ["", "my.api"]}


This transformer does not remove shapes from the prelude.


Filters out service shapes that are not included in the arguments list of service shape IDs.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeServices", "args": ["my.api#MyService"]}


Removes tags from shapes and trait definitions that match any of the provided arguments (a list of allowed tags).

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "excludeTags", "args": ["tagA", "tagB"]}


Removes trait definitions from a model if the trait name is present in the provided list of arguments. Any instance of a removed trait is also removed from shapes in the model.

The shapes that make up trait definitions that are removed are not automatically removed from the model. Use removeUnusedShapes to remove orphaned shapes.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "excludeTraits", "args": ["since", ""]}

You can exclude all of the traits in a namespace by ending one of the arguments with "#". For example, the following configuration excludes all traits in the "" namespace:

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "excludeTraits", "args": [""]}


Removes trait definitions from a model if the trait definition has any of the provided tags. Any instance of a removed trait is also removed from shapes in the model.

The shapes that make up trait definitions that are removed are not automatically removed from the model. Use removeUnusedShapes to remove orphaned shapes.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "excludeTraitsByTag", "args": ["internal"]}


This transformer does not remove shapes from the prelude.


Removes authentication schemes from shapes that do not match one of the given arguments (a list of authentication schemes).

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeAuth", "args": ["aws.v4", "http-basic"]}


Removes protocols from service shapes that do not match one of the given arguments (a list of protocol names).

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeProtocols", "args": [""]}


Removes tags from shapes and trait definitions that are not in the argument list (a list of allowed tags).

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeTags", "args": ["foo", "baz"]}


Removes trait definitions from a model if the trait name is not present in the provided list of arguments. Any instance of a removed trait is also removed from shapes in the model.

The shapes that make up trait definitions that are removed are not automatically removed from the model. Use removeUnusedShapes to remove orphaned shapes.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeTraits", "args": ["sensitive", ""]}

You can include all of the traits in a namespace by ending one of the arguments with "#". For example, the following configuration includes all traits in the "smithy.api" namespace:

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeTraits", "args": ["smithy.api#"]}


Removes trait definitions from a model if the trait definition does not contain one of the provided tags. Any instance of a removed trait definition is also removed from shapes in the model.

The shapes that make up trait definitions that are removed are not automatically removed from the model. Use removeUnusedShapes to remove orphaned shapes.

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeTraitsByTag", "args": ["public"]}


This transformer does not remove shapes from the prelude.


Aliases: treeShaker (deprecated)

Removes shapes from the model that are not connected to any service shape or to a shape definition.

You can export shapes that are not connected to any service shape by applying specific tags to the shape and adding the list of export tags as arguments to the transform.

The following example removes shapes that are not connected to any service, but keeps the shape if it has any of the provided tags:

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "exampleProjection": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "removeUnusedShapes", "args": ["export-tag1", "another-export-tag"]}

Environment variables

Strings in smithy-build.json files can contain environment variable place holders that are expanded at load-time into the value of a Java system property or environment variable. The syntax of a placeholder is ${NAME} where "NAME" is the name of the system property or environment variable. A placeholder can be escaped using a backslash (\) before the "$". For example, \${FOO} expands to the literal string ${FOO}. A non-existent system property or environment variable will cause the file to fail to load. System property values take precedence over environment variables.

Consider the following smithy-build.json file:

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "a": {
            "transforms": [
                {"${NAME_KEY}": "includeByTag", "args": ["${FOO}", "\\${BAZ}"]}

Assuming that NAME_KEY is a system property set to "name", and FOO is an environment variable set to "hi", this file is equivalent to:

    "version": "1.0",
    "projections": {
        "a": {
            "transforms": [
                {"name": "includeByTag", "args": ["Hi", "${BAZ}"]}


Plugins are defined in either the top-level "plugins" key-value pair of the configuration file, or in the "plugins" key-value pair of a projection. Plugins defined at the top-level of the configuration file are applied to every projection. Projections that define plugins of the same name as a top-level plugin completely overwrite the top-level plugin for that projection; projection settings are not merged in any way.

Plugin names MUST match the following pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9\-_.]+$.

SmithyBuild will attempt to resolve plugin names using Java SPI to locate an instance of that matches the given plugin name (via matchesPluginName). SmithyBuild will log a warning when a plugin cannot be resolved.

SmithyBuild DOES NOT attempt to automatically download and install plugins. Plugins MUST be available in the Java class path or module path in order for them to be discovered.

The model, build-info, and sources plugins are plugins that are always run in every non-abstract projection.

model plugin

The model plugin serializes a self-contained and filtered version of the model as a single file. All of the dependencies of the model are included in the file.

build-info plugin

The build-info plugin produces a JSON document that contains information about the projection and model.

sources plugin

The sources plugin copies the source models and creates a manifest. When building the source projection, the models that were used to build the model are copied over literally. When a JAR is used as a source model, the Smithy models contained within the JAR are copied as a source model while the JAR itself is not copied.

When applying a projection, a new model file is created that contains only the shapes, trait definitions, and metadata that were defined in a source model and all of the newly added shapes, traits, and metadata.

The manifest file is a newline (\n) separated file that contains the relative path from the manifest file to each model file created by the sources plugin. Lines that start with a number sign (#) are comments and are ignored. A Smithy manifest file is stored in a JAR as META-INF/smithy/manifest. All model names referenced by the manifest are relative to META-INF/smithy/.

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