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Smithy core specification

Smithy is an interface definition language and set of tools that allows developers to build RPC clients and servers in multiple languages. Smithy models define a service as a collection of resources, operations, and shapes.

Status of this specification

This specification is currently at version 0.5.0 and is subject to change.

Requirements notation

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119].

This specification makes use of the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [RFC 5234] notation, including the core rules defined in Appendix B of that document.

Smithy models

A Smithy model is made up of shapes, traits, and metadata that define the services, resources, operations, and data structures used in an API. Smithy models can be used to drive code generation for client and server frameworks, documentation generation, and various other forms of static analysis.

Model syntax

Smithy models are defined using either the Smithy IDL or JSON. The Smithy IDL is the preferred format for authoring and reading models, while the JSON format is preferred for tooling and integrations. Unless declared otherwise, specification examples are written using the IDL syntax. Complementary JSON examples are provided alongside Smithy IDL examples where appropriate.

Model version

The Smithy specification is versioned using a semver major . minor . patch version string. The version string does not support semver extensions. The version of a Smithy model is defined using a version statement in the Smithy IDL. The following example sets the version to "0.5.0":

$version: "0.5.0"
    "smithy": "0.5.0"

When no version number is specified in the IDL, an implementation will assume that the model is compatible. Because this can lead to unexpected parsing errors, models SHOULD always include a version. The JSON AST model requires that a version is specified in a top-level "smithy" key-value pair.

Version compatibility

A single version statement can appear in a model file. Different versions MAY be encountered when merging multiple model files together. Multiple versions are supported if and only if all of the version statements are supported by the tool loading the models.

Model metadata

Metadata is a schema-less extensibility mechanism that can be applied to a model using a metadata statement. Metadata statements start with metadata, followed by the key to set, followed by =, followed by the JSON-like node value to assign. Metadata statements MUST appear before any namespace statements or shapes are defined.

metadata foo = "baz"
metadata hello = "bar"
metadata "lorem" = {
    ipsum: ["dolor"]
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "metadata": {
        "foo": "baz",
        "hello": "bar",
        "lorem": {
            "ipsum": [

Top-level metadata key-value pair conflicts are resolved by merging metadata


Shapes are defined inside a namespace. A namespace is mechanism for logically grouping shapes in a way that makes them reusable alongside other models without naming conflicts.

A namespace statement is used to change the current namespace. A namespace MUST be defined before a shape can be defined. Only a single namespace can appear in an IDL model file, but any number of namespaces can appear in a JSON AST model file.

The following example defines a string shape named MyString in the smithy.example namespace:

namespace smithy.example

string MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string"


Shapes are instances of types that describe the structure of an API. Traits can be applied to shapes to describe custom facets of the shape. Shape definitions in the IDL always start with the type name of the shape followed by the name of the shape.

Simple types

Simple types are types that do not contain nested types or shape references.

Type Description
blob Uninterpreted binary data
boolean Boolean value type
string UTF-8 encoded string
byte 8-bit signed integer ranging from -128 to 127 (inclusive)
short 16-bit signed integer ranging from -32,768 to 32,767 (inclusive)
integer 32-bit signed integer ranging from -2^31 to (2^31)-1 (inclusive)
long 64-bit signed integer ranging from -2^63 to (2^63)-1 (inclusive)
float Single precision IEEE-754 floating point number
double Double precision IEEE-754 floating point number
bigInteger Arbitrarily large signed integer
bigDecimal Arbitrary precision signed decimal number
timestamp Represents an instant in time with no UTC offset or timezone. The serialization of a timestamp is determined by a protocol.
document Unstable Represents an untyped JSON-like value that can take on one of the following types: null, boolean, string, byte, short, integer, long, float, double, an array of these types, or a map of these types where the key is string.

The simple_shape statement is used to define a simple shape. Simple shapes are defined by a type, followed by a shape name, followed by a new line.

The following example defines a shape for each simple type in the smithy.example namespace:

namespace smithy.example

blob Blob
boolean Boolean
string String
byte Byte
short Short
integer Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double
bigInteger BigInteger
bigDecimal BigDecimal
timestamp Timestamp
document Document
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Blob": {
            "type": "blob"
        "smithy.example#Boolean": {
            "type": "boolean"
        "smithy.example#String": {
            "type": "string"
        "smithy.example#Byte": {
            "type": "byte"
        "smithy.example#Short": {
            "type": "short"
        "smithy.example#Integer": {
            "type": "integer"
        "smithy.example#Long": {
            "type": "long"
        "smithy.example#Float": {
            "type": "float"
        "smithy.example#Double": {
            "type": "double"
        "smithy.example#BigInteger": {
            "type": "bigInteger"
        "smithy.example#BigDecimal": {
            "type": "bigDecimal"
        "smithy.example#Timestamp": {
            "type": "timestamp"
        "smithy.example#Document": {
            "type": "document"


The prelude model contains shapes for every simple type. These shapes can be referenced using a relative shape ID (for example, String) or using an absolute shape ID (for example, smithy.api#String).

Timestamp serialization format

By default, the serialization format of a timestamp is implicitly determined by the protocol of a service; however, the serialization format can be explicitly configured to override the default format used by the protocol by applying the timestampFormat trait to a timestamp shape or a member that targets a timestamp.

The following steps are taken to determine the serialization format of a timestamp:

  1. Use the timestampFormat trait of the member reference if present.
  2. Use the timestampFormat trait of the shape if present.
  3. Use the format required by the protocol.

The timestamp shape is an abstraction of time; the serialization format of a timestamp as it is sent over the wire, whether determined by the protocol or by the timestampFormat trait, SHOULD NOT have any effect on the types exposed by tooling to represent a timestamp.

Document types

A document type represents an untyped JSON-like value that can take on one of the following types: null, boolean, string, byte, short, integer, long, float, double, an array of these types, or a map of these types where the key is a string.

Not all protocols support document types, and the serialization format of a document type is protocol-specific. All JSON protocols SHOULD support document types and they SHOULD serialize document types inline as normal JSON values.


Document types are currently considered unstable. They are not generally supported by all protocols or tooling, and their design MAY change and evolve before a stable release of Smithy.

Aggregate types

Aggregate types are types that are composed of other types. Aggregate shapes reference other shapes using members.

Type Description
list homogeneous collection of values
set Unordered collection of unique homogeneous values
map Map data structure that maps string keys to homogeneous values
structure Fixed set of named heterogeneous members
union Tagged union data structure that can take on one of several different, but fixed, types
member Defined in aggregate shapes to reference other shapes


The list type represents a homogeneous collection of values. A list is defined using a list_statement. A list statement consists of the shape named followed by an object with a single key-value pair of "member" that defines the member of the list.

The following example defines a list with a string member from the prelude:

list MyList {
    member: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"

Traits can be applied to the list shape and its member:

@length(min: 3, max: 10)
list MyList {
    @length(min: 1, max: 100)
    member: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#length": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 100
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 3,
                    "max": 10

Traits can be applied to shapes and members outside of their definition using an apply statement:

apply MyList @documentation("Long documentation string...")
apply MyList$member @documentation("Long documentation string...")
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Long documentation string..."
        "smithy.example#MyList$member": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Long documentation string..."


The set type represents an unordered collection of unique homogeneous values. A set is defined using a set_statement that consists of the shape named followed by an object with a single key-value pair of "member" that defines the member of the set.

The following example defines a set of strings:

set StringSet {
    member: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#StringSet": {
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"

Traits can be applied to the set shape and its members:

set StringSet {
    member: String

// Apply additional traits to the set member.
apply StringSet$member @documentation("text")
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#StringSet": {
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#deprecated": true
        "smithy.example#StringSet$member": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "text"


Not all languages support set data structures with non-scalar values. Such languages SHOULD represent sets as a custom set data structure that can interpret value hash codes and equality. Alternatively, clients MAY store the values of a set data structure in a list and rely on the service to ensure uniqueness.


The map type represents a map data structure that maps string keys to homogeneous values. A map cannot contain duplicate keys. A map is defined using a map_statement. The key member of a map MUST target a string shape.

The following example defines a map of strings to integers:

map IntegerMap {
    key: String,
    value: Integer
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#IntegerMap": {
            "key": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "value": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"

Traits can be applied to the map shape and its members:

@length(min: 0, max: 100)
map IntegerMap {
    @length(min: 1, max: 10)
    key: String,

    value: Integer

// Apply more traits to the key and value members.
apply IntegerMap$key @documentation("Key documentation")
apply IntegerMap$value @documentation("Value documentation")
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#IntegerMap": {
            "key": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#length": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 10
            "value": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#sensitive": true
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 100
        "smithy.example#IntegerMap$key": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Key documentation"
        "smithy.example#IntegerMap$value": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Value documentation"


The structure type represents a fixed set of named heterogeneous members. A member name maps to exactly one structure member definition.

A structure is defined using a structure_statement. A structure statement is a map of structure member names to the shape targeted by the member. Any number of inline traits can precede each member.

The following example defines a structure with two members:

structure MyStructure {
    foo: String,
    baz: Integer,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "baz": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer"

Traits can be applied to members inside of the structure or externally using the apply statement:

structure MyStructure {
    foo: String,

    baz: Integer,

apply MyStructure$foo @documentation("Documentation content...")
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true
                "baz": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#deprecated": true
        "smithy.example#MyStructure$foo": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Documentation content..."


The union type represents a tagged union data structure that can take on several different, but fixed, types. Only one type can be used at any one time.

A union is defined using a union_statement. Union shapes take the same form as structure shapes.

The following example defines a union shape with several members:

union MyUnion {
    i32: Integer,
    stringA: String,
    @sensitive stringB: String,

// Apply additional traits to the member named "i32".
apply MyUnion$i32 @documentation("text")
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyUnion": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "i32": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer"
                "stringA": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "stringB": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#sensitive": true
        "smithy.example#MyUnion$i32": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "text"


Members are defined in aggregate types to reference other shapes using a shape ID. A member MUST NOT target an operation, resource, service, member, or trait definition.

The following example defines a list shape. The member of the list is a member shape with a shape ID of smithy.example#MyList$member. The member targets the MyString shape in the same namespace.

namespace smithy.example

list MyList {
    member: MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.example#MyString"

Traits can be attached to members before the member definition:

list MyList {
    member: MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.example#MyString",
                "traits": {
                    "smithy.api#sensitive": true

Traits can be applied to member definitions using the apply statement followed by the targeted shape ID followed by the trait value. Traits are applied to shapes outside of their definition in the JSON AST using the "traits" key-value pair of a namespace.

apply MyList$member @documentation("Hello")
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList$member": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Hello"

The shape ID of a member consists of the aggregate shape name followed by "$" followed by the member name. The member name for each shape is defined in Shape ID member names.

Default values

Shapes are used to represent messages that can be sent on the wire and data structures that are generated in various programming languages. The values provided for members of aggregate shapes are either always present and set to a default value when necessary or boxed, meaning a value is optionally present with no default value.

  • The default value of a byte, short, integer, long, float, and double shape that is not boxed is zero.
  • The default value of a boolean shape that is not boxed is false.
  • All other shapes are always considered boxed and have no default value.

Members are considered boxed if and only if the member is marked with the box trait or the shape targeted by the member is marked with the box trait. Members that target strings, timestamps, and aggregate shapes are always considered boxed and have no default values.

Recursive shape definitions

Smithy allows for recursive shape definitions with the following constraint: the member of a list, set, or map cannot directly or transitively target its containing shape unless one or more members in the path from the container back to itself targets a structure or union shape. This ensures that shapes that are typically impossible to define in various programming languages are not defined in Smithy models (for example, you can't define a recursive list in Java List<List<List....).

The following shape definition is invalid:

list RecursiveList {
    member: RecursiveList
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#RecursiveList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.example#RecursiveList"

The following shape definition is valid:

list ValidList {
    member: IntermediateStructure

structure IntermediateStructure {
    foo: ValidList
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#ValidList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.example#IntermediateStructure"
        "smithy.example#IntermediateStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#ValidList"

Service types

Service types are types that form services, resources, and operations.

Type Description
service Entry point of an API that aggregates resources and operations together
operation Represents the input, output and possible errors of an API operation
resource Entity with an identity that has a set of operations


A service is the entry point of an API that aggregates resources and operations together. The resources and operations of an API are bound within the closure of a service.

A service shape is defined using a service_statement and supports the following properties:

Property Type Description
version string Required. Defines the version of the service. The version can be provided in any format (e.g., 2017-02-11, 2.0, etc).
operations [Shape ID] Binds a list of operations to the service. Each element in the list is a shape ID that MUST target an operation.
resources [Shape ID] Binds a list of resources to the service. Each element in the list is a shape ID that MUST target a resource.
Service operations

Operation shapes can be bound to a service by adding the shape ID of an operation to the operations property of a service. Operations bound directly to a service are typically RPC-style operations that do not fit within a resource hierarchy.

service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11",
    operations: [GetServerTime],

operation GetServerTime {
    output: GetServerTimeOutput
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyService": {
            "type": "service",
            "version": "2017-02-11",
            "operations": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#GetServerTime"
        "smithy.example#GetServerTime": {
            "type": "operation",
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetServerTimeOutput"


  1. An operation MUST NOT be bound to multiple shapes within the closure of a service.
  2. Every operation shape contained within the entire closure of a service MUST have a case-insensitively unique shape name, regardless of their namespaces.
Service resources

Resource shapes can be bound to a service by adding the shape ID of a resource to the resources property of a service.

service MyService {
    version: "2017-02-11",
    resources: [MyResource],

resource MyResource {}
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyService": {
            "type": "service",
            "version": "2017-02-11",
            "resources": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#MyResource"
        "smithy.example#MyResource": {
            "type": "resource"


  1. A resource MUST NOT be bound to multiple shapes within the closure of a service.
  2. Every resource shape contained within the entire closure of a service MUST have a case-insensitively unique shape name, regardless of their namespaces.


The operation type represents the input, output, and possible errors of an API operation. Operation shapes are bound to resource shapes and service shapes. Operation shapes are defined using the operation_statement.

An operation is an object that supports the following key-value pairs:

Type Description
input The optional input structure of the operation.
output The optional output structure of the operation.
errors The optional list of errors the operation can return.

The following example defines an operation shape that accepts an input structure named Input, returns an output structure named Output, and can potentially return the NotFound or BadRequest error structures.

operation MyOperation {
    input: Input,
    output: Output,
    errors: [NotFound, BadRequest]
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyOperation": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#Input"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#Output"
            "errors": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#NotFound"
                    "target": "smithy.example#BadRequest"
Operation input

The input of an operation is an optional shape ID that MUST target a structure shape. An operation is not required to accept input.

The following example defines an operation that accepts an input structure named Input:

operation MyOperation {
    input: Input
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyOperation": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#Input"
Operation output

The output of an operation is an optional shape ID that MUST target a structure shape. An operation is not required to return output.

The following example defines an operation that returns an output structure named Output:

operation MyOperation {
    output: Output
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyOperation": {
            "type": "operation",
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#Output"
Operation errors

The errors of an operation is an optional array of shape IDs that MUST target structure shapes that are marked with the error trait. Errors defined on an operation are errors that can potentially occur when calling an operation.

The following example defines an operation shape that accepts no input, returns no output, and can potentially return the NotFound or BadRequest error structures.

operation MyOperation {
    errors: [NotFound, BadRequest]
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyOperation": {
            "type": "operation",
            "errors": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#NotFound"
                    "target": "smithy.example#BadRequest"


Smithy defines a resource as an entity with an identity that has a set of operations.

A resource shape is defined using a resource_statement and supports the following properties:

Property Type Description
identifiers Map<String, Shape ID> Defines identifier names and shape IDs used to identify the resource.
create Shape ID Defines the lifecycle operation used to create a resource using one or more identifiers created by the service.
put Shape ID Defines an idempotent lifecycle operation used to create a resource using identifiers provided by the client.
read Shape ID Defines the lifecycle operation used to retrieve the resource.
update Shape ID Defines the lifecycle operation used to update the resource.
delete Shape ID Defines the lifecycle operation used to delete the resource.
list Shape ID Defines the lifecycle operation used to list resources of this type.
operations [Shape ID] Binds a list of non-lifecycle instance operations to the resource.
collectionOperations [Shape ID] Binds a list of non-lifecycle collection operations to the resource.
resources [Shape ID] Binds a list of resources to this resource as a child resource, forming a containment relationship. The resources MUST NOT have a cyclical containment hierarchy, and a resource can not be bound more than once in the entire closure of a resource or service.

Identifiers are used to refer to a specific resource within a service. The identifiers property of a resource is a map of identifier names to shape IDs that MUST target string shapes.

For example, the following model defines a Forecast resource with a single identifier named forecastId that targets the ForecastId shape:

namespace smithy.example

resource Forecast {
    identifiers: {
        forecastId: ForecastId

string ForecastId
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Forecast": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "forecastId": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#ForecastId"
        "smithy.example#ForecastId": {
            "type": "string"

When a resource is bound as a child to another resource using the "resources" property, all of the identifiers of the parent resource MUST be repeated verbatim in the child resource, and the child resource MAY introduce any number of additional identifiers.

Parent identifiers are the identifiers of the parent of a resource. All parent identifiers MUST be bound as identifiers in the input of every operation bound as a child to a resource. Child identifiers are the identifiers that a child resource contains that are not present in the parent identifiers.

For example, given the following model,

resource ResourceA {
    identifiers: {
        a: String
    resources: [ResourceB],

resource ResourceB {
    identifiers: {
        a: String,
        b: String,
    resources: [ResourceC],

resource ResourceC {
    identifiers: {
        a: String,
        b: String,
        c: String,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#ResourceA": {
            "type": "resource",
            "resources": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#ResourceB"
            "identifiers": {
                "a": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
        "smithy.example#ResourceB": {
            "type": "resource",
            "resources": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#ResourceC"
            "identifiers": {
                "a": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "b": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
        "smithy.example#ResourceC": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "a": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "b": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "c": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"

ResourceB is a valid child of ResourceA and contains a child identifier of "b". ResourceC is a valid child of ResourceB and contains a child identifier of "c".

However, the following defines two invalid child resources that do not define an identifiers property that is compatible with their parents:

resource ResourceA {
    identifiers: {
        a: String,
        b: String,
    resources: [Invalid1, Invalid2],

resource Invalid1 {
    // Invalid: missing "a".
    identifiers: {
        b: String,

resource Invalid2 {
    identifiers: {
        a: String,
        // Invalid: does not target the same shape.
        b: SomeOtherString,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#ResourceA": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "a": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "b": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "resources": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#Invalid1"
                    "target": "smithy.example#Invalid2"
        "smithy.example#Invalid1": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "b": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
        "smithy.example#Invalid2": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "a": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "b": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#SomeOtherString"
Binding identifiers to operations

Identifier bindings indicate which top-level members of the input structure of an operation provide values for the identifiers of a resource.


  • Child resources MUST provide identifier bindings for all of its parent's identifiers.
  • Identifier bindings are only formed on input structure members that are marked as required trait.
  • Resource operations MUST form a valid instance operation or collection operation.

Instance operations are formed when all of the identifiers of a resource are bound to the input structure of an operation or when a resource has no identifiers. The put, read, update, and delete lifecycle operations are examples of instance operations. An operation bound to a resource using operations MUST form a valid instance operation.

Collection operations are used when an operation is meant to operate on a collection of resources rather than a specific resource. Collection operations are formed when an operation is bound to a resource with collectionOperations, or when bound to the list or create lifecycle operations. A collection operation MUST omit one or more identifiers of the resource it is bound to, but MUST bind all identifiers of any parent resource.

Implicit identifier bindings

Implicit identifier bindings are formed when the input of an operation contains member names that target the same shapes that are defined in the "identifiers" property of the resource to which an operation is bound.

For example, given the following model,

resource Forecast {
    identifiers: {
        forecastId: ForecastId,
    read: GetForecast,

operation GetForecast {
    input: GetForecastInput,
    output: GetForecastOutput

structure GetForecastInput {
    forecastId: ForecastId,

structure GetForecastOutput {
    weather: WeatherData,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Forecast": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "forecastId": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#ForecastId"
            "read": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetForecast"
        "smithy.example#GetForecast": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetForecastInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetForecastOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true
        "smithy.example#GetForecastInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "forecastId": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#ForecastId",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true
        "smithy.example#GetForecastOutput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "weather": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#WeatherData",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true

GetForecast forms a valid instance operation because the operation is not marked with the collection trait and GetForecastInput provides implicit identifier bindings by defining a required "forecastId" member that targets the same shape as the "forecastId" identifier of the resource.

Implicit identifier bindings for collection operations are created in a similar way to an instance operation, but MUST NOT contain identifier bindings for all child identifiers of the resource.

Given the following model,

resource Forecast {
    identifiers: {
        forecastId: ForecastId,
    collectionOperations: [BatchPutForecasts],

operation BatchPutForecasts {
    input: BatchPutForecastsInput,
    output: BatchPutForecastsOutput

structure BatchPutForecastsInput {
    forecasts: BatchPutForecastList,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Forecast": {
            "type": "resource",
            "identifiers": {
                "forecastId": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#ForecastId"
            "collectionOperations": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#BatchPutForecasts"
        "smithy.example#BatchPutForecasts": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#BatchPutForecastsInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#BatchPutForecastsOutput"
        "smithy.example#BatchPutForecastsInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "forecasts": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#BatchPutForecastList",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true

BatchPutForecasts forms a valid collection operation with implicit identifier bindings because BatchPutForecastsInput does not require an input member named "forecastId" that targets ForecastId.

Explicit identifier bindings

Explicit identifier bindings are defined by applying the resourceIdentifier trait to a member of the input of for an operation bound to a resource. Explicit bindings are necessary when the name of the input structure member differs from the name of the resource identifier to which the input member corresponds.

For example, given the following,

resource Forecast {
    // continued from above
    resources: [HistoricalForecast],

resource HistoricalForecast {
    identifiers: {
        forecastId: ForecastId,
        historicalId: HistoricalForecastId,
    read: GetHistoricalForecast,
    list: ListHistoricalForecasts,

operation GetHistoricalForecast {
    input: GetHistoricalForecastInput,
    output: GetHistoricalForecastOutput

structure GetHistoricalForecastInput {
    customForecastIdName: ForecastId,

    customHistoricalIdName: String

the resourceIdentifier trait on GetHistoricalForecastInput$customForecastIdName maps it to the "forecastId" identifier is provided by the "customForecastIdName" member, and the resourceIdentifier trait on GetHistoricalForecastInput$customHistoricalIdName maps that member to the "historicalId" identifier.

Lifecycle operations

Lifecycle operations are used to transition the state of a resource using well-defined semantics. Lifecycle operations are defined by setting the put, create, read, update, delete, and list properties of a resource to target an operation shape.

The following snippet defines a resource with each lifecycle method:

resource Forecast {
    identifiers: {
        forecastId: ForecastId,
    put: PutForecast,
    create: CreateForecast,
    read: GetForecast,
    update: UpdateForecast,
    delete: DeleteForecast,
    list: ListForecasts,
Put lifecycle

The put lifecycle operation is used to create a resource using identifiers provided by the client.


The following snippet defines the PutForecast operation.

operation PutForecast {
    input: PutForecastInput,
    output: PutForecastOutput

structure PutForecastInput {
    // The client provides the resource identifier.
    forecastId: ForecastId,

    chanceOfRain: Float
Create lifecycle

The create operation is used to create a resource using one or more identifiers created by the service.


The following snippet defines the CreateForecast operation.

operation CreateForecast {
    input: CreateForecastInput,
    output: CreateForecastOutput

operation CreateForecast {
    input: CreateForecastInput,
    output: CreateForecastOutput

structure CreateForecastInput {
    // No identifier is provided by the client, so the service is
    // responsible for providing the identifier of the resource.
    chanceOfRain: Float,

The create operation MAY be marked with idempotent trait

Read lifecycle

The read operation is the canonical operation used to retrieve the current representation of a resource.


For example:

operation GetForecast {
    input: GetForecastInput,
    output: GetForecastOutput,
    errors: [ResourceNotFound]

structure GetForecastInput {
    forecastId: ForecastId,
Update lifecycle

The update operation is the canonical operation used to update a resource.


For example:

operation UpdateForecast {
    input: UpdateForecastInput,
    output: UpdateForecastOutput,
    errors: [ResourceNotFound]

structure UpdateForecastInput {
    forecastId: ForecastId,

    chanceOfRain: Float,
Delete lifecycle

The delete operation is canonical operation used to delete a resource.


For example:

operation DeleteForecast {
    input: DeleteForecastInput,
    output: DeleteForecastOutput,
    errors: [ResourceNotFound]

structure DeleteForecastInput {
    forecastId: ForecastId,
List lifecycle

The list operation is the canonical operation used to list a collection of resources.


  • List operations MUST form valid collection operations.
  • List operations MUST be marked with readonly trait.
  • The output of a list operation SHOULD contain references to the resource being listed.
  • List operations SHOULD be paginated.

For example:

@collection @readonly @paginated
operation ListForecasts {
    input: ListForecastsInput,
    output: ListForecastsOutput

structure ListForecastsInput {
    maxResults: Integer,
    nextToken: String

structure ListForecastsOutput {
    nextToken: String,
    forecasts: ForecastList

list ForecastList {
    member: ForecastId
Referencing resources

References between resources can be defined in a Smithy model at design-time. Resource references allow tooling to understand the relationships between resources and how to dereference the location of a resource.

A reference to a resource is formed when the references trait is applied to a structure or string shape. The following example creates a reference to a HistoricalForecast resource (a resource that requires the "forecastId" and "historicalId" identifiers):

@references([{resource: HistoricalForecast}])
structure HistoricalReference {
    forecastId: ForecastId,
    historicalId: HistoricalForecastId

Notice that in the above example, the identifiers of the resource were not explicitly mapped to structure members. This is because the targeted structure contains members with names that match the names of the identifiers of the HistoricalForecast resource.

Explicit mappings between identifier names and structure member names can be defined if needed. For example:

@references([{resource: HistoricalForecast,
              ids: {
                  forecastId: "customForecastId",
                  historicalId: "customHistoricalId"
structure AnotherHistoricalReference {
    customForecastId: String,
    customHistoricalId: String,

A reference can be formed on a string shape for resources that have one identifier. References applied to a string shape MUST omit the "ids" property in the reference.

resource SimpleResource {
    identifiers: {
        foo: String,

@references([{resource: SimpleResource}])
string SimpleResourceReference

See the references trait for more information about references.

Shape ID

A shape ID is used to refer to shapes and traits in the model. Shape IDs adhere to the following syntax:$memberName
\_________/ \_______/ \________/
     |          |          |
 Namespace  Shape name  Member name

Shape IDs are formally defined by the shape ID ABNF.

Absolute shape ID
An absolute shape ID starts with a namespace name, followed by "#", followed by a relative shape ID.
Relative shape ID

A relative shape ID contains a shape name and an optional member name. The shape name and member name are separated by the "$" symbol if a member name is present.

A relative shape ID is resolved to an absolute shape ID using the process defined in Relative shape ID resolution.

Relative shape ID resolution

In the Smithy IDL, relative shape IDs are resolved using the following process:

  1. If a use_statement has imported a shape with the same name, the shape ID resolves to the imported shape ID.
  2. If a shape is defined in the same namespace as the shape with the same name, the namespace of the shape resolves to the current namespace.
  3. If a shape is defined in the prelude with the same name, the namespace resolves to smithy.api.
  4. If a relative shape ID does not satisfy one of the above cases, the shape ID is invalid, and the namespace is inherited from the current namespace.

The following example Smithy model contains comments above each member of the shape named MyStructure that describes the shape the member resolves to.

namespace smithy.example

use foo.baz#Bar

string MyString

structure MyStructure {
    // Resolves to smithy.example#MyString
    // There is a shape named MyString defined in the same namespace.
    a: MyString,

    // Resolves to smithy.example#MyString
    // Absolute shape IDs do not perform namespace resolution.
    b: smithy.example#MyString,

    // Resolves to foo.baz#Bar
    // The "use foo.baz#Bar" statement imported the Bar symbol,
    // allowing the shape to be referenced using a relative shape ID.
    c: Bar,

    // Resolves to foo.baz#Bar
    // Absolute shape IDs do not perform namespace resolution.
    d: foo.baz#Bar,

    // Resolves to foo.baz#MyString
    // Absolute shape IDs do not perform namespace resolution.
    e: foo.baz#MyString,

    // Resolves to smithy.api#String
    // No shape named String was imported through a use statement
    // the smithy.example namespace does not contain a shape named
    // String, and the prelude model contains a shape named String.
    f: String,

    // Resolves to smithy.example#MyBoolean.
    // There is a shape named MyBoolean defined in the same namespace.
    // Forward references are supported both within the same file and
    // across multiple files.
    g: MyBoolean,

    // Invalid. A shape by this name has not been imported through a
    // use statement, a shape by this name does not exist in the
    // current namespace, and a shape by this name does not exist in
    // the prelude model.
    h: InvalidShape,

boolean MyBoolean

Relative shape IDs in the JSON AST are resolved using the same process as the IDL with the only difference being the JSON AST does not support any kind of use statements.

For example, given the following Smithy model:

    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "a": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#MyString"
                "b": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "c": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#Foo"
                "d": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#InvalidShape"
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string"

The members of MyStructure resolve to the following shape IDs:

  • a targeting MyString resolves to smithy.example#MyString.
  • b targeting String resolves to smithy.api#String in the prelude.
  • c targeting smithy.example#Foo resolves to smithy.example#Foo because absolute shape IDs do not perform namespace resolution.
  • d targeting InvalidShape resolves to an invalid shape ID that targets smithy.example#InvalidShape because a shape named InvalidShape does not exist in the smithy.example namespace nor does one exist in the prelude.

Shape ID member names

A member of an aggregate shape can be referenced in a shape ID by appending "$" followed by the appropriate member name. Member names for each shape are defined as follows:

Shape ID Syntax Examples
structure member <name>$<member-name> Shape$foo, ns.example#Shape$baz
union member <name>$<member-name> Shape$foo, ns.example#Shape$baz
list member <name>$member Shape$member, ns.example#Shape$member
set member <name>$member Shape$member, ns.example#Shape$member
map key <name>$key Shape$key, ns.example#Shape$key
map value <name>$value Shape$value, ns.example#Shape$value

Shape names

Consumers of a Smithy model MAY choose to inflect shape names, structure member names, and other facets of a Smithy model in order to expose a more idiomatic experience to particular programming languages. In order to make this easier for consumers of a model, model authors SHOULD utilize a strict form of PascalCase in which only the first letter of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms are capitalized.

Recommended Not recommended
UserId UserID
ResourceArn ResourceARN
IoChannel IOChannel
HtmlEntity HTMLEntity
HtmlEntity HTML_Entity

Shape ID conflicts

While shape IDs used within a model are case-sensitive, no two shapes in the model can have the same case-insensitive shape ID. For example, com.Foo#baz and are not allowed in the same model. This property also extends to member names:$bar and$Bar are not allowed on the same structure.

Syntactic shape IDs in the IDL

Unquoted string values in the Smithy IDL in trait values or metadata values are considered shape IDs and are resolved using the process defined in Relative shape ID resolution. Values that are not meant to be shape IDs MUST be quoted.

For example, the following model resolves the value of the error trait to the string literal "smithy.example#client" rather than using the valid string literal value of "client", causing the model to be invalid:

namespace smithy.example

@error(client) // <-- This should be "client"
structure Error

string client

Object keys in the IDL are not automatically treated as shape IDs.

Consider the following metadata definition:

metadata foo = {
    String: String,

The object key remains the same literal string value of String while the value is treated as a shape ID and resolves to the string literal "smithy.api#String". This IDL model is equivalent to the following JSON AST model:

    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "metadata": {
        "String": "smithy.api#String"

Prelude model

Smithy models automatically include a prelude model. The prelude model defines various simple shapes and every trait defined in the core specification. Shapes defined in the prelude can be referenced from within any namespace using a relative shape ID. All of the shapes and traits defined in the prelude are available inside of the smithy.api namespace.

Smithy prelude
$version: "0.5.0"

namespace smithy.api

string String

blob Blob

bigInteger BigInteger

bigDecimal BigDecimal

timestamp Timestamp

document Document

boolean Boolean

boolean PrimitiveBoolean

byte Byte

byte PrimitiveByte

short Short

short PrimitiveShort

integer Integer

integer PrimitiveInteger

long Long

long PrimitiveLong

float Float

float PrimitiveFloat

double Double

double PrimitiveDouble


Traits are model components that can be attached to shapes to describe additional information about the shape; shapes provide the structure and layout of an API, while traits provide refinement and style. Traits are defined by applying the trait definition trait to a shape.

Trait names are case-sensitive; it is invalid, for example, to write the documentation trait as "Documentation").

Applying traits to shapes

Trait values immediately preceding a shape definition are applied to the shape.

The following example applies the sensitive and documentation trait to MyString:

namespace smithy.example

@documentation("Contains a string")
string MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Contains a string",
                "smithy.api#sensitive": true

The shape ID of a trait is resolved against use_statements and the current namespace in exactly the same same way as other shape IDs.

Traits can be applied to shapes outside of a shape's definition using the apply statement. This can be useful for allowing different teams within the same organization to independently own different facets of a model. For example, a service team could own the Smithy model that defines the shapes and traits of the API, and a documentation team could own a Smithy model that applies documentation traits to the shapes.

The following example applies the documentation trait and length trait to the smithy.example#MyString shape:

namespace smithy.example

apply MyString @documentation("This is my string!")
apply MyString @length(min: 1, max: 10)
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "This is my string!",
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 10

Trait values

The value that can be provided for a trait depends on its type. A value for a trait is defined in the IDL by enclosing the value in parenthesis.

Structure, map, and union trait values

Traits that are a structure, union, or map are defined using a JSON-like object in the Smithy IDL or a JSON object in the JSON AST. The wrapping braces ({}) for the object MUST be omitted in the Smithy IDL. For example:

@structuredTrait(foo: "bar", baz: "bam")

Nested structure, map, and union values are defined like JSON value using the node value productions:

    foo: {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "true",

Omitting a value is allowed on list, set, map, and structure traits if the shapes have no length constraints or required members.

Annotation traits

A structure trait with no members is called an annotation trait. The following example defines an annotation trait named foo:

namespace smithy.example

structure foo {}
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#foo": {
            "type": "structure",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#trait": true

It's hard to predict what information a trait needs to capture when modeling a domain; a trait might start out as a simple annotation, but later might need additional information. Smithy explicitly supports this use case by allowing null and true to be provided for traits that have a structure value.

The following applications of the foo annotation trait are all equivalent:

namespace smithy.example

string MyString1

string MyString2

string MyString3

string MyString4
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString1": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": null
        "smithy.example#MyString2": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": {}
        "smithy.example#MyString3": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": true
        "smithy.example#MyString4": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": null

A member can be safely added to an annotation trait structure if the member is not marked as required. The applications of the foo trait in the previous example and the following example are all valid even after adding a member to the foo trait:

namespace smithy.example

structure foo {
    baz: String,

@foo(baz: "bar")
string MyString5
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#foo": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "baz": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#trait": true
        "smithy.example#MyString5": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#foo": {
                    "baz": "bar"

Other trait values

All other trait values MUST adhere to the JSON type mappings defined in Trait JSON values table.

Trait conflict resolution

Trait conflict resolution is used when the same trait is applied multiple times to a shape. Duplicate traits applied to shapes are allowed if, and only if, the trait is a list or set shape or if both values are exactly equal. If both values target list or set shapes, then the traits are concatenated into a single trait value. If both values are equal, then the conflict is ignored. All other instances of trait collisions are prohibited.

The following model definition is invalid because the length trait is duplicated on the MyList shape with different values:

namespace smithy.example

@length(min: 0, max: 10)
list MyList {
    member: String

apply MyList @length(min: 10, max: 20)

The following model definition is valid because the length trait is duplicated on the MyList shape with the same values:

namespace smithy.example

@length(min: 0, max: 10)
list MyList {
    member: String

apply MyList @length(min: 0, max: 10)

The following model definition is valid because the tags trait is a list shape:

namespace smithy.example

@tags(["foo", "baz", "bar"])
string MyString

// This is a valid trait collision on a list trait, tags.
// tags becomes ["foo", "baz", "bar", "bar", "qux"]
apply MyString @tags(["bar", "qux"])

Trait definitions

A trait definition defines a trait for use in a model. Custom traits can be used in a model to extend Smithy beyond its built-in capabilities. All traits applied to a shape MUST have a valid trait definition.

Traits are a specialization of shapes. Traits are defined inside of a namespace by applying the trait definition trait to a shape. Trait definitions can only be applied to simple types, list, map, set, structure, and union shapes.

The following example defines a trait named myTraitName in the smithy.example namespace:

namespace smithy.example

@trait(selector: "*")
structure myTraitName {}
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#myTraitName": {
            "type": "structure",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#trait": {
                    "selector": "*"


By convention, trait shape names SHOULD use a lowercase name so that they visually stand out from normal shapes.

After a trait is defined, it can be applied to any shape that matches its selector. The following example applies the myTraitName trait to the MyString shape using a trait shape ID that is relative to the current namespace:

namespace smithy.example

string MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#myTraitName": true

Built-in traits are defined in the Smithy prelude and are automatically available in every Smithy model through relative shape IDs.


The only valid reference to a trait definition is through applying the trait to a shape. Members and references within a model MUST NOT refer to trait shapes.

Trait definition properties

The trait definition trait is a structure that supports the following members:

Property Type Description
selector string A valid selector that defines where the trait can be applied. For example, a selector set to :test(list, map) means that the trait can be applied to a list or map shape. This value defaults to * if not set, meaning the trait can be applied to any shape.
conflicts [string] Defines the shape IDs of traits that MUST NOT be applied to the same shape as the trait being defined. This allows traits to be defined as mutually exclusive. Relative shape IDs that are not resolved in the IDL while parsing are assumed to refer to traits defined in the prelude namespace, smithy.api. Conflict shape IDs MAY reference unknown trait definitions that are not defined in the model.
structurallyExclusive boolean Requires that only a single member of a structure can be marked with the trait.

The following example defines two custom traits: beta and structuredTrait:

namespace smithy.example

/// A trait that can be applied to a member.
@trait(selector: "member:of(structure)")
structure beta {}

/// A trait that has members.
@trait(selector: "string", conflicts: [beta])
structure structuredTrait {
    lorem: StringShape,

    ipsum: StringShape,

    dolor: StringShape,

// Apply the "beta" trait to the "foo" member.
structure MyShape {
    foo: StringShape,

// Apply the structuredTrait to the string.
    lorem: "This is a custom trait!",
    ipsum: "lorem and ipsum are both required values.")
string StringShape
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#beta": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#type": "structure",
                "smithy.api#trait": {
                    "selector": "member:of(structure)"
                "smithy.api#documentation": "A trait that can be applied to a member."
        "smithy.example#structuredTrait": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#type": "structure",
                "smithy.api#trait": {
                    "selector": "string",
                    "conflicts": [
                "smithy.api#members": {
                    "lorem": {
                        "target": "StringShape",
                        "required": true
                    "dolor": {
                        "target": "StringShape"
                "smithy.api#documentation": "A trait that has members."
        "smithy.example#MyShape": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#type": "structure",
                "smithy.api#members": {
                    "beta": {
                        "target": "StringShape",
                        "required": true,
                        "beta": true
        "smithy.example#StringShape": {
            "type": "apply",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#type": "string",
                "smithy.api#structuredTrait": {
                    "lorem": "This is a custom trait!",
                    "ipsum": "lorem and ipsum are both required values."

Trait JSON values

The value provided for a trait MUST be compatible with the shape defined for the trait. The following table defines each shape type that is available to target from trait definitions and how values for those shapes are defined in JSON.

Smithy type JSON type Description
blob string A string value that is base64 encoded. The bytes provided for a blob MUST be compatible with the format of the blob.
boolean boolean Can be set to true or false.
byte number The value MUST fall within the range of -128 to 127
short number The value MUST fall within the range of -32,768 to 32,767
integer number The value MUST fall within the range of -2^31 to (2^31)-1.
long number The value MUST fall within the range of -2^63 to (2^63)-1.
float number A normal JSON number.
double number A normal JSON number.
bigDecimal string bigDecimal values are serialized as strings to avoid rounding issues when parsing a Smithy model in various languages.
bigInteger string | integer bigInteger values can be serialized as strings to avoid truncation issues when parsing a Smithy model in various languages.
string string The provided value SHOULD be compatible with the format of the string shape if present; however, this is not validated by Smithy.
timestamp number | string If a number is provided, it represents Unix epoch seconds with optional millisecond precision. If a string is provided, it MUST be a valid RFC 3339 string with optional millisecond precision (e.g., 1990-12-31T23:59:60Z).
list array Each value in the array MUST be compatible with the referenced member.
map object Each key MUST be compatible with the key member of the map, and each value MUST be compatible with the value member of the map.
structure object All members marked as required MUST be provided in a corresponding key-value pair. Each key MUST correspond to a single member name of the structure. Each value MUST be compatible with the member that corresponds to the member name.
union object The object MUST contain a single single key-value pair. The key MUST be one of the member names of the union shape, and the value MUST be compatible with the corresponding shape.

Trait values MUST be compatible with any constraint traits found related to the shape being validated.

Scope of member traits

Traits that target member shapes apply only in the context of the member shape and do not affect the shape targeted by the member. Traits applied to a member shape supersede traits applied to the shape referenced by the member and do not conflict.

Type refinement traits

box trait


Indicates that a shape is boxed. When a member is marked with this trait or the shape targeted by a member is marked with this trait, the member may or may not contain a value, and the member has no default value.

Boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, and double shapes are only considered boxed if they are marked with the box trait. All other shapes are always considered boxed.

Trait selector
:test(boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double,
      member > :test(boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double))

A boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double shape or a member that targets one of these shapes

Value type
Annotation trait.

The box trait is primarily used to influence code generation. For example, in Java, this might mean the value provided as the member of an aggregate shape can be set to null. In a language like Rust, this might mean the value is wrapped in an Option type.

integer BoxedInteger
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#BoxedInteger": {
            "type": "integer",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#box": true

The prelude contains predefined simple shapes that can be used in all Smithy models, including boxed and unboxed shapes.

deprecated trait

Marks a shape or member as deprecated.
Trait selector
Value type

The deprecated trait is a structure that supports the following members:

Property Type Description
message string Provides a plain text message for a deprecated shape or member.
since string Provides a plain text date or version for when a shape or member was deprecated.
string SomeString

@deprecated(message: "This shape is no longer used.", since: "1.3")
string OtherString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#SomeString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#deprecated": {}
        "smithy.example#OtherString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#deprecated": {
                    "message": "This shape is no longer used.",
                    "since": "1.3"

error trait

Indicates that a structure shape represents an error. All shapes referenced by the errors list of an operation MUST be targeted with this trait.
Trait selector
Value type
string that MUST be set to "client" or "server" to indicate if the client or server is at fault for the error.
Conflicts with
trait definition

The following structure defines a throttling error.

structure ThrottlingError {}

Note that this structure is lacking the retryable trait that generically lets clients know that the error is retryable.

structure ThrottlingError {}

When using an HTTP-based protocol, it is recommended to add an httpError trait to use an appropriate HTTP status code with the error.

structure ThrottlingError {}

The message member of an error structure is special-cased. It contains the human-readable message that describes the error. If the message member is not defined in the structure, code generated for the error may not provide an idiomatic way to access the error message (e.g., an exception message in Java).

structure ThrottlingError {
    message: String,

Constraint traits

Constraint traits are used to constrain the values that can be provided for a shape.

enum trait

Constrains the acceptable values of a string to a fixed set.
Trait selector
Value type
map of enum constant values to structures optionally containing a name, documentation, tags, and/or a deprecation flag.

Smithy models SHOULD apply the enum trait when string shapes have a fixed set of allowable values.

The enum trait is a map of allowed string values to enum constant definition structures. Enum values do not allow aliasing; all enum constant values MUST be unique across the entire set.

An enum definition is a structure that supports the following optional members:

Property Type Description
name string

Defines a constant name to use when referencing an enum value.

Enum constant names MUST start with an upper or lower case ASCII Latin letter (A-Z or a-z), or the ASCII underscore (_) and be followed by zero or more upper or lower case ASCII Latin letters (A-Z or a-z), ASCII underscores (_), or ASCII digits (0-9). That is, enum constant names MUST match the following regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$.

The following stricter rules are recommended for consistency: Enum constant names SHOULD NOT contain any lowercase ASCII Latin letters (a-z) and SHOULD NOT start with an ASCII underscore (_). That is, enum names SHOULD match the following regular expression: ^[A-Z]+[A-Z_0-9]*$.

documentation string Defines documentation about the enum value in the CommonMark format.
tags list<string> Attaches a list of tags that allow the enum value to be categorized and grouped.
deprecated boolean Whether the enum value should be considered deprecated for consumers of the Smithy model.


Consumers of a Smithy model MAY choose to represent enum values as constants. Those that do SHOULD use the enum definition's name property, if specified. Consumers that choose to represent enums as constants SHOULD ensure that unknown enum names returned from a service do not cause runtime failures.

The following example defines an enum of valid string values for MyString.

    t2.nano: {
        name: "T2_NANO",
        documentation: """
            T2 instances are Burstable Performance
            Instances that provide a baseline level of CPU
            performance with the ability to burst above the
        tags: ["ebsOnly"]
    t2.micro: {
        name: "T2_MICRO",
        documentation: """
            T2 instances are Burstable Performance
            Instances that provide a baseline level of CPU
            performance with the ability to burst above the
        tags: ["ebsOnly"]
    m256.mega: {
        name: "M256_MEGA",
        deprecated: true
string MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#enum": {
                    "t2.nano": {
                        "name": "T2_NANO",
                        "documentation": "T2 instances are ...",
                        "tags": [
                    "t2.micro": {
                        "name": "T2_MICRO",
                        "documentation": "T2 instances are ...",
                        "tags": [
                    "m256.mega": {
                        "name": "M256_MEGA",
                        "deprecated": true

idRef trait


Indicates that a string value MUST contain a valid absolute shape ID.

The idRef trait is used primarily when declaring trait definitions in a model. A trait definition that targets a string shape with the idRef trait indicates that when the defined trait is applied to a shape, the value of the trait MUST be a valid shape ID. The idRef trait can also be applied at any level of nesting on shapes referenced by trait definitions.

Trait selector

:test(string, member > string)

A string shape or a member that targets a string shape

Value type

The idRef trait is a structure that supports the following optional members:

Property Type Description
failWhenMissing boolean When set to true, the shape ID MUST target a shape that can be found in the model.
selector string

Defines the selector that the resolved shape, if found, MUST match.

selector defaults to * when not defined.

errorMessage string

Defines a custom error message to use when the shape ID cannot be found or does not match the selector.

A default message is generated when errorMessage is not defined.

To illustrate an example, a custom trait named integerRef is defined. This trait can be attached to any shape, and the value of the trait MUST contain a valid shape ID that targets an integer shape in the model.

namespace smithy.example

@idRef(failWhenMissing: true, selector: "integer")
string IntegerRefTraitValue
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#integerRef": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#trait": true,
                "smithy.api#idRef": {
                    "failWhenMissing": true,
                    "selector": "integer"

Given the following model,

namespace smithy.example

string InvalidShape1

string InvalidShape2

string InvalidShape3

string ValidShape

string ValidShape2

string MyShape
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#InvalidShape1": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#integerRef": "NotFound"
        "smithy.example#InvalidShape2": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#integerRef": "String"
        "smithy.example#InvalidShape3": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#integerRef": "invalid-shape-id!"
        "smithy.example#ValidShape": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#integerRef": "Integer"
        "smithy.example#ValidShape2": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#integerRef": "MyShape"
        "smithy.example#MyShape": {
            "type": "string"
  • InvalidShape1 is invalid because the "NotFound" shape cannot be found in the model.
  • InvalidShape2 is invalid because "smithy.api#String" targets a string which does not match the "integer" selector.
  • InvalidShape3 is invalid because "invalid-shape-id!" is not a syntactically correct absolute shape ID.
  • ValidShape is valid because "smithy.api#Integer" targets an integer.
  • ValidShape2 is valid because "MyShape" is a relative ID that targets smithy.example#MyShape.

length trait

Constrains a shape to minimum and maximum number of elements or size.
Trait selector

:test(list, map, string, blob, member > :each(list, map, string, blob))

Any list, map, string, or blob; or a member that targets one of these shapes

Value type

The length trait is a structure that contains the following members:

Property Type Description
min number Integer value that represents the minimum inclusive length of a shape.
max number Integer value that represents the maximum inclusive length of a shape.

At least one of min, max is required.

The following table describes what a length trait constrains when applied to the corresponding shape:

Shape Length constrains
list The number of members
map The number of key-value pairs
string The number of Unicode code points
blob The size of the blob in bytes
@length(min: 1, max: 10)
string MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#length": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 10

pattern trait

Restricts string shape values to a specified regular expression.
Trait selector

:test(string, member > string)

A string or a member that targets a string

Value type

Smithy regular expressions MUST be valid regular expressions according to the ECMA 262 regular expression dialect. Patterns SHOULD avoid the use of conditionals, directives, recursion, lookahead, look-behind, back-references, and look-around in order to ensure maximum compatibility across programming languages.

string MyString
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyString": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#pattern": "\\w+"

private trait

Prevents models defined in a different namespace from referencing the targeted shape.
Trait selector
Value type
Annotation trait

Shapes marked as private cannot be accessed outside of the namespace in which the shape is defined. The private trait is meant only to control access from within the model itself and SHOULD NOT influence code-generation of the targeted shape.

range trait

Restricts allowed values of byte, short, integer, long, float, double, bigDecimal, and bigInteger shapes within an acceptable lower and upper bound.
Trait selector

:test(number, member > number)

A number or a member that targets a number

Value type

The length trait is a structure that contains the following members:

Property Type Description
min bigDecimal Specifies the allowed inclusive minimum value.
max bigDecimal Specifies the allowed inclusive maximum value.

At least one of min or max is required. min and max accept both integers and real numbers. Real numbers may only be applied to float, double, or bigDecimal shapes. min and max MUST fall within the allowable range of the targeted numeric shape to which it is applied.

@range(min: 1, max: 10)
integer MyInt
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyInt": {
            "type": "integer",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#range": {
                    "min": 1,
                    "max": 10

required trait

Marks a structure member as required, meaning a value for the member MUST be present.
Trait selector


Member of a structure

Value type
Annotation trait.

The required trait applies to structure data, operation input, output, and errors. When a member that is part of the input of an operation is marked as required, a client MUST provide a value for the member when calling the operation. When a member that is part of the output of an operation or an error is marked as required, a service MUST provide a value for the member in a response.

structure MyStructure {
    foo: FooString,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#FooString",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true

uniqueItems trait

Indicates that the items in a list MUST be unique.
Trait selector

:test(list > member > simpleType)

A list that targets any simple type.

Value type
Annotation trait.
list MyList {
    member: String,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#uniqueItems": true

Behavior traits

Behavior traits are used to alter the behavior of operations.

idempotencyToken trait

Defines the input member of an operation that is used by the server to identify and discard replayed requests.
Trait selector

:test(member:of(structure) > string)

Any structure member that targets a string

Value type
Annotation trait

Only a single member of the input of an operation can be targeted by the idempotencyToken trait; only top-level structure members of the input of an operation are considered.

A unique identifier (typically a UUID) SHOULD be used by the client when providing the value for the request token member. When the request token is present, the service MUST ensure that the request is not replayed within a service-defined period of time. This allows the client to safely retry operation invocations, including operations that are not read-only, that fail due to networking issues or internal server errors. The service uses the provided request token to identify and discard duplicate requests.

Client implementations MAY automatically provide a value for a request token member if and only if the member is not explicitly provided.

operation AllocateWidget {
    input: AllocateWidgetInput

structure AllocateWidgetInput {
    clientToken: String,

idempotent trait

Indicates that the intended effect on the server of multiple identical requests with an operation is the same as the effect for a single such request.
Trait selector
Value type
Annotation trait
Conflicts with
readonly trait
operation GetSomething {
    input: DeleteSomething,
    output: DeleteSomethingOutput


All operations that are marked as readonly trait are inherently idempotent.

readonly trait

Indicates that an operation is effectively read-only.
Trait selector
Value type
Annotation trait
Conflicts with
idempotent trait
operation GetSomething {
    input: GetSomethingInput,
    output: GetSomethingOutput

retryable trait

Indicates that an error MAY be retried by the client.
Trait selector


A structure shape with the error trait

Value type

The retryable trait is a structure that contains the following members:

Property Type Description
throttling boolean Indicates that the error is a retryable throttling error.
structure ServiceUnavailableError {}

@retryable(throttling: true)
structure ThrottlingError {}

paginated trait

The paginated trait indicates that an operation intentionally limits the number of results returned in a single response and that multiple invocations might be necessary to retrieve all results.
Trait selector

:test(operation, service)

An operation or service

Value type

Pagination is the process of dividing large result sets into discrete pages. Smithy provides a built-in pagination mechanism that utilizes a cursor.

The paginated trait is a structure that contains the following members:

Property Type Description
inputToken string

The name of the operation input member that contains a continuation token. When this value is provided as input, the service returns results from where the previous response left off. This input member MUST NOT be marked as required and MUST target a string shape.

When contained within a service, a paginated operation MUST either configure inputToken on the operation itself or inherit it from the service that contains the operation.

outputToken string

The path to the operation output member that contains an optional continuation token. When this value is present in operation output, it indicates that there are more results to retrieve. To get the next page of results, the client passes the received output continuation token to the input continuation token of the next request. This output member MUST NOT be marked as required and MUST target a string shape.

When contained within a service, a paginated operation MUST either configure outputToken on the operation itself or inherit it from the service that contains the operation.

items string The path to an output member of the operation that contains the data that is being paginated across many responses. The named output member, if specified, MUST target a list or map.
pageSize string

The name of an operation input member that limits the maximum number of results to include in the operation output. This input member SHOULD NOT be required and MUST target an integer shape.


Do not attempt to fill response pages to meet the value provided for the pageSize member of a paginated operation. Attempting to match a target number of elements results in an unbounded API with an unpredictable latency.

The following example defines a paginated operation that sets each value explicitly on the operation.

namespace smithy.example

@collection @readonly
@paginated(inputToken: "nextToken", outputToken: "nextToken",
           pageSize: "maxResults", items: "foos")
operation GetFoos {
    input: GetFoosInput,
    output: GetFoosOutput

structure GetFoosInput {
    maxResults: Integer,
    nextToken: String

structure GetFoosOutput {
    nextToken: String,

    foos: StringList,

list StringList {
    member: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetFoos": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetFoosInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetFoosOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#collection": true,
                "smithy.api#paginated": {
                    "inputToken": "nextToken",
                    "outputToken": "nextToken",
                    "pageSize": "maxResults",
                    "items": "foos"
        "smithy.example#GetFoosInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "maxResults": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer"
                "nextToken": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
        "smithy.example#GetFoosOutput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "nextToken": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "foos": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#StringList",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true
        "smithy.example#StringList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"

Attaching the paginated trait to a service provides default pagination configuration settings to all operations bound within the closure of the service. Pagination settings configured on an operation override any inherited service setting.

The following example defines a paginated operation that inherits some settings from a service.

namespace smithy.example

@paginated(inputToken: "nextToken", outputToken: "nextToken",
           pageSize: "maxResults")
service Example {
    version: "2019-06-27",
    operations: [GetFoos],

@collection @readonly @paginated(items: "foos")
operation GetFoos {
    input: GetFoosInput,
    output: GetFoosOutput
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Example": {
            "type": "service",
            "version": "2019-06-27",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#paginated": {
                    "inputToken": "nextToken",
                    "outputToken": "nextToken",
                    "pageSize": "maxResults"
        "smithy.example#GetFoos": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetFoosInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetFoosOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#collection": true,
                "smithy.api#paginated": {
                    "items": "foos"

The values for outputToken and items are paths. Paths are a series of identifiers separated by dots (.) where each identifier represents a member name in a structure. The first member name MUST correspond to a member of the output structure and each subsequent member name MUST correspond to a member in the previously referenced structure. Paths MUST adhere to the following ABNF.

path =
    identifier *("." identifier)

The following example defines a paginated operation which uses a result wrapper where the output token and items are referenced by paths.

namespace smithy.example

@paginated(inputToken: "nextToken", outputToken: "result.nextToken",
           pageSize: "maxResults", items: "result.foos")
operation GetFoos {
    input: GetFoosInput,
    output: GetFoosOutput

structure GetFoosInput {
    maxResults: Integer,
    nextToken: String

structure GetFoosOutput {
    result: ResultWrapper

structure ResultWrapper {
    nextToken: String,

    foos: StringList,

list StringList {
    member: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetFoos": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetFoosInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetFoosOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#paginated": {
                    "inputToken": "nextToken",
                    "outputToken": "result.nextToken",
                    "pageSize": "maxResults",
                    "items": "result.foos"
        "smithy.example#GetFoosInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "maxResults": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#Integer"
                "nextToken": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
        "smithy.example#GetFoosOutput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "result": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#ResultWrapper",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true
        "smithy.example#ResultWrapper": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "nextToken": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
                "foos": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#StringList",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true
        "smithy.example#StringList": {
            "type": "list",
            "member": {
                "target": "smithy.api#String"
Pagination Behavior
  1. If an operation returns a naturally size-limited subset of data (e.g., a top-ten list of users sorted by rank), then the operation SHOULD NOT be paginated.
  2. Only one list or map per operation can be paginated.
  3. Paginated responses MUST NOT return the same item of a paginated result set more than once (i.e., a paginated result set is a disjoint union of the subsets partitioned by the referenced pageSize input member and the SLA defined by the service).
  4. If a paginated request returns data in a sorted order that is not an immutable strict total ordering of items, then the paginated request MUST provide a temporally static view of the underlying data that does not modify the order topology during pagination. For example, a game’s leaderboard of top-scoring players cannot have players move from position #10 to position #12 during pagination, the last player on page N has to have a higher score than the first player on page N+1, no players that exist when pagination begins are to be skipped, and players MUST NOT be repeated due to moves in the underlying data.
  5. If pagination is ordered and newly created resources are returned, then newly created resources MUST appear in order on the appropriate page.
Client behavior

Smithy clients SHOULD provide abstractions that can be used to automatically iterate over paginated responses. The following steps describe the process a client MUST follow when iterating over paginated API calls:

  1. Send the initial request to a paginated operation.
  2. If the received response does not contain a continuation token in the referenced outputToken member, then there are no more results to retrieve and the process is complete.
  3. If there is a continuation token in the referenced outputToken member of the response, then the client sends a subsequent request using the same input parameters as the original call, but including the last received continuation token. Clients are free to change the designated pageSize input parameter at this step as needed.
  4. If a client receives an identical continuation token from a service in back to back calls, then the client MAY choose to stop sending requests. This scenario implies a "tail" style API operation where clients are running in an infinite loop to send requests to a service in order to retrieve results as they are available.
  5. Return to step 2.
Continuation tokens

The paginated trait indicates that an operation utilizes cursor-based pagination. When a paginated operation truncates its output, it MUST return a continuation token in the operation output that can be used to get the next page of results. This token can then be provided along with the original input to request additional results from the operation.

  1. Continuation tokens SHOULD be opaque.

    Plain text continuation tokens inappropriately expose implementation details to the client, resulting in consumers building systems that manually construct continuation tokens. Making backwards compatible changes to a plain text continuation token format is extremely hard to manage.

  2. Continuation tokens SHOULD be versioned.

    The parameters and context needed to paginate an API call can evolve over time. To future-proof these APIs, services SHOULD include some kind of version identifier in their continuation tokens. Once the version identifier of a token is recognized, a service will then know the appropriate operation for decoding and returning the next response for a paginated request.

  3. Continuation tokens SHOULD expire after a period of time.

    Continuation tokens SHOULD expire after a short period of time (e.g., 24 hours is a reasonable default for many services). This allows services to quickly phase out deprecated continuation token formats, and helps to set the expectation that continuation tokens are ephemeral and MUST NOT be used after extended periods of time. Services MUST reject a request with a client error when a client uses an expired continuation token.

  4. Continuation tokens MUST be bound to a fixed set of filtering parameters.

    Services MUST reject a request that changes filtering input parameters while paging through responses. Services MUST require clients to send the same filtering request parameters used in the initial pagination request to all subsequent pagination requests.

    Filtering parameters are defined as parameters that remove certain elements from appearing in the result set of a paginated API call. Filtering parameters do not influence the presentation of results (e.g., the designated pageSize input parameter partitions a result set into smaller subsets but does not change the sum of the parts). Services MUST allow clients to change presentation based parameters while paginating through a result set.

  5. Continuation tokens MUST NOT influence authorization.

    A service MUST NOT evaluate authorization differently depending on the presence, absence, or contents of a continuation token.

Resource traits

references trait


Defines the Resource shapes that are referenced by a string shape or a structure shape and the members of the structure that provide values for the identifiers of the resource.

References provide the ability for tooling to dereference a resource reference at runtime. For example, if a client receives a response from a service that contains references, the client could provide functionality to resolve references by name, allowing the end-user to invoke operations on a specific referenced resource.

Trait selector

:test(structure, string)

Any structure or string

Value type
list of Reference structures

The references trait is a list of Reference structures that contain the following members:

Property Type Description
service Shape ID The absolute shape ID of the service to which the resource is bound. As with the resource property, the provided shape ID is not required to be resolvable at build time.
resource Shape ID

Required. The absolute shape ID of the referenced resource.

The provided shape ID is not required to be part of the model; references may refer to resources in other models without directly depending on the external package in which the resource is defined. The reference will not be resolvable at build time but MAY be resolvable at runtime if the tool has loaded more than one model.

ids map<string, string>

Defines a mapping of each resource identifier name to a structure member name that provides its value. Each key in the map MUST refer to one of the identifier names in the identifiers property of the resource, and each value in the map MUST refer to a valid structure member name that targets a string shape.

  • This property MUST be omitted if the references trait is applied to a string shape.
  • This property MAY be omitted if the identifiers of the resource can be mapped implicitly.
rel string Defines the semantics of the relationship. The rel property SHOULD contain a link relation as defined in RFC 5988#section-4 (i.e., this value SHOULD contain either a standard link relation or URI).

References MAY NOT be resolvable at runtime in the following circumstances:

  1. The members that make up the ids are not present in a structure at runtime (e.g., a member is not marked as required trait)
  2. The targeted resource and/or service shape is not part of the model
  3. The reference is bound to a specific service that is unknown to the tool

The following example defines several references:

    {resource: Forecast},
    {resource: ShapeName},
    {resource: Meteorologist},
        ids: {bucket: "bucketName", object: "objectKey"},
structure ForecastInformation {
    someId: SomeShapeIdentifier,

    forecastId: ForecastId,

    meteorologistId: MeteorologistId,

    otherData: SomeOtherShape,

    bucketName: BucketName,

    objectKey: ObjectKey,
Implicit ids

The "ids" property of a reference MAY be omitted in any of the following conditions:

  1. The shape that the references trait is applied to is a string shape.
  2. The shape that the references trait is applied to is a structure shape and all of the identifier names of the resource have corresponding member names that target string shapes.

resourceIdentifier trait

Indicates that the targeted structure member provides an identifier for a resource.
Trait selector

:test(member:of(structure)[trait|required] > string)

Any required member of a structure that targets a string

Value type

The resourceIdentifier trait may only be used on members of structures that serve as input shapes for operations bound to resources. The string value provided must correspond to the name of an identifier for said resource. The trait is not required when the name of the input structure member is an exact match for the name of the resource identifier.

resource File {
    identifiers: {
        directory: "String",
        fileName: "String",
    read: GetFile,

operation GetFile {
    input: GetFileInput,
    output: GetFileOutput,
    errors: [NoSuchResource]

structure GetFileInput {
    directory: String,

    // resourceIdentifier is used because the input member name
    // does not match the resource identifier name
    name: String,

Protocol traits

Serialization and protocols traits define how data is transferred over the wire.

protocols trait

Defines the protocols supported by a service.
Trait selector
Value type
list of protocol structure

Smithy is protocol agnostic, which means it focuses on the interfaces and abstractions that are provided to end-users rather than how the data is sent over the wire. In Smithy, a protocol is a named set of rules that defines the syntax and semantics of how a client and server communicate. A protocol name defines both the application protocol of a service and the serialization formats used in messages. These serialization formats MAY be influenced by payload serialization traits like jsonName trait and xmlAttribute trait.

The protocols trait of a service defines a priority ordered list of protocols supported by the service and the authentication schemes that each protocol supports. A client MUST understand at least one of the protocols in order to successfully communicate with the service.

The value of the protocols trait is a list of protocol structures. Each protocol structure supports the following members:

Property Type Description
name string Required. The name of the protocol. The name MUST be unique across the entire list and MUST match the following regular expression: ^[a-z][a-z0-9\-.+]*$.
auth list<string> A priority ordered list of authentication schemes supported by this protocol. Each value MUST match the following regular expression: ^[a-z][a-z0-9\-.+]*$.
tags list<string> Attaches a list of tags that allow the protocol to be categorized and grouped.

The following example defines a service that supports both the "smithy.example" protocol and the "aws.mqtt" protocols. The "aws.mqtt" protocol is defined with an optional list of tags.

    {name: "smithy.example", auth: ["http-basic"]},
    {name: "aws.mqtt", auth: ["x.509"], tags: ["internal"]}])
service WeatherService {
    version: "2017-02-11",
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#WeatherService": {
            "type": "service",
            "version": "2017-02-11",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#protocols": [
                        "name": "smithy.example",
                        "auth": [
                        "name": "aws.mqtt",
                        "auth": [
                        "tags": [

An operation bound to a service is expected to support every listed auth scheme of every protocol unless the operation or the service is annotated with the auth trait.

Built-in auth schemes

Smithy defines the following built-in authentication schemes that can be used with the protocols trait.

Scheme Description
http-basic HTTP Basic Authentication as defined in RFC 2617.
http-digest HTTP Digest Authentication as defined in RFC 2617.
http-bearer HTTP Bearer Authentication as defined in RFC 6750.
http-x-api-key An HTTP-specific authentication scheme that sends an arbitrary API key in the "X-Api-Key" HTTP header.
none Indicates that the API can be called without authentication.

Custom authentication schemes MAY be referenced in Smithy models and SHOULD utilize some kind of prefix to prevent collisions with other custom schemes (for example, "aws.v4" is preferred over just "v4").

auth trait

Defines the priority ordered authentication schemes supported by a service or operation. When applied to a service, it defines the default authentication schemes of every operation in the service. When applied to an operation, it defines the list of all authentication schemes supported by the operation, overriding any auth trait specified on a service.
Trait selector

:test(service, operation)

Service or operation shapes

Value type
list<string> which represents a priority ordered list of values that reference authentication schemes defined on a service shape.

The auth trait is used to explicitly define which authentication schemes defined by the protocols trait of a service are supported by an operation.

Operations that are not annotated with the auth trait inherit the auth trait of the service they are bound to, and if the service is not annotated with the auth trait, then the operation is expected to support each of the authentication schemes defined by all of the protocols of the service. Each entry in the auth trait MUST map to a corresponding auth property in the protocols trait of a service with the exception of the "none" auth scheme which can be used without defining it in a protocol.

When connecting to a service using a specific protocol, only the intersection of the auth schemes listed in the selected protocol and the auth schemes defined in the resolved auth trait are eligible for the client to use.

The following example defines two operations:

  • OperationA defines an explicit list of the authentication schemes it supports using the auth trait.
  • OperationB does is not annotated with the auth trait, so the schemes supported by this operation inherit from the protocols trait defined on the service.
@protocols([{name: "smithy.example", auth: ["http-basic", "http-digest"]}])
// Every operation by default should support http-basic and http-digest.
@auth(["http-basic", "http-digest"])
service AuthenticatedService {
    version: "2017-02-11",
    operations: [OperationA, OperationB]

// This operation is configured to either be unauthenticated
// or to use http-basic. It is not expected to support http-digest.
@auth(["none", "http-basic"])
operation OperationA {}

// This operation defines no auth, so it is expected to support the auth
// defined on the service: http-basic and http-digest.
operation OperationB {}
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#AuthenticatedService": {
            "type": "service",
            "version": "2017-02-11",
            "operations": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#OperationA"
                    "target": "smithy.example#OperationB"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#protocols": [
                        "name": "smithy.example",
                        "auth": [
        "smithy.example#OperationA": {
            "type": "operation",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#auth": [
        "smithy.example#OperationB": {
            "type": "operation"

The following auth trait is invalid because it uses an auth trait scheme that is not supported by any of the protocols of the service:

@protocols([{name: "smithy.example", auth: ["http-basic"]}])
@auth(["http-digest"]) // <-- Invalid!
service InvalidExample {
    version: "2017-02-11"

The following example demonstrates how a service that supports multiple protocols can define different authentication schemes for each protocol.

    {name: "", auth: ["http-basic", "http-digest"]},
    {name: "example.baz", auth: ["x.509"]}])
@auth(["http-basic", "x.509"])
service AuthenticatedService {
    version: "2017-02-11",
    operations: [OperationA, OperationB]

@auth(["http-digest", "x.509"])
operation OperationA {}

operation OperationB {}
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#AuthenticatedService": {
            "type": "service",
            "version": "2017-02-11",
            "operations": [
                    "target": "smithy.example#OperationA"
                    "target": "smithy.example#OperationB"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#protocols": [
                        "name": "",
                        "auth": [
                        "name": "example.baz",
                        "auth": [
        "smithy.example#OperationA": {
            "type": "operation",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#auth": [
        "smithy.example#OperationB": {
            "type": "operation"

When connecting to the above service over the "" protocol:

  • OperationA supports the "http-digest" authentication scheme.
  • OperationB supports the "http-basic" and "http-digest" authentication schemes.

When connecting to the above service over the "example.baz" protocol, both OperationA and OperationB support only the x.509 authentication scheme.

jsonName trait

Allows a serialized object property name in a JSON document to differ from a structure member name used in the model.
Trait selector


Any structure member

Value type

Given the following structure definition,

structure MyStructure {
    foo: String,

    bar: String,
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#MyStructure": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#jsonName": "Foo"
                "bar": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"

and the following values provided for MyStructure,

"foo" = "abc"
"bar" = "def"

the JSON representation of the value would be serialized with the following document:

    "Foo": "abc",
    "bar": "def"

mediaType trait

Describes the contents of a blob or string shape using a media type as defined by RFC 6838 (e.g., "video/quicktime").
Trait selector

:test(blob, string)

Any blob or string

Value type

The mediaType can be used in tools for documentation, validation, automated conversion or encoding in code, automatically determining an appropriate Content-Type for an HTTP-based protocol, etc.

The following example defines a video/quicktime blob:

blob VideoData

timestampFormat trait

Defines a custom timestamp serialization format.
Trait selector

:test(timestamp, member > timestamp)

timestamp or member that targets a timestamp

Value type

The serialization format of a timestamp shape is normally dictated by the protocol of a service. In order to interoperate with other web services or frameworks, it is sometimes necessary to use a specific serialization format that differs from the protocol.

Smithy defines the following built-in timestamp formats:

Format Description
date-time Date time as defined by the date-time production in RFC3339 section 5.6 with no UTC offset (for example, 1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z).
http-date An HTTP date as defined by the IMF-fixdate production in RFC 7231#section- (for example, Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:30:38 GMT).
epoch-seconds Also known as Unix time, the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, with decimal precision (for example, 1515531081.1234).


This trait SHOULD NOT be used unless the intended serialization format of a timestmap differs from the default protocol format. Using this trait too liberally can cause other tooling to improperly interpret the timestamp.

See Timestamp serialization format for information on how to determine the serialization format of a timestamp.

Documentation traits

documentation trait

Adds documentation to a shape or member using the CommonMark format.
Trait selector
Value type
@documentation("This *is* documentation about the shape.")
string MyString
Effective documentation

The effective documentation trait of a shape is resolved using the following process:

  1. Use the documentation trait of the shape, if present.
  2. If the shape is a member, then use the documentation trait of the shape targeted by the member, if present.

For example, given the following model,

structure Foo {
    @documentation("Member documentation")
    baz: Baz,

    bar: Baz,

    qux: String,

@documentation("Shape documentation")
string Baz
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#Foo": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "baz": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#Baz",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#documentation": "Member documentation"
                "bar": {
                    "target": "smithy.example#Baz"
                "qux": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String"
        "smithy.example#Baz": {
            "type": "string",
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#documentation": "Shape documentation"

the effective documentation of Foo$baz resolves to "Member documentation", Foo$bar resolves to "Shape documentation", Foo$qux is not documented, Baz resolves to "Shape documentation", and Foo is not documented.

examples trait

Provides example inputs and outputs for operations.
Trait selector
Value type
list of example structures
Example structure

Each example trait value is a structure with the following members:

Property Type Description
title string Required. A short title that defines the example.
documentation string A longer description of the example in the CommonMark format.
input document Provides example input parameters for the operation. Each key is the name of a top-level input structure member, and each value is the value of the member.
output document Provides example output parameters for the operation. Each key is the name of a top-level output structure member, and each value is the value of the member.

The values provided for the input and output members MUST be compatible with the shapes and constraints of the corresponding structure. These values use the same semantics and format as custom trait values.

operation MyOperation {
    input: MyOperationInput,
    output: MyOperationOutput

apply MyOperation @examples([
        title: "Invoke MyOperation",
        input: {
            tags: ["foo", "baz", "bar"],
        output: {
            status: "PENDING",
        title: "Another example for MyOperation",
        input: {
            foo: "baz",
        output: {
            status: "PENDING",

externalDocumentation trait

Provides a link to external documentation for a shape.
Trait selector
Value type
string containing a valid URL.
service MyService {
    version: "2006-03-01",

sensitive trait

Indicates that the data stored in the shape or member is sensitive and MUST be handled with care.
Trait selector

:not(:test(service, operation, resource))

Any shape that is not a service, operation, or resource.

Value type
Annotation trait

Sensitive data MUST NOT be exposed in things like exception messages or log output. Application of this trait SHOULD NOT affect wire logging (i.e., logging of all data transmitted to and from servers or clients).

string MyString

since trait

Defines the version or date in which a shape or member was added to the model.
Trait selector
Value type
string representing the date it was added.

tags trait

Tags a shape with arbitrary tag names that can be used to filter and group shapes in the model.
Trait selector
Value type

Tools can use these tags to filter shapes that should not be visible for a particular consumer of a model. The string values that can be provided to the tags trait are arbitrary and up to the model author.

@tags(["experimental", "public"])
string SomeStructure {}

title trait

Defines a proper name for a service or resource shape. This title can be used in automatically generated documentation and other contexts to provide a user friendly name for services and resources.
Trait selector

:test(service, resource)

Any service or resource

Value type
namespace acme.example

@title("ACME Simple Image Service")
service MySimpleImageService {
    version: "2006-03-01",

Endpoint Traits

Smithy provides various endpoint binding traits that can be used to configure request endpoints.

endpoint trait

Configures a custom operation endpoint.
Trait selector
Value type

The endpoint trait is a structure that contains the following members:

Property Type Description
hostPrefix string Required The hostPrefix property defines a template that expands to a valid host as defined in RFC 3986#section-3.2.2. hostPrefix MAY contain label placeholders that reference top-level input members of the operation marked with the hostLabel trait. The hostPrefix MUST NOT contain a scheme, userinfo, or port.

The following example defines an operation that uses a custom endpoint:

namespace smithy.example

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput,
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetStatus": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#endpoint": {
                    "hostPrefix": "{foo}.data."
        "smithy.example#GetStatusInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true,
                        "smithy.api#hostLabel": true

hostPrefix patterns MAY contain label placeholders. Labels consist of label name characters surrounded by open and closed braces (for example, "{label_name}" is a label and label_name is the label name). Every label MUST correspond to a top-level operation input member, the input member MUST be marked as required, the input member MUST have the hostLabel trait, and the input member MUST reference a string.

Given the following operation,

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput,
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetStatus": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#endpoint": {
                    "hostPrefix": "{foo}.data."
        "smithy.example#GetStatusInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true,
                        "smithy.api#hostLabel": true

and the following value provided for GetStatusInput,

"foo" = "abc"

the expanded hostPrefix evaluates to

Any number of labels can be included within a pattern, provided that they are not immediately adjacent and do not have identical label names.

Given the following operation,

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}-{bar}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput,
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String

    bar: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetStatus": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#endpoint": {
                    "hostPrefix": "{foo}-{bar}.data."
        "smithy.example#GetStatusInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true,
                        "smithy.api#hostLabel": true
                "bar": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true,
                        "smithy.api#hostLabel": true

and the following values provided for GetStatusInput,

"foo" = "abc"
"bar" = "def"

the expanded hostPrefix evaluates to

Labels MUST NOT be adjacent in a hostPrefix. The following operation is invalid because the {foo} and {bar} labels are adjacent:

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}{bar}.data.")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput,
    output: GetStatusOutput
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetStatus": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#endpoint": {
                    "hostPrefix": "{foo}{bar}.data."
Client Behavior

If an API operation is decorated with an endpoint trait, a client MUST expand the hostPrefix template and prepend the expanded value to the client's endpoint host prior to its use. Clients MUST fail when expanding a hostPrefix template if the value of any labeled member is empty or null.

After the hostPrefix template is expanded, a client MUST prepend the expanded value to the client's derived endpoint host. The client MUST NOT add any additional characters between the hostPrefix and client derived endpoint host. The resolved host value MUST result in a valid RFC 3986 Host.

Clients SHOULD provide a way for users to disable the hostPrefix injection behavior. If a user sets this flag, the client MUST NOT perform any hostPrefix expansion and MUST NOT prepend the prefix to the client derived host. The client MUST serialize members to any modeled target location regardless of this flag.

The hostLabel trait MUST NOT affect the protocol-specific serialization logic of a member.

Given the following operation,

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data.")
@http(method: "GET", uri: "/status")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput,
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetStatus": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#endpoint": {
                    "hostPrefix": "{foo}.data."
                "smithy.api#http": {
                    "method": "GET",
                    "uri": "/status"
        "smithy.example#GetStatusInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true,
                        "smithy.api#hostLabel": true,
                        "smithy.api#httpHeader": "X-Foo"

and the following value provided for GetStatusInput,

"foo" = "abc"

the expanded hostPrefix evaluates to AND the X-Foo HTTP header will contain the value abc.

hostLabel trait

Binds a top-level operation input structure member to a label in the hostPrefix of an endpoint trait.
Trait selector

:test(member:of(structure)[trait|required] > string)

Any required member of a structure that targets a string

Value type
Annotation trait

Operations marked with the endpoint trait MAY contain labels in the hostPrefix property. These labels reference top-level operation input structure members that MUST be annotated with the hostLabel trait. Any hostLabel trait applied to a member that is not a top-level input member to an operation marked with the endpoint trait will be ignored.

namespace smithy.example

@endpoint(hostPrefix: "{foo}.data")
operation GetStatus {
    input: GetStatusInput,
    output: GetStatusOutput

structure GetStatusInput {
    foo: String
    "smithy": "0.5.0",
    "shapes": {
        "smithy.example#GetStatus": {
            "type": "operation",
            "input": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusInput"
            "output": {
                "target": "smithy.example#GetStatusOutput"
            "traits": {
                "smithy.api#readonly": true,
                "smithy.api#endpoint": {
                    "hostPrefix": "{foo}.data."
        "smithy.example#GetStatusInput": {
            "type": "structure",
            "members": {
                "foo": {
                    "target": "smithy.api#String",
                    "traits": {
                        "smithy.api#required": true,
                        "smithy.api#hostLabel": true

Merging models

Smithy models MAY be divided into multiple files so that they are easier to maintain and evolve. Smithy tools MUST take the following steps to merge two models together to form a composite model:

  1. Assert that both models use a version that is compatible with the tool versions specified.
  2. If both models define the same namespace, merge the namespaces.
  3. Merge the metadata properties of both models using the metadata merge rules.

Merging metadata

Top-level metadata key-value pairs are merged using the following logic:

  1. If a metadata key is only present in one model, then the entry is valid and added to the merged model.
  2. If both models contain the same key and both values are arrays, then the entry is valid; the values of both arrays are concatenated into a single array and added to the merged model.
  3. If both models contain the same key and both values are exactly equal, then the conflict is ignored and the value is added to the merged model.
  4. If both models contain the same key and the values do not both map to arrays, then the key is invalid and there is a metadata conflict error.

Given the following two Smithy models:

metadata "foo" = ["baz", "bar"]
metadata "qux" = "test"
metadata "validConflict" = "hi!"
metadata "foo" = ["lorem", "ipsum"]
metadata "lorem" = "ipsum"
metadata "validConflict" = "hi!"

Merging model-a.smithy and model-b.smithy produces the following model:

metadata "foo" = ["baz", "bar", "lorem", "ipsum"]
metadata "qux" = "test"
metadata "lorem" = "ipsum"
metadata "validConflict" = "hi!"
Smithy Language Specification →