AbbreviationNameValidator |
Emits a validation event if shapes or member names do not use strict
camelCasing (e.g., XmlRequest is preferred over XMLRequest).
AbbreviationNameValidator.Config |
AbbreviationName configuration settings.
AbbreviationNameValidator.Provider |
CamelCaseValidator |
Emits a validation event if shapes at a specific location do not match the
desired camel casing format.
CamelCaseValidator.Config |
CamelCase configuration settings.
CamelCaseValidator.Provider |
InputOutputStructureReuseValidator |
Checks if a structure is used as both input and output and if the same
input or output structures are used across multiple operations.
InputOutputStructureReuseValidator.Provider |
MissingPaginatedTraitValidator |
Checks if an operation should be paginated but is not.
MissingPaginatedTraitValidator.Config |
MissingPaginatedTraitValidator.Provider |
ReservedWordsValidator |
Emits validation events for a configuration of reserved words.
ReservedWordsValidator.Config |
ReservedWords validator configuration.
ReservedWordsValidator.Provider |
ReservedWordsValidator.ReservedWords |
A single reserved words configuration.
ShouldHaveUsedTimestampValidator |
Validates that shapes that have names that appear to be time values are
actually modeled with a timestamp shape.
ShouldHaveUsedTimestampValidator.Config |
ShouldHaveUsedTimestampValidator.Provider |
StandardOperationVerbValidator |
Validates that operation shape names start with standard verbs.
StandardOperationVerbValidator.Config |
StandardOperationVerb configuration settings.
StandardOperationVerbValidator.Provider |
StutteredShapeNameValidator |
Validates that structure members and union member names do not
stutter their shape name as prefixes of their member or tag names.
StutteredShapeNameValidator.Provider |