Apply |
Recursively applies transforms of other projections.
Apply.Config |
apply configuration.
ConfigurableProjectionTransformer<T> |
An abstract class used to more easily implement a Smithy build projection
transformer that expects configuration input in a specific type, T .
ExcludeMetadata |
excludeMetadata removes metadata entries when a metadata key
matches keys .
ExcludeMetadata.Config |
excludeMetadata configuration settings.
ExcludeShapesByTag |
excludeShapesByTag removes shapes if they are tagged with one or more
of the given arguments.
ExcludeShapesByTag.Config |
excludeShapesByTag configuration.
ExcludeShapesByTrait |
Removes shapes from the model if they are marked with a specific trait.
ExcludeShapesByTrait.Config |
ExcludeTags |
excludeTags removes tags from shapes and trait definitions
that match any of the provided tags .
ExcludeTags.Config |
excludeTags configuration.
ExcludeTraits |
excludeTraits removes trait definitions and traits from
shapes when a trait name matches any of the values given in
traits .
ExcludeTraits.Config |
excludeTraits configuration settings.
ExcludeTraitsByTag |
excludeTraitsByTag removes traits and trait definitions
from a model if the trait definition contains any of the provided
tags .
ExcludeTraitsByTag.Config |
excludeTraitsByTag configuration settings.
FlattenNamespaces |
flattenNamespaces updates a model by flattening the namespaces of
shapes connected to a service into a single, target namespace.
FlattenNamespaces.Config |
flattenNamespaces configuration settings.
IncludeMetadata |
includeMetadata keeps only metadata keys specifically
defined in the provided keys setting.
IncludeMetadata.Config |
includeMetadata configuration settings.
IncludeNamespaces |
includeNamespaces filters out shapes and trait definitions
that are not part of one of the given namespaces .
IncludeNamespaces.Config |
includeNamespaces configuration.
IncludeServices |
includeServices filters out service shapes that are not
included in the list of shape IDs contained in the
services property.
IncludeServices.Config |
includeServices configuration.
IncludeShapesByTag |
includeShapesByTag removes shapes and trait definitions
that are not tagged with at least one of the tags provided
in the tags argument.
IncludeShapesByTag.Config |
includeShapesByTag configuration.
IncludeTags |
includeTags removes tags from shapes and trait
definitions that are not in the set of tags defined in
the tags property.
IncludeTags.Config |
includeTags configuration.
IncludeTraits |
includeTraits removes trait definitions when a trait name
does not match one of the provided traits shape IDs.
IncludeTraits.Config |
includeTraits configuration settings.
IncludeTraitsByTag |
includeTraitsByTag removes trait definitions from a model if
the definition does not contain at least one of the provided tags .
IncludeTraitsByTag.Config |
includeTraitsByTag configuration settings.
RemoveTraitDefinitions |
removeTraitShapes removes all trait definitions from a model,
but leaves if the trait definition contains any of the provided
tags .
RemoveTraitDefinitions.Config |
removeTraitShapes configuration settings.
RemoveUnusedShapes |
removeUnusedShapes removes shapes from the model that are not
connected to any service shape.
RemoveUnusedShapes.Config |
removeUnusedShapes configuration settings.
RenameShapes |
renameShapes updates a model by renaming shapes.
RenameShapes.Config |
renameShapes configuration settings.