Interface DocIntegration

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BuiltinsIntegration, SphinxIntegration

public interface DocIntegration extends SmithyIntegration<DocSettings,DocWriter,DocGenerationContext>
Allows integrating additional functionality into the documentation generator.

DocIntegrations are loaded as a Java SPI. To make your integration discoverable, add a file to META-INF/services named where each line is the fully-qualified class name of your integrations. Several tools, such as AutoService, can do this for you.

  • Method Details

    • docFormats

      default List<DocFormat> docFormats(DocSettings settings)
      Adds DocFormats to the list of supported formats.

      When resolving the format implementation, the first format found with a matching name will be used. Use SmithyIntegration.priority() to adjust which integration is seen first.

      settings - The documentation generation settings.
      A list of formats to add.