Interface DiffEvaluator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDiffEvaluator, AddedEntityBinding, AddedMetadata, AddedOperationError, AddedRequiredMember, AddedServiceError, AddedShape, AddedTraitDefinition, ChangedDefault, ChangedEnumTrait, ChangedLengthTrait, ChangedMemberOrder, ChangedMemberTarget, ChangedMetadata, ChangedNullability, ChangedOperationInput, ChangedOperationOutput, ChangedRangeTrait, ChangedResourceIdentifiers, ChangedShapeType, EndpointSigV4Migration, ModifiedTrait, RemovedAuthenticationScheme, RemovedEntityBinding, RemovedMetadata, RemovedOperationError, RemovedServiceError, RemovedShape, RemovedTraitDefinition, ServiceRename, SigV4Migration, TraitBreakingChange
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface DiffEvaluator
Interface used to evaluate two models and their normalized differences and return ValidationEvents that are relative to the new model.

For example, a ValidationEvent is emitted when an operation is removed from a service or resource.

Implementations of this interface are found using Java SPI and automatically applied to the detected differences when creating a ModelDiff.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    evaluate(Differences differences)
    Returns validation events given two models and the detected differences between them.
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      List<ValidationEvent> evaluate(Differences differences)
      Returns validation events given two models and the detected differences between them.
      differences - Detected differences.
      Returns validation events that are relative to the new model.