Class ShouldHaveUsedTimestampValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ShouldHaveUsedTimestampValidator
    extends AbstractValidator

    Validates that shapes that have names that appear to be time values are actually modeled with a timestamp shape.

    This validator will check the name of string, integer, float, and long shapes to see if they should have been TimestampShape. It also scans structure members and union members. It uses the member name and ensures the member targets a timestamp shape.

    When considering if a name indicates a possible timestamp, the name must have one of the following qualities:

    • Contains the string "timestamp"
    • Begins or Ends with the word "time"
    • Begins or Ends with the word "date"
    • Ends with the word "at"
    • Ends with the word "on"

    When checking for one of the above words, the first character may be upper or lower-cased. Words a separated by underscores or a pair of lower-then-upper-cased characters, i.e. wordWord.

    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public java.util.List<ValidationEvent> validate​(Model model)
        Description copied from interface: Validator
        Validates a model and returns a list of validation events.
        model - Model to validate.
        List of validation events.