Class CheckForPrefixHeaders

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CheckForPrefixHeaders
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements OpenApiMapper
    Checks for prefix headers in the input or output of an operation, and handles the settings for throwing an exception or warning if they're found.

    Custom values for this setting need to be handled in a OpenApiProtocol.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckForPrefixHeaders

        public CheckForPrefixHeaders()
    • Method Detail

      • getOrder

        public byte getOrder()
        Description copied from interface: OpenApiMapper
        Gets the sort order of the plugin from -128 to 127.

        Plugins are applied according to this sort order. Lower values are executed before higher values (for example, -128 comes before 0, comes before 127). Plugins default to 0, which is the middle point between the minimum and maximum order values.

        Specified by:
        getOrder in interface OpenApiMapper
        Returns the sort order, defaulting to 0.
      • before

        public void before​(Context<? extends Trait> context,
                           OpenApi.Builder builder)
        Description copied from interface: OpenApiMapper
        Updates an OpenApi.Builder before converting the model.
        Specified by:
        before in interface OpenApiMapper
        context - Conversion context.
        builder - OpenAPI builder to modify.