Class HttpBindingTraitIgnoredValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HttpBindingTraitIgnoredValidator
    extends AbstractValidator
    Emits warnings when a structure member has an HTTP binding trait that will be ignored in some contexts to which it is bound.
    • When httpLabel, httpQueryParams, or httpQuery is applied to a member of a shape that * is not used as operation inputs.
    • When httpResponseCode is applied to a member of a shape that is not used as an * operation output.
    • When any other HTTP member binding trait is applied to a member of a shape that is * not used as a top-level operation input, output, or error.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpBindingTraitIgnoredValidator

        public HttpBindingTraitIgnoredValidator()
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public java.util.List<ValidationEvent> validate​(Model model)
        Description copied from interface: Validator
        Validates a model and returns a list of validation events.
        model - Model to validate.
        List of validation events.