Class NodeValidatorPlugin.Context

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static final class NodeValidatorPlugin.Context
    extends java.lang.Object
    Validation context to pass to each NodeValidatorPlugin.
    • Method Detail

      • model

        public Model model()
        Get the model being evaluated.
        Returns the model.
      • select

        public java.util.Set<Shape> select​(Selector selector)
        Select and memoize shapes from the model using a Selector.

        The cache used by this method is not thread-safe, though that's fine because NodeValidatorPlugins using the same Context all run within the same thread.

        selector - Selector to evaluate.
        Returns the matching shapes.
      • setReferringMember

        public void setReferringMember​(MemberShape referringMember)
      • getReferringMember

        public java.util.Optional<MemberShape> getReferringMember()