Interface JsonSchemaMapper

    • Method Detail

      • getOrder

        default byte getOrder()
        Gets the sort order of the plugin from -128 to 127.

        Plugins are applied according to this sort order. Lower values are executed before higher values (for example, -128 comes before 0, comes before 127). Plugins default to 0, which is the middle point between the minimum and maximum order values.

        Returns the sort order, defaulting to 0.
      • updateSchema

        default Schema.Builder updateSchema​(Shape shape,
                                            Schema.Builder schemaBuilder,
                                            JsonSchemaConfig config)
        Updates a schema builder, and is not recommended. Use updateSchema(JsonSchemaMapperContext, Schema.Builder) instead. If not implemented, this method will default to a no-op. This method is not deprecated for backwards-compatibility.
        shape - Shape used for the conversion.
        schemaBuilder - Schema builder to update.
        config - JSON Schema config.
        Returns an updated schema builder.