Class FileCacheResolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class FileCacheResolver
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DependencyResolver
    A resolver that loads and caches resolved artifacts to a JSON file if the cache is fresh and resolved artifacts haven't been updated after a given reference point in time.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileCacheResolver

        public FileCacheResolver​( location,
                                 long referenceTimeInMillis,
                                 DependencyResolver delegate)
        location - The location to the cache.
        referenceTimeInMillis - Invalidate cache items if this time is newer than the cache item time.
        delegate - Resolver to delegate to when dependencies aren't cached.
    • Method Detail

      • addDependency

        public void addDependency​(java.lang.String coordinates)
        Description copied from interface: DependencyResolver
        Add a dependency.

        Coordinates must be given a group ID, artifact ID, and version in the form of "groupId:artifactId:version". Coordinates support Maven dependency ranges. Coordinates do not support LATEST, SNAPSHOT, latest-release, latest.*, or Gradle style "+" syntax.

        Specified by:
        addDependency in interface DependencyResolver
        coordinates - Dependency coordinates to add.
      • resolve

        public java.util.List<ResolvedArtifact> resolve()
        Description copied from interface: DependencyResolver
        Resolves artifacts for the configured dependencies.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface DependencyResolver
        Returns the resolved artifacts, including file on disk and coordinates.