Class SigV4Migration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SigV4Migration
    extends AbstractDiffEvaluator
    Emit diff validation for SigV4 migration in the @auth trait. Specifically, SigV4 (aws.auth#sigv4) to SigV4A (aws.auth#sigv4a) due to a subset of credentials usable with SigV4 that are not usable with SigV4A.
    See Also:
    AWS Authentication Traits
    • Constructor Detail

      • SigV4Migration

        public SigV4Migration()
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public java.util.List<ValidationEvent> evaluate​(Differences differences)
        Description copied from interface: DiffEvaluator
        Returns validation events given two models and the detected differences between them.
        differences - Detected differences.
        Returns validation events that are relative to the new model.