Class HttpRequestTestsTrait

    • Field Detail

      • ID

        public static final ShapeId ID
    • Method Detail

      • getTestCasesFor

        public java.util.List<HttpRequestTestCase> getTestCasesFor​(AppliesTo appliesTo)
        Gets all test cases that apply to a client or server.

        Test cases that define an appliesTo member are tests that should only be implemented by clients or servers. Is is assumed that test cases that do not define an appliesTo member are implemented by both client and server implementations.

        appliesTo - The type of test case to retrieve.
        Returns the matching test cases.
      • createNode

        protected Node createNode()
        Description copied from class: AbstractTrait
        The result of toNode is used for hashCodes and equality. Subclasses must implement createNode to turn the trait into a Node. This is then cached for subsequent retrievals.
        Specified by:
        createNode in class AbstractTrait
        Returns the trait as a node.