Class SpecificationExtensionsMapper

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpecificationExtensionsMapper

        public SpecificationExtensionsMapper()
    • Method Detail

      • after

        public OpenApi after​(Context<? extends Trait> context,
                             OpenApi openapi)
        Attach Specification Extensions to Service.
        Specified by:
        after in interface OpenApiMapper
        context - Conversion context.
        openapi - OpenAPI object to modify.
        Returns the updated OpenApi object.
      • updateOperation

        public OperationObject updateOperation​(Context<? extends Trait> context,
                                               OperationShape shape,
                                               OperationObject operation,
                                               java.lang.String httpMethodName,
                                               java.lang.String path)
        Attach Specification Extensions to Operation.
        Specified by:
        updateOperation in interface OpenApiMapper
        context - Conversion context.
        shape - Operation being converted.
        operation - OperationObject being built.
        httpMethodName - The HTTP method of the operation.
        path - The HTTP URI of the operation.
        Returns the updated operation object.